Fabulous Frugal Finds

What Would You Do With an Extra $1500?

scotia-bank-my1500-contestWe all do it. We daydream about winning the lottery or receiving some random inheritance (the real one, not the email ones!) or sometimes just think about how much having a few extra dollars could change your family finances – just a little bit of help can make a big difference.

What would you do with an extra $1500? I put some thought into this and decided that an extra $1500 would go towards airfare to Calgary to visit my sister every second month through the fall and winter. Just getting away for a weekend does wonders for me, and my sister is one of my favorite people on earth so it would be the perfect way to spend a little extra money.

Scotiabank has a pretty unique campaign called #My1500 designed to have Canadians consider what they would do with an extra $1500 in their pockets. Canadians can submit their answers through Twitter tagging @Scotiabank and using #My1500. The responses have been rolling in and Scotiabank is seeing a few trends among the answers.


I think these are all great answers! I could certainly see why people would be tempted to put #My1500 towards a vacation (especially a winter one!) and I’m happy to see that the majority would either save it or use it to pay down debt or student loans. Hooray!

One Scotiabank customer had Scotiabank’s help to make his dream come true by surprising his girlfriend with a larger than life proposal that has earned three quarters of a million views and counting! After all, who wouldn’t want to marry an action hero?

Scotiabank advisers are already helping Canadians saving an extra $1500 per year. They can show you how credit cards, bank account add-ons and automatic saving plans can help you become the financially new and improved you. Love it!

Feeling inspired to save? Get a head start before your Scotiabank visit by checking out the tips Arlene Dickinson shared at Scotiabank.com. Some of my favorites include being smart with rewards cards, while rewards are great with everyday purchases, Arlene says it’s important to pay the balance every month (I do this, hooray!). Arlene also suggests finding ways to save every day whether that be packing a lunch or skipping the morning coffee pick-up. “Trimming one small ticket item every day adds up to real savings,” shares Arlene.

Why not take a moment to consider what you would do with an extra $1500 and then enter the contest from Scotiabank by sending a tweet to @Scotiabank telling them what you would do with an extra $1500 and ensuring you use the hashtag #My1500. One winner will be chosen from the tweets every week to win $1500! Good luck everyone, and happy saving!



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