My Fabulous Life

Saying Goodbye to Summer Vacay, But Not to What I’ve Learned

Now that school has started it feels like we’re saying goodbye to summer even though the weather certainly being generous as summer officially comes to a close. This is the first year that I’ve really felt summer fly by – instead of counting down the days until the kids went back to school, I was surprised when I realized summer vacation was coming to a close. We’ve had such an amazing summer entertaining in our yard, and even through the BBQ and sangria fun, I’ve learned a few things.

Scotts #IGrewIt1) Patience

While the kids may be going a little nutty after the slurpee they probably shouldn’t have had, I’ve had to remember that summer vacation is only two months long. In that time, my four-year-old has learned to read a little bit and my seven-year-old has mastered some pretty fun jump rope rhymes. If it was like a movie, both would have happened overnight and not like it really did – with a bit of frustration (and one stomping session to her room) from my four-year-old and a scraped knee or two from the jump rope master. Growing takes time, but the beauty later is worth every bump along the way.

Did you catch my post earlier this summer on beginner planting tips? It helped me in ensuring this planter was full and lush all summer long (along with help from Scotts Miracle-Gro potting soil!)

backyard fun

2) Be Carefree

We had days where we stayed in our pajamas until well-past socially acceptable, and days where lunch was watermelon and ice cream. We went to visit relatives eight-hours away and had backyard barbecues where the whole neighbourhood heard the echo of laughing kids.

Our lawn was ridiculously full and thick all summer long, yes even the patches that our labradoodle had peed on (and got busted for!) We used Scotts EZ Seed in the patches that were dry/dead to help bring them back to their green, lush, fullness and it worked like a charm!


Scotts Miracle Gro #IGrewIt
Scotts Miracle Gro Shake and Feed every 4 months kept my planters looking bright and beautiful.

3) You Don’t Always Have to Fit In

Being the new kids on the block last summer meant we didn’t have the doorbell ring during dinner, or countless requests for sleepovers. This summer, we’ve had more play dates (sorry, ‘hanging out’ when you’re 11 is the appropriate term, I’ve been reminded) and more things to do. Summer camps meant a computer coding camp for my son and LEGO brick building for my daughters. While some may not consider that the norm, my kids flourish and grow in their unique abilities and I’m thankful for volunteers and organizations that make it happen.


4) Perspective

This summer has taught me to step back and look at what really matters. Over a year ago we lost my dad to cancer and I learned then how a life well lived is a life to celebrate. It’s easy to stress and worry about things you have no control over (even in the middle of July!) but it’s much better to shake it off and focus on what really matters. Going into fall I’m going to really remember to pull myself back and remember perspective, and not to sweat the small stuff. I’m also going to remember that in the middle of a January snowstorm – just think about the warmth inside and dream about my summer yard!

A good foundation is essential, in parenting and yes in gardening! Scotts Miracle-Gro Garden Soil helped us yield yummy peas, onions, peppers and tomatoes this summer in our raised gardens.


5) Change is Good

My seven-year-old brought home a sunflower seed in a cup from school at the end of May. Carefully and deliberately she transplanted it into a small planter on our deck and then with the help of her dad moved it into a corner of our yard in July. The little seed grew and is now towering over my daughter in height. It’s a beautiful part of our yard and a great way to see how something so small can grow into something strong and beautiful. This summer I’ve created some goals and made some changes, confident that they will turn out as strong and beautiful as this. Change can be an uneasy process, certainly a growing one, but most definitely a good thing.

This spring and summer I was one of four bloggers in Canada part of Scott’s Gro Crew! You can see my posts here and here to see how far we’ve come in our yard. I’m so happy with the results of our efforts in our flower pots, vegetable garden and grass thanks to Scotts Miracle Gro and Scotts EZ Seed!






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