
No Negotiations – Helmets For Our Family

I cringe when I see a child on a bike without a helmet. I outright stare when I see a child (with or without a helmet) on a bike with a parent not wearing a helmet. While laws vary from province to province (with many not having any law at all) it’s just common sense to wear a helmet when biking and to demonstrate good practice as a parent by doing so as well.

I come by my opinions honestly – when I was about 9 or so (back in the 80’s when we also rode in the back of pick-ups) I had a bike accident and landed *hard* on a rock jutting out from the ground. I ended up with a massive goose-egg and an overnight stay in the hospital, but thankfully that was the extent of my injuries.

My kids know it’s a non-negotiable rule in our household, if you want to ride your bike (or scooter) you’re wearing a helmet. I strongly feel that if you establish this as a non-negotiable rule you won’t have to argue it constantly down the road. No ifs ands or buts, a helmet is a household rule.

helmets for girls from Canadian TireCanadian Tire has some great information on how to fit a helmet properly, and they sent our family helmets for the summer to ensure we’ve all got our noggins covered. Aren’t these helmets adorable? The Disney Frozen Multi-sport Helmet ($34.99) for my seven-year-old made her squeal with delight, and the Raskullz Children’s Duchess Meow Multi-sport Helmet ($34.99) made my four-year-old strut around like the princess she is.

You can find all the tips and more information here, but here’s a quick summary:

1) Before trying on a helmet, remove anything else on your head.
2) Make sure the foam pads in the helmet fit firmly on your head.
3) The helmet should over the top of your forehead.
4) Adjust the side straps snugly around your ears so they fit in a “V” shape.
5) Buckle the chin strap and tighten it until you can only fit one finger between the strap and your chin.
6) Make sure the helmet is level on your head.
7) Shake your head from side to side and from front to back.
8) Open your mouth side – the helmet should pull down slightly on the head.
9) Know your helmet’s best before date (it’s true, it’s on the inside!)

What about your family? Are (or were) helmets a priority? Are they a non-negotiable rule like our household?


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  • This isn’t exactly the same thing because my baby brother is a grown 22 year old man but it drives me crazy just the same. He rides his bike through trails, forests, does bike jumping tricks REALLY fast and DOESN’T WEAR A HELMET! It gets worse. A year ago, he fell on a jump and the bar nearly went through his chest. You’d think that would make him want to be safer but NOOO! He’s to stubborn and says he’ll buy one but not right now. Wanna know what I’m buying him for his birthday this year? A HELMET! Little shit.

  • Great tips! We also have a strict helmet policy in our home.
    Oh, and Canadian Tire, hands down always has the best selection of cool helmets 🙂

  • I agree I think everyone should be wearing a helmet when biking, better safe than sorry!! I love the girls helmets, so adorable!!

  • My daughter has the same helmet as your youngest. She loves that she can pretend to be a princess and a kitten at the same time lol.

  • We definitely have always had a no helmet rule here for our children as well, we do t wear helmets because we don’t ride bikes

  • I agree, us adults should be wearing helmet too. When I was younger buckling up our seat belts was an option, but now as soon as I get in the car, I automatically buckle up.. Today’s generation has grown up wearing helmets and they shouldn’t fuss at all about having to wear one. Automatic.

  • Absolutely, everyone should wear a helmet. I seen a brochure at the hospital one day, it said “Got a Brain? Wear a Helmet!” I think that says it all! I did not know though that helmets had expiry dates though. Well, I will have to be checking some helmets.

  • I cringe when I even see adults without them. Really, it takes a second to put it on, I can’t understand why anyone would choose not to.