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Sears 2015 Christmas Wish Book

Sears-Christmas-Wishbook-Catalogue-October-2015-June-2016 There are some things that go so perfectly with the Christmas season that without them, it just doesn’t feel like the season has begun. Egg nog certainly tops my list, along with shortbread cookies and of course holiday music (it’s the season when I actually like Mariah Carey).

Sitting beside the tree with the Sears Christmas Wish Book open and a pen in my hand to circle my favorites is somewhat of a tradition that I’ve had since I was a little girl. Growing up as an ‘almost’ only child (my siblings are all over a decade older than me) meant that I had the Sears Wish Book to myself and could happily dog-ear, circle, and even cut out portions from the book all to my heart’s content. It also meant that I was a super-organized holiday planner from a very early age, perhaps that’s where it all began!

I’m happy that, in a world of online shopping and social media, Sears has continued to publish the annual Wish Book. Yes, they’ve also embraced online shopping (thank goodness) but during the busy holiday season, I sure enjoy settling in on my sofa beside the tree with the Wish Book in hand. These days, I’m more inclined to dog-ear the pages with gift ideas for the family, and now I’m the one discovering what my kids have circled for me to see! Oh how the tables have turned!

Sears Wish Book

So, what’s standing out in this years Sears Wish Book for me?


I definitely found some festive holiday sweaters for the family at Sears ($24.97 for this one!) It’s funny how these were the sweaters we made fun of but somehow, they’re the hottest holiday item in stores this year!

One Direction pillowFor my daughter – yes, this is the year of One Direction for her and this One Direction Accent Pillow is likely to be met with squeals and a hug (for the pillow, but hopefully me too!) It’s just $16.19 right now.

COD Strike Fighter Mega BloksTaking an entirely different uh, direction – I found this Call of Duty themed Mega Bloks set for my son and literally ordered it online before writing this post. I didn’t even realize Mega Bloks made Call of Duty sets, and this one is going to be a huge hit for my son this year (mom win!)

Barbie DreamhouseBack to the sweetness. I couldn’t resist checking out this Barbie Dreamhouse for my four year old (and eight year old). Reading the positive reviews on the site makes me feel more confident in the $229.99 price tag. I look at a Barbie Dreamhouse as a long-term toy (I know I played with mine for years!) so based on two girls sharing it and a couple years of play, I’m going to put this one on my list this year.

Darth Vader humidifier

And for my sweet, a gift that will entertain him while I still keep the family healthy this winter. Who wouldn’t want a Star Wars Darth Vader Humidifier? At $69.99 it’s the same price as a standard humidifier but much more cool. Or dark. Or whatever.

What about you? Do any of these gifts look perfect for someone on your list? Have you been flipping through the Sears Wish Book too? We have a giveaway just for you!



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  • I remember being so excited for the wish book every year and flipping through it and circling everything I wanted. My kids do the same too

  • I remember laying on the tv room floor with my brother and sister and we’d all be madly circling everything that we wanted from the Wish Book!

  • This book was the best book of the year every year as we were growing up. It just seemed like endless circling when we were kids. I know get my kids to do the same.

  • Every year I would give the Wish Book to my kids, individually, and they could circle what they would like for Christmas and write their name beside it. My daughter still does that, and she is in her late twenties. It is definitely a long-standing tradition, which we all love.

  • The Wish Book wasa huge event in our house when I was growing up. It was very different without the internet – we would spend hours looking at every detail of that book!

  • I used to spend hours poring over it and choosing one item per page from the toy section – not that I got them, but it was fun to look!

  • We were allowed to circle 10 thinks so we studied that book deeply. Most of the time we didn’t have the money I think it was more for ideas for my mom. But we loved looking at it every year, I always circled Barbie stuff

  • As a kid & as an adult always remember getting the Wish book in the mail & spending hours looking at it. Then ordering & picking it up at sears.

  • As a kid we would take the wishbook and tear out the pages of the things we wanted, I did the same with my kids

  • ohh,I remember as a kid,looking through the wish book every year picking out and circling everything I wanted. I would go over it and over it, My son also done the same thing when he was small!

  • It is a family tradition to go through the Sears Wishbook. We all have coloured sticker dots that we can put on items we would like.

  • Oh! Still now Can forget those day , while whole day passed around home with all of my cousin . Wish book was one of the most attractive to get in hand from elder’s .
    Now If gift my kids wish book with other toys .

  • When I was young my brother and myself would wait with great anticipation for the Sears Wish book to arrive. Each year we spent hours pouring over the book to see the latest toys that we could add to our wish list. I still love looking through it. so many great gift ideas in one book

  • My sisters and I would always play a game called “Mine” with the Sears Wish Book. On the count of 3, all of us would have to quickly choose a favourite item on the page. The thing is that you can’t choose the same thing as another person! It was a fun game for us.

  • My memories are not being able to wait till the Wish Book came in and then no one was to touch it, it was my toy bible, but then back in the day the Wish book was so much bigger and the toy section was the size of the whole book today, I can’t believe how much the toy section has downsized, but then with everything being electronic now too makes a big difference!!

  • I remembering getting it and my sister and I would mark all the stuff we wanted. We’d use different colored pens to mark what we each wanted.

  • I remember my late mother used to get these books and I really enjoyed flipping through them and still today and every year I flip through the catalog. I LOVE SEARS

  • My sister and I always looked through them and circled the things we wanted. My daughter looks through ours all year round now.

  • I remember the Sears Wishbook arriving each holiday season as I was growing up. I would enthusiastically shop through the pages making my Christmas wish list, circling the things I liked and making a dog-ear fold at those pages too. So fun!

  • I remember my sisters and I sitting there and circling things we wanted with our names beside them (note: we circled almost every toy. hahaha)

  • As long as I can remember, we always had this book in our house. I remember spending hours going through it and looking at each and every page.

  • I’m from a small town in Newfoundland and we had a very small mall. Most of our Christmas presents came from Sears. We would spend hours and hours looking at the wish book, circling the items we wanted the most.

  • I used to LOVE searching through the Wish Book to create my Christmas wish list! There were always so many wonderful things in there! I tried to order a WishBook last year, mainly for nostalgia, but it either never arrived or was snatched up by my upstairs neighbours! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  • I can remember as a kid pouring over the toys in the catalog when it arrived. It was so much fun to decide what I wanted

  • When I was young I loved cutting my wish list out of the Sears catalogue and pasting the items in a letter to Santa!

  • My girls used to fight over the book so I would go to Sears and pick up a second one. Every page in the toy section had a circle on it. Now my grandkids do the same thing.

  • We always get the kids to look through the the Christmas Wish Book and see what they would like. They would circle and write down what they want from it.

  • We could hardly wait for the Sears Wish Book each year , so we could circle items & dream about possibly receiving them for Christmas

  • I remember each Christmas time my parents would give my sister and I the wish book and we would write out lists of what we wanted from it

  • actually a very recent memory. I never received the Sears Wishbook before but just after moving into our recent home it was one of the first piece of mail that we received and I still have it. Loved the first page of it with the family wearing the Christmas sweaters. I texted hubby the pic and said that is what we are getting this year 🙂

  • I don’t remember it as a kid so much but I am enjoying watching my kids spin through it over and over and over! We still have the one from 3 years ago – it is mostly in shreds but they still love flipping through it.

  • I have always been mesmerized by the Wish Book, my brother and I would wait for each other to be done, so we could look at it. My kids also loved the Wishbook and still do.

  • I would be so excited when the wishbook arrived. I would check off the toys I loved and hoped to get for Christmas.

  • I used to go through the Sears Wish Book with my sister when we were kids and we’d circle what we wanted with different coloured pens.

  • I remember when I was a kid my friends and I would spend hours looking through the wish book! We would study each page, even the pages of jewelry, women’s clothes etc in addition to the kid’s toys etc, and we would each circle which 1 thing we would pick from the page if we were allowed to buy something from the entire book. It was super fun!

  • My memories of the Sears Wish Book include it arriving in the mail and being eager to open the plastic packaging. I remember circling and earmarking the pages year after year. It was our way of creating our Wish List. I continued to use the catalogue even as an adult.

  • I remember getting the Wish Book when I was a kid and spending hours making lists of what I wanted for Christmas and what I wanted to get others.

  • I definitely remember sitting for hours witht he wish book going through it page by page circling items I wanted as a child 🙂

  • We used to pour over the Wishbook for hours when we were kids. I was obsessed with getting a Barbie trunk when I was about 8. I think I wore down that page in the catalogue. I was a happy camper when it appeared under the tree that year.

  • When the Sears Wish book would come my mom would give my siblings and I all different coloured pens and we would gather around the table together and flip the the catalogue, marking things we wanted with our first initial in our special pen.

  • We loved the Sears catalog when we were young my sisters and we would cut out dolls and cloths for the it was so much fun…thanks for refreshing those memories

  • Now that I’m a grownup, I don’t circle everything I want in the Sears WishBook…I use post-it tabs to make the pages instead!

  • I remember my brother and I getting along (rare occurence), and looking through the Wish Book together (this was back in the 60’s). Oh, to dream about what we wanted!

  • My memories of the wish book is grabbing it first and oogling all the amazing toys and picking which ones I would put into a letter for Santa.

  • my husband and i discuss our childhood memories of scanning through the wishbook over and over with great fondness!! one of the most fun things as a kid

  • I remember looking through the wish book as a little girl and marking all the things that I wanted for my parents to pick from for Christmas.

  • I remember looking at all the pages of toys and folding the top half of the pages to mark after circling pretty much everything on all the pages lol

  • When my sister and I were little we used to spend all day looking at the Sears catalogue and highlighting the toys we wanted.

  • I always would take these catalogs and a sharpie and I would circle the things I loved as a hint to my parents of why to buy. I was a sneaky kid xD Also that Darth Vader Humidifier is AMAZING!

  • When I was a kid, I would go through that book page by page – not just the toy section – everything and dogear and underline everything I wanted!

  • I remember waiting to get the catalog it always came to our place around the end of August. No one was allowed to look or even touch the book until I got to see it lol.

  • I remember cutting out everything that I wanted and gluing them onto my long tractor-paper wish list. I would then leave the list on my dad’s chair or on my mom’s side of the bed….somewhere they would definitely see it, without thinking I was being too obvious, haha.

  • I remember seeing the big fat book arrive in the mail and my mom letting me circle what I wanted from the catalog for Christmas.

  • Yes, before the internet, the Wish Book was how we got to see all of the toys. I remember circling all of the things I wanted and my mom hitting up the Sears layaway counter in the months before Christmas.

  • I spent hours pouring over the toy section of the Sears Wishbook as a child. As a young parent I did the same thing, but I had fewer hours to do it and the wished-for toys were for my children, not for me.

  • As a kid that was the only fun mail that came to the home. I would stare it at it all the time and pick out things i like.

  • As a little girl, every year I used to cut up pictures of the toys Inwanted and glued them to my “wishlist” for Santa.

  • The Christmas Wish book was the one thing I looked forward to every August. I couldn’t wait to get the Wish book! I’d go through with a pen and circle the items I wanted.
    Now I have to get 2 every year, each kid needs their own to go through. ☺

  • I remember being so excited when mom picked up the sears wish book. Us kids would fight over it who would get to look at it first.We would circle what we wanted.

  • I still give my youngest the Wish book to circle his heart out! I did it with my sisters when the wishbook was much thicker back in the 80’s!

  • I used to look through the Sears Wish Book when at my Grandmothers. I never asked for anything but there was a green sleigh I really wanted. I guess my grandmother noticed and gave it to me for Christmas. It was the best gift I’ve ever received.

  • It used to be an exciting time when the wish book came in. Would flip though it and fold the pages of items we wanted. When it comes out this year, mom still tosses the book at us.

  • In the 80’s I remember gazing longingly at the pages of the Sears Wishbook, specifically the Barbie Dream House and all the awesome Cabbage Patch accessories for my dolls!

  • When I was 10 and the Wish Book was finished with, I would spend days cutting pictures out to make my paper household.

  • As a young child, when the wish book came in it was time to make our Christmas lists!! When I got older & delivered Sears books, I wasnt as big of a fan of them (because they were so heavy!!)

  • As children, my four sisters and I would have our wishbook and would circle what he wanted for Christmas. I know do this with my children. It’s a lot of fun.

  • When I was small I remember spending hours pouring over the Sears Wish Book with my two sisters circling the toys we liked to write our Christmas lists.

  • Oh my, such fond memories of the Christmas wish book. As soon as it arrived I would sit down and look through it, imagining the things I might be lucky enough to get for Christmas. I don’t remember circling things… I’m pretty sure I had to write a list out with the items and page numbers. LOL

  • I remember looking thru the wish book, and being allowed to fold over the corner of a page with anything that I’d like. There were many folded pages!!

  • We always went through the Wish Book with magic markers and folded over the relevant pages – often most pages in the toy section were folded.

  • The Wish Book in our house started to look pretty rough the week before Christmas…everyone had doggy-eared and circled what they wanted from Santa!

  • I remember my siblings and I each getting a different coloured marker to circle everything we wanted from the Wishbook.

  • I remember as a Kid when my mom had to pick up her order we had to give her our coats so she can hide everything she got for us.

  • My mom and gramma used to get my sister and I each a wish book so we wouldn’t fight, then we’d spend our time circling the stuff we wanted! My kids do the same thing now!

  • My grandma always had the Sears book the day it would come out. By the time Christmas came there was nothing left of it. 🙂

  • I remember when the Sears Wish book arrived my sisiters and I would pour over it and use it to carefully plan what we’d ask Santa for!

  • I’ve actually never had the Sears Wish Book and always just shopped at the store or online. But your memories sound very cozy and sweet and must bring back nostalgic memories.

  • Getting the Sears Christmas Wish Book was a very big deal when I was growing up. I remember my mom and I being excited to see it arrive. Still mom will say to me “Got you Sears Wish Book in yet?”…

  • When my daughters were young they would go through the wish book and circle everything they wanted in the book, then we would work on narrowing it down from every pages in the toy section to a couple items…they spent days examining every page in that wish book

  • I am older… before the onteernet we would look through and dog ear thus Wissh Book. I aam not sure Santa always heard us, but we sure wished alot!

  • Sears Wish book what a magical catalog for kids! Remembering like it was yesterday sitting with my siblings to see who would circle what first! Sometimes it got heated lol Mom usually had a spare for her put away. Still a tradition in my family with the kids at home and the grands. Its where we get our hints too . (from both the book and those circled wishes and well worn pages.

  • I remember getting the wishbook, it was a big deal. My brother and I would write the first letter of our name next to things we wanted, because I’m sure my mom was always going to think I wanted the hot wheels lol

  • We all took turns going through the wish book and making note of what we wanted. And I’d go through the furniture pages for my pretend house (the one I’d live in when I was older).

  • Every year 3 weeks before Christmas we would pick a gift from the catalogue and what wewould like for Christmas and write their name beside it.

  • as a kid in a small country town the whishbook and sears were the go too. we would get a pen and circle what we wanted santa to bring us

  • Even now I get out the post it note tabs to mark all the things I think are cool or I want or would be perfect for someone on my list!

  • My sisters and I would compile our list of gifts we wanted for Christmas from the Sears WishBook every single year! We would go through the catalogue carefully and thoroughly- for hours!

  • I remember me and my brother when we were kids, we would get so excited when the wish book came, we would lay on the floor and mark everything we wanted in the book

  • remember being so excited to get it and flipped through it for hours on end. Miss those days! and now my kids do it too

  • I absolutely adored the Wish Book – I have so many great childhood memories with it! All year I anticipated the day it came out. Flipped through and through, enough to wear out pages – circling goodies I wanted, picking out gifts for others (even though I wasn’t at the age I was buying gifts for people). I miss those days!! 🙂

  • I remember getting excited about this book and circling all the thigns I wanted in a big marker. I wanted to make sure my parents knew exactly what I wanted!

  • I remember cutting out pictures from the toy section to paste onto my Christmas list, I never did get a Ouiji Board!! haha

  • I remember being a little girl and it was like Christmas morning just looking through the sears catalog. I would fold every page that had something I loved on it or the things I wanted to get my family with my piggy bank haha 🙂

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