Giveaways and Reviews

Vichy Ideal Soleil Invisible Mist Giveaway


Did you know? UVA’s represent 95% of UV radiation reaching the earth’s surface – they are dangerous because their harmful effects are more visible as we age in the form of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, sun allergies and even can lead to skin cancer. In Canada alone, every 7 hours someone will die from skin cancer.

UVB rays (think of them as the “burning rays”) then make up 5% of UV radiation and their effects are almost immediate in the form of sunburn which can often lead to hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and even skin cancer.

sun facts

Applying sunscreen should be a part of your daily routine, and when you’re outside for longer periods you should reapply every 2 hours. I know I’m really bad for forgetting to put on sunscreen when I’m going to be sitting out on the deck for “just a bit” or gardening or playing with the kids. If I apply it daily in the morning as part of my regular routine, there will be no sunburned skin either, and I’m lessening my risk of skin cancer by being preventative daily.

how to apply sunscreen

The above diagram may seem obvious but I know I don’t apply sunscreen properly all the time. Forgotten areas include the backs of hands, feet, chest and forehead so make sure you’re paying attention when applying.

Summer is far too short here in Canada, and we definitely need to get out and enjoy the sun as much as we can. The key is to keep the sun as your friend, and not your enemy, by ensuring your skin is well protected every day.

All the Vichy Ideal Soleil sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB offering broad spectrum, photostable protection. In fact, their Mexoryl technology is the #1 recommended filters by Canadian dermatologists. Vichy has a wide range of products in various textures and SPF making it easy to choose the ideal protection for your skin type and preference.

Vichy Ideal Soleil Mist SPF 50 (1)I like Vichy Ideal Soleil Invisible Mist because I can apply it quickly and it has a dry-touch finish, meaning I don’t feel greasy afterwards and can get dressed or hop in the car right away. It’s hypoallergenic and fragrance-free, so while I love having a coconutty sunscreen on, this way I can layer it with my regular perfume so there’s a benefit in that. Look for Vichy products in drugstores across Canada.



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  • I try my best to use it faithfully during the spring and summer months. I always get 50 or 60 SPF. Must protect myself 🙂

  • no, i don’t think i am doing enough…i am often lazy, and don’t bother applying, or else, i don’t apply enough.

  • I don’t intentionally sunbathe, and put protection on when I know I’ll be out (like for blueberry picking, etc), but probably don’t put on enough on day -to-day basis.

  • I’ve definitely been more on top of sun protection than I have been in previous years….I guess having a toddler will do that to ya lol

  • I don’t think I am doing enough, but I try my best. I always remind myself of the consequences if I don’t protect my skin!

  • I know I’m not doing enough to protect my skin from the sun. I find applying sunscreen messy but would love to try this product as it would be quick and easy to spray on.

  • Definitely don’t do enough! Have the products and forget to put them on: as if the sun won’t burn unless I am at the beach! Sheesh! I keep trying, though, because it is so important!

  • I was just thinking this morning that I need to be more deliberate with applying sunscreen to me and my little guy every morning. This would be great!

  • I don’t apply it enough. I do when I go out to garden or sunbath and always forget to reapply. i never do in the winter but know I should be putting it on my face. I either forget or don’t have time.

  • I know I am not doing enough. I hate the feel of most sunscreen so tend to procrastinate about putting it on. I know I should be doing more.

  • I am really good about applying sunscreen at the beach; but not a daily basis for every day sort of things -which I should be more cautious about

  • I know how important it is to use sunscreen, and I know I don’t use enough or I use the cheap dollar store stuff!!

  • Protecting your skin from the sun is SO important! I think I’m doing enough, I use sunscreen all the time.

  • I am super careful about wearing sunscreen every day since I’m so fair skinned. I go through it like crazy!

  • I wear sunscreen faithfully on my face and decolletage but I am a little lax about the rest of my body. I think it is very important to wear sunscreen all year long on exposed parts. I just find the body SPF products are a little greasy.

  • I know I don’t do enough. I hate the feel of most sunblock lotions. They usually feel too greasy or heavy to me. Now this spray

    sounds interesting. A mist is convenient & if it goes on with a dry feel it sounds just like what I’d like.

  • I think I am doing enough to protect myself and my family. I have very fair skin and freckles so I have always had to be aware and careful

  • I don’t think I’m using enough product, and sometimes I completely forget when it’s cloudy.

  • I try my best to be vigilant with sun protection. There are times when I may forget to apply sunscreen, but majority of time I apply it.

  • Since my silly teen years of putting baby oil on my skin in order to burn *duh*, I have been somewhat more diligent in protecting my face and my scalp too, we seem to forget about those delicate areas when out in the sun! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  • Wearing a SPF every day in my moisturizer is a good start, but I am not sure I am ever going to be able to do enough. The more the better!

  • I think sun protection is very important ,but I need to remember to apply sunscreen more often.

  • I always use products with SPF in the summer but need to start doing this all year round.

  • No, i don’t think i am doing enough I should wear sunscreen more often and even buy foundation with the spf

  • You can never use too much sun protection! I reapplied 4 times in 5 hours (with SPF 55) the other day and I still burned to a crisp!

  • Sun protection is important and I feel I can never do enough but I apply sunscreen whenever I head outdoors.

  • I wish I could say I wear enough sunscreen! I don’t put it on everyday in the summer even though I should because we are out a lot. I try to remember with the kids but even that’s difficult

  • I do everything possible to avoid sun damage. I think I could improve by wearing sunscreen even in the fall/winter.

  • I know I don’t do enough. I don’t always buy moisturizers or make-up with an spf of at least 15 or 30.

  • I am very aware of the sun and do my best to protect my family. We wear long pants, hats and sleeves when out in the hot sun and we always apply and reapply sunscreen.

  • I think we are doing more than others but we are always open to new ways (and things) to improve our protection!

  • I have a hard time putting sunscreen on. I lov the look of dark skin but I know how bad it is.

  • I think I don’t do enough even though I use 50 or 60 usually. I just need to remember to put it on every time!

  • I wear sun protection on my face every day, even in the winter. I want to slow down time on my face, not help it!

  • I think I try and do enough, but honestly I hate the feeling of sunscreen. Greasy, and gets in my pores 🙁 But I apply when Im going to be outside for longer then 20mins.

  • I don’t like wearing sunscreen so I just do my best to stay out of the sun as much as possible.

  • There is sunscreen in my lotion and I also put on spf 60 when I am in the sun for long periods.

  • I know I am not doing enough. I often forget sunscreen..usually when I don’t plan on being outdoors for any length of time..but of course, it happens.

  • I could certainly wear sunscreen much more often than I do, especially since I tend to burn very easily.

  • I KNOW I’m not doing enough! I don’t do anything but stay inside really a lot! I burn, I am very light skinned

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  • I do my best to wear sunscreen everyday. I also wear sunglasses and try to wear a hat when outside for long periods of time.

  • I try…I have fair skin and red hair, so sun protection is so important for me. But I find that I’m so obsessed with keeping my equally fair redheaded kids protected that I sometimes forget myself.

  • There are times when I plan on running outside for just a minute so I don’t put on sunscreen but end up staying out longer than expected.

  • Sunscreen has become so vital since all the warnings about the damage the sun can do and how the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger.I use sunscreen all year round.

  • no,I don`t think I am doing enough. I must admit,I often skip putting on sunscreen,because of the greasy and sunscreen smell factor! This would be great,thanks!

  • Sunblocks were a luxury to have in Asia. I’m one of the few who started sun protection early. When I arrived in Toronto, I was able to use them regularly throughout the year, not just in the summer. Now, I also use a hair SPF spray to protect my hair. I’d like to increase protection by using sunscreen when I’m at home, too, as I read other ladies do this for indirect exposure. I researched to find a sunscreen that was safe and fragrance free for my sensitive skin, so it would be terrific to use Vichy Ideal Soleil Invisible Mist as a complement to my regular sunscreen routine. Thank you so much for bringing this product to my attention.