
8 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Years Resolutions

Sears Happy Renew Year

We’re only in the second month of 2016 and already, the mention of New Years Resolutions (it deserves capitals) can be met with disgust or a pout. Yes, I’ve been there, where your earnest plan for something fabulous in the new year falls to the wayside before the first month is over. For some of us, though, asking about their New Years Resolutions in February is met with a report on what’s working, what’s not, and their excitement for what’s to come.

Who are these people and how can we be one of them?

The truth is, those who make and keep their New Years Resolutions are no different than you or me, their approach is what makes the difference between success and failure.

A new survey* released by Fusion Retail Analytics in partnership with Sears Canada, found that 64 per cent of Canadian women unfortunately say they have to give up their resolutions within the first three months of the year, mainly due to their hectic schedules. #HappyRenewYear is one part of Sears Canada’s commitment to helping Canadian women stay on track and renew themselves, all year-long.

Sears Happy Renew Year Infographic

“Sears understands that it’s getting more and more difficult for women to manage a healthy work-life balance, what with driving kids to soccer and dance practice, taking care of the house and date night, all while managing a career,” says Gail Galea, Senior Vice-President, Home & Hardlines, Sears Canada Inc. “It’s often ‘me time’ that suffers, and in recognizing this trend, we decided to offer our customers what they need to easily integrate health and wellness into their lives year-round.”

I can certainly relate to that. Work/life balance can be even more difficult when you work from home. It’s hard to ‘shut off’ and end work for the day when it’s constantly in front of you (or in your hand, with emails coming well through dinner hour). So, I’ve had to make a conscious effort (a resolution) to shut down my laptop at a specific time each day to give myself more time for me.

The health and wellness experts at Sears Canada offer these handy hints and tips designed to help women stay motivated through those tricky first three months of goal setting:

1. Ditch the snooze button. Wake up 30 minutes early for a quick workout and healthy breakfast at home before starting your work day. This will help you feel accomplished, energized and excited all before 7am! Tip: Walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day, burns an extra 1,000 to 1,500 calories a week!

2. Make staying on track with your goals easy! Celebrate mini- milestones and achievements with a fun, well-deserved treat. Why not reward yourself with fresh, new workout wear like Sears PURE NRG ATHLETICS ®/MD Athletic Capri or Performance Tank ($19.97).

3. Get moving! Every day activities can be an easy exercise opportunity. Use the commercial breaks in your favourite TV show, or downtime when picking up your kids at hockey, to do some easy workouts on the go, such as leg lifts, bicep curls or marching on the spot. Why not grab a set of Hers Kettle Bell weights ($99.99) to intensify the exercise? This makes for a time-saving, efficient and effective workout!

4. Save time and money, get fit at home! More than 55 per cent of women surveyed prefer working out at home to spending an average $1,400 per year on a gym membership. At-home fitness equipment and accessories are easily found, purchased and delivered at Sears, often for less than the cost of an annual gym membership.

5. Get your “Om” on and make time to renew yourself with yoga! It not only benefits your physical health, it helps reset your mind, increase focus and creativity, and improves sleep. Do your downward dog at home on the GaiamTM Printed Premium Yoga Mat ($39.99).

6. Make meal planning and prep a part of your weekend To Do list to save time during the workweek! Set yourself up for success and make meal prep easy with the Magic Bullet Blender ($49.97) and the Breville® Juice FountainTM Duo ($319.99) from Sears Canada.

7. Get your friends and family on board! Living a healthier lifestyle is so much easier when you have your loved ones’ support. Why not make working out a group activity, or family routine? Cheer each other on and stage weekly check-ins using a BIOS Glass Electronic Scale ($44.99) to hold each other accountable.

8. Change up your workouts to keep things interesting. It’s easy to fall off the wagon when your exercises become boring and routine. Try something new that will target different muscle groups like Pilates in the comfort of your home with the STOTT PILATES SPXTM Reformer Package ($3,199.99) or channel your inner UFC® athlete with the UFC® Resistance Fitness Kit ($32.99).

Whatever your New Years Resolution, the only person you have to answer to is you. Celebrate the small victories and don’t be too hard on yourself when you miss the mark. And, something important to remember, your New Years Resolution can happen at any time. Maybe you needed a few months to really think about it, or maybe the original resolution didn’t work out. It would be a shame to wait until January 2017 to make a change. Good luck!


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  • I know keeping resolutions is hard but I try to reward myself and I try to make up a dinner calendar a week or 2 ahead of time

  • Some great tips. I never really made resolutions because I know I never will keep them just some small changes like drinking more water and eating less junk food. So far I am doing good with those.

  • My 2016 resolutions was to give back more,and its been going really well so far we are downsizing and donating to folks who need it and also donating to our local animal rescue group.

  • I find tracking my food has made a big difference in me sticking to my lose weight resolution. Usually I’ve fallen off the wagon by now, but I’m thinking of it as a lifestyle change, rather than a diet. And writing everything down makes me aware of what I’m putting in my mouth.

  • So far I am doing good for my resolutions, our family has cut out process food and only eating non process. Great tips, thanks for sharing!

  • Sticking to resolutions is so tough! I make sure I tell someone (or several someone’s) about my resolutions so that I have an accountability partner to check in with. I also make sure that at least some of my resolutions are super small and easily achievable to trick myself into thinking I’m making progress even though I’m just doing something I would normally do anyway. Ha! Something like…buy organic instead of regular bananas once a month. Then I can strut around feeling like a hot shot for accomplishing a resolution and don’t get burnt out trying to lose 30 pounds (totally unrealistic!). Either way…it’s mostly just fun to make a list of resolutions, whether they are accomplished or not. Ha.

  • My holiday stretch from the beginning of December to the middle of January with my family. I tried to cook, bake as much as I could for the family when visiting them. Now we are back on track.

  • I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions so that I am not disappointed if and when I fail to keep it/them up!

  • I am proud of myself 🙂 keeping my resolutions going. I figured if I could quit smoking cold turkey (quit 2 years ago) and give birth to two girls, I can do anything 🙂

  • Thank you for the great tips! I haven’t given up on my resolutions yet! I like to work out at home and am trying to be much more careful with what I eat, and trying to drink lots more water.

  • I haven’t been doing great with my resolution to drink more water and eat healthier, but i am still trying.

  • Number 4 I can relate to. I used to belong to a gym when I worked full time. Now since I’m home with my boys, I run. I find myself fitter than when I went to a gym…and running is free!

  • ditch the snooze button? I have 4 alarms with 4 snooze buttons :p I’m thinking of getting a FitBit which will help me track my progress 🙂

  • I’m doing ok on my resolutions since I decided to not make them completely unobtainable this year 🙂

  • I do not do new years resolution’s but strive to make changes all year long as best I can,a life work in progress full of obstacles like Easter . 2 chocolate bunnies were harmed

  • Consistency seems to be my enemy. I do great one week and not the next, I need to get tougher on myselfl