
How Much Do You Know About Osteoporosis?

I was surprised by how much I actually didn’t know. Sure, we know we’re supposed to get adequate calcium intake (but how much?) and what about those other vitamins? Which ones are helpful in preventing Osteoporosis? What about risk factors?

Despite the fact that one in every three Canadian women will fall and break a bone because of osteoporosis, a new survey released by Osteoporosis Canada, in partnership with Shoppers Drug Mart, reveals startling gaps in Canadians knowledge and concern for this debilitating, and potentially deadly disease.

Surprisingly, only one per cent of Albertan respondents rated themselves as knowledgeable about osteoporosis, much lower than the national average of five per cent.

Additional stats and survey findings reveal:

· Only five per cent of respondents rated themselves as knowledgeable about osteoporosis

· Each year in Canada, broken bones caused by osteoporosis are more common than heart attack, stroke and breast cancer combined for women over the age of 50

· In Canada, among people over 50 years old, 80 per cent of broken bones are caused by osteoporosis, while 80 per cent of Canadians who break a bone are never assessed for possible underlying osteoporosis

· As of 2010, the overall yearly cost to the Canadian healthcare system for treating osteoporosis and the fractures it causes was over $2.3 billion

Broccoli casserole

“Many people think that osteoporosis is a natural part of aging, but this is not the case,” said Dr. Famida Jiwa, President and CEO of Osteoporosis Canada. “Every year, thousands of Canadian women break bones due to undiagnosed osteoporosis, despite the fact that the disease can be effectively managed, and in some cases prevented. We strongly encourage everyone over 30 to speak to a healthcare professional about osteoporosis and the steps that they can take to protect themselves.”

“It’s never too early to start thinking about bone health and there are easy steps that Canadians can take, at every age, to help prevent osteoporosis,” said Bhavika Prajapati, pharmacist and Associate-Owner, Shoppers Drug Mart. “Ensuring your diet is rich with calcium, supplementing with vitamin D and adding regular exercise to your daily or weekly routine will help build bone strength and can make a difference in prevention of osteoporosis and fractures.”


As part of this effort for better bone health, Osteoporosis Canada has joined forces with Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix, whose pharmacists have received specialized training in the prevention, management and treatment of osteoporosis. Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix pharmacists are equipped to provide education and advice to patients about osteoporosis management and reducing the risk. In addition, Osteoporosis Canada is lending its endorsement to Life Brand Vitamin D and Calcium products, to help in the prevention and management of Osteoporosis.

Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix is committed to Putting Women’s Health First, which is why Shoppers Drug Mart launched SHOPPERS LOVE.YOU. program in 2015. SHOPPERS LOVE.YOU. is a program that helps women stay focused on making their own health a priority.

“Shoppers Drug Mart is thrilled to be working with Osteoporosis Canada, helping to further educate Canadian women about osteoporosis,’’ said Prajapati. ‘‘Pharmacists’ expanded scope of practice offers further convenience to our customers and patients and, in this instance, knowledgeable information, to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis in Canadians.”


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  • I guess I don’t do enough for taking care of this. I will go see my pharmacist at our Shopper’s. Thanks for the info.

  • I know about osteoporosis because when I was 18 a diving accident left me a quadriplegic. After a problem occurred which had me producing to much calcium, so I was told to stay away for dairy etc. They didn’t realize it was temporary and years later I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. So now I take supplements and I try to get as much calcium as I can which has brought the severity down. Thanks for bringing it up because women need to know the facts.

    • Oh my goodness Debbie that’s got to be frustrating – staying away from dairy as advised and then finding out it had further implications! I’m glad getting more calcium now is helping the severity. Thank you for sharing!

  • My aunt has had Osteoporosis for years. She was just diagnosed with bone cancer that the doctor and herself had both been thinking the issues she had were signs of the osteoporosis and were not investigating further. 🙁

  • My grandmother had mild osteoporosis. I drink a lot of milk but should check to see what more I can do for my body and health. It’s good that shoppers is helping people learn more! 🙂

  • I work in hospital with fractures, so I completely believe these stats and KNOW how badly broken bones from osteoporosis are. Prevention is the best medicine, indeed