Giveaways and Reviews

TomTom Will Tell You Where To Go And How To Get There

By Tara Richter…

No really, the new TomTom GO 500 will tell you (in the language and gender of your choice) how to get to just about any destination. Between work, activities, and well – sleep – there are only so many minutes in a day and I want to ensure that I spend as little time as possible stuck in a commute! Thankfully, living in Regina our traffic isn’t that bad, but if I can find a way to be home sooner at the end of the day, I’m all for it.

I will admit when I first opened the box I thought “Oh great, another complicated gadget to learn” in addition to wondering how this could seriously be any better/different than the navigation on my phone.

TomTomMy first surprise came when I took the sleek 5-inch screen device out of the box, plugged in the USB cable in my car and with a few pushes of a button – it was literally ready to go. I punched in my work address and low and behold it told me exactly how to get there. So much for being a complicated gadget – it worked like a charm straight out of the box! To me as a busy mom, that is a definite bonus; one less thing to have to figure out. This was echoed in the simple one-page instructions (which I admittedly read after I used the TomTom GO (Oops).

These instructions are a simple as 1, 2, 3:
1. Go online to and follow the get started instructions
2. Easily mount the base for TomTom in the vehicle
3. Get going with Navigation.

Remember when I said I missed step one? Well, it turns out there are some pretty cool features when you follow the instructions. By registering the device, you give yourself access to lifetime map & system updates, you can manage your personal settings & content, as well as a plethora of information in the support material section. A word of caution, however, the initial updates took quite a long time to perform and I would recommend the installation during an “overnight” period as it can take a few hours to be fully complete.

TomTom reviewThe TomTom Go really puts phone navigation to shame for so many reasons. Firstly, the large touch screen is simple to use and has a full-screen view unlike the screen on my phone. This large view allowed me at a simple glance to get a full picture of not only where I was, but also a 3D view to see what was coming next. I have to say the voice is much nicer too and more ‘natural’ sounding versus the very robotic and choppy voice on my phone.

Since distracted driving laws are in effect where I live, I really appreciate that the TomTom Go has voice navigation, which can be activated by simply saying “Hey TomTom”, and subsequently requesting directions. You do need to speak clearly however. I had a few good laughs when TomTom replied back, “Did you mean….?” and then some names of places I’d never heard of.

Tom-Tom uses real time traffic data to inform drivers where there may be excessive traffic, or a road-block, and offers an alternate route to help get you to your destination faster – this feature is only available for specific cities however (Regina isn’t included), but I imagine for those who can use it, it would be an immensely helpful feature!

Another really awesome feature is the Advanced Lane Guidance. This feature let’s you know not only which direction you should be going, but also what lane you need to be in; extremely handy in busy cities, or unfamiliar areas. The only downside I for me personally is getting my hands on this great gadget months after I really needed it after travelling to some big cities for my son’s sports tournaments with streets & locations I’m unfamiliar with. The good news is that there will be plenty more tournaments, and I know one thing is for certain, TomTom Go will be riding shot-gun from now on!


One of our readers is going to win their own TomTom GO 500 device (ARV $249.99!) Just enter your name and email address in the form below to get started!

Tara Richter works full time and is a(2)


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  • We so need this for when we go to Vancouver to visit our daughter! We always get lost at some point over there!

  • We would love to explore our province.. and find some hiking trails! The Tom tom will help get us there!

  • The fact that the TomTom GO 500 gives real time updates is AMAZING!!! I find that is one downfall of my navigation system: it will try to direct me via a route that I know is under construction and it doesn’t like to be told to change directions! This would be so great saving time commuting!

  • This would be so helpful! I have the great talent of getting lost as soon as I leave my neighbourhood!

  • This would really help us when we go to hubby’s cousins for a visit. We always have to stop and check the map to see if we are going the right way or not. This would be so much better.

  • It would help me to not get lost , I would travel more , because I would not have that worry anymore ! 😀

  • Using the Tom Tom will definitely help because I cannot follow a map and google map well that’s been a nightmare for me and my family..this will help us not get

  • We are taking a road trip to Montana this Summer as a family. This would be great to have 🙂

  • The Tom Tom would help me get where I need to go faster thereby giving me more time with my family. I won’t have to look up addresses on my computer beforehand and print off a copy of a map either. It’ll save ink, paper and time.

  • We recently replaced our GPS but it has a short battery life so I’m forever using a map book when travelling or since I’m the passenger having to deal with the cable. With the TomTom I’d be able to interact with my DD while DH is getting us to our destination.

  • I usually use Google maps and have to print off the directions. Winning this would cut this step out completely. It will come in handy for weddings I have to attend this summer.

  • This would help us during our summer road trips to get to our destination quicker and have more time to enjoy our time together!

  • Real time updates would help me avoid all that summer construction and get to my destination faster!

  • Hopefully I will get lost less and therefore have more time to spend with friends and family (and be a better mood when I do get to where I am going).

  • We need one of these. We travel a lot and are always getting lost trying to use my husbands cell phone for directions. I love that it is voice activated. It’s safer that way!

  • We wouldn’t get lost and would be able to change our minds and go somewhere else once out on the road!

  • we will actually get to where we need to go without wasting time stopping for directions

  • The TomTom would help us spend more time with family as wouldn’t be spending so much time driving around lost.

  • Well, it will definitely stop a lot of arguments. I have a husband that doesn’t think he needs directions..but he does..badly. We will be able to get to out destination sooner and with much more ease than usual with one of these.

  • This would save us a lot of time from fighting and arguing, who is right or who is wrong, this will tell us where to and how to get there without any fighting, which means more family time together instead of the silent treatment…lol

  • This gps would help me find faster routes to pick up and drop off kids at all their activities!

  • It will hopefully get us to where we need to go instead of lost and wasting time finding our way to our destination.

  • My husband and I have been late for at least 5 family events in our lives due to getting lost. Unfortunately.. every time WITH a GPS.. but an older one.. so Tom Tom may help us out.. maybe?

  • my husband did not inherit my internal navigation ability. Something like this would be very helpful for him

  • I seem to have little to no sense of direction so this would help me from back tracking and wasting time on the road and I could home faster.

  • I will be nice to safe time for these reasons listed below: LOL
    1. save time from driving around aimlessly.
    2. save time by driving around aimlessly then giving in and asking someone.
    3. saving time arguing.

    Yap, time saver. LOL

  • TomTom will guide you to the best route, thus saving precious time, which translated into more quality time with your loved ones (and less back-seat driving and arguments as to the best route to drive).

  • It would get us places more quickly as it would give my hubby the directions he refuses to stop and ask for when lost!

  • I make a 450 km trek every other friday and I have two real options of routes to take and both are very similiar interms of time unless ofcourse I hit construction or traffic so the Tom Tom would help to eliminate that risk and save me time stuck on the road.

  • The Tom Tom Go 500 would help me spend more quality time with my family. It would help use reach our destination quicker and easier so we could enjoy the most of our time together. I’ve never been good with directions and this could be the resolution I’ve been looking for! Many thanks 🙂

  • I think it will help because I’m constantly getting lost! With the summer coming, it seems like parts of my route are always under construction and because I’m geographically challenged I never seem to get the alternate route correct and end up wasting a LOT of time on the roads– so this would be amazing!

  • I would be able to find my destination faster and then get home faster. Y would be able to spend the extra time with my family.

  • I think the TomTom will help us get to our destination quicker which means less time driving and on the road and more time having fun together at our campsite or even the park.

  • It will help us get where we’re going quickly and without having to look it up on the map before we leave home.

  • This would save me a lot of time as I am pretty bad at directions and get a little… lost often 😉

  • we deliver tickets for a local charity so a gps would be so great for us. Instead of googling the locations all evening to prepare. It would save us so much time to be able to spend with our boys. Thanks!

  • It would help us get there faster guiding us instead of getting lost and arguing in the car in front of the kids and when we arrive at our destination everyone is happy and not miserable allowing us to have great quality time together.

  • It will help me spend more time with family and less time commuting since it will help me find the quick way home.

  • This TomTom GO 500 will help my family get to our destination with quicker and easier routes, which will allow less time in our car and more time having Fun together on our Vacation!

  • Anyone who knows me is aware that I am directionally challenged and of my keen ability to get lost. The TomTom GO 500 will save me so much time by navigating me to my destination without all of the redirecting I usually do thus allowing me more time to spend with my family!

  • So many features to love about this Tom Tom. I love the voice feature. And the real time updates, that alone would save so much time and get me home faster. And I love how simple this appears to use. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

  • This would be amazing to win, I am not a navigator by any means, I am horrible with directions, my husband is way better at directions, however I like to be the passenger so I am left to navigate, this would be so amazing to win so I can be a navigator with the Tom Tom 500!

  • my parents moved to another city and I hate traveling cause I’m afraid of getting lost. If I had some thing like this I probally wont be so afraid to travel by myself

  • My husband is always the driver – and I am the navigator. I currently do not have a GPS and use Google Maps on my phone. Which then drains the battery – usually before we arrive to our destination – which makes the hubby just a wee bit cranky because he never knows where he’s going lol. This would be WONDERFUL to win lol.

  • I am actually hoping to win this for my youngest son. This unit would definitely ease the frustration of my son as he won’t get lost looking for an address/location that he hasn’t been to before. Thanks for sponsoring this very useful giveaway and for the opportunity to participate.

  • This would be so great to find an alternate route when there is an accident OR to use when exploring a new town/city 🙂

  • the streets of a nearby large city keep changing due to constant construction so I’d love this to keep from getting lost

  • This would help my son on his regular drives around the city….wont have to spend so much time searching for where he is going and gets him home to his family and my granddaughters faster.

  • We’re always on the go, and anything that can help us get there quicker – without getting aggravated – would be a great help!

  • Hubs will ask directions from Mr. Tom Tom and not from random people or gas stations so this could be a life saver or even a marriage saver 😉 oh the possibilities rekindling the marriage with the Tom Tom and spending quality time together! 🙂

  • We’d be able to arrive at our destinations MUCH faster with absolution, without second-guessing, asking people for help, & driving around aimlessly, getting frustrated & angry. So a TomTom GPS equals happy times for our family!

  • we will be able to stay and visit more things while on the road and that will let us enjoy each other

  • I am getting lost all the time and this would provide me with the quickest route to my destination

  • would be a total lifesaver for those times when hubby says, “oh yeah, I think I know where that is”. We all know how that turns out…
    TomTom to the rescue!

  • It will save time looking at maps or driving around in circles or to see where we’re going as it will guide us.

  • It would definitely help me find my destinations faster making more time for family.

  • It would help us out on our long drives. It would help us to get to our destination faster by avoiding the streets that have alot of traffic.

  • This would be perfect for warning my husband of traffic congestion on his way home from work so he can get home to us sooner

  • Love to have a Tom Tom rather then pre looking up maps prior to leaving, would save tons of time

  • This would help so much, our GPS is desperately out of date and unable to update. We go to the ‘big city’ a lot but yet still don’t know our way around. This would cut down on wasted time.

  • I will help us get to PEI when we go this summer , less arguing and fighting on who’s right and which road to take lol …. we would get there less stressed out that’s for sure , we always end up lost or stopping for directions >>> we really could use the TOMTOM … Thanks for the chance 🙂

  • I’m a big fan of the “Let’s take a shortcut” & “Never go the same way twice” so this would be great for my little family!

  • This would help my husband be able to get around the city without phoning me to google the address 🙂 It would cut down on his driving (and phone) time 🙂

  • We are driving to Orlando Florida in August – this would be sooo perfect! Thanks so much for the opportunity! 🙂

  • Havinh the TomTom would route me where I need to be the fastest way …and, I wouldn’t have to follow a map. Safer, too!

  • My family and I could take so many wonderful road trips with this! I am forever getting lost and become frustrated when I can’t find directions to where I need to go…I am surprised my family hasn’t gifted me a GPS yet hahaha!

  • We wouldn’t be lost half of the time, which means kids will be much calmer as we would get places faster. We wouldn’t have to print directions everytime we travel

  • It will help us by making us lost less often. Less time finding our way is more time spend with each other in fun and not stress.

  • The TomTom will get me to my destination faster, therefore , helping me to spend more time with my family

  • The Tom Tom would save me a ton of time since I’m always getting lost in the new neighbourhoods that are going up like crazy around here!

  • One of the only times my husband I ever argue is about directions in the car. This would make those family road trips a little happier!

  • We wouldn’t have to allow for so much extra travel time due to traffic etc. It would be nice to be able to leave a few hours later.

  • TomTom would be my guardian angel that would keep me and my family from getting lost while travelling!

  • This would be awesome…no more getting lost and also always getting the most direct route. Would love one

  • We love to travel, but sometimes printed directions lead us astray and we get lost on our way places. This will help us with the most efficient way to get there, more time to vacation!

  • I need one of these so that I don’t have to worry about being late for appointments when I ‘m not certain of the location I have to get to.Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize!

  • This will definitely help me navigate the neighborhoods I visit for my small business and save me tons of time…and headaches!

  • This would really help my oldest daughter who has appointments in different cities that she isn’t familar with. Since Tom-Tom uses real time traffic data to inform drivers where there may be excessive traffic, this would be very beneficial for her.

  • The TomTom GO 500 would help me spend more time with my family by helping me to not get lost while driving around looking for places, so I could get back home sooner.

  • TomTom would help me navigate the streets better without getting lost; thus, leaving me more time to spend with the family.

  • It would help me to avoid heavy traffic areas on my routes so I can be home more with my kiddos!

  • I could use it to save my marriage…. my husband is an ABYSMAL navigator and whenever he’s directing me somewhere he inevitably messes something up and gets us lost and I inevitably lose it and yell at him…we might more about directions than anything else!

  • The traffic updates would really help to stay out of traffic jams, so you get home faster.

  • We drive to Florida each winter and like to find alternate directions rather than using the Interstate highways.

  • My wife is constantly pulling over to call me to ask me directions. She is not very good with street names or directions….I think the Tom Tom GO 500 will not only save us commuting time, but it may also save our marriage!

  • The TomTom would help me make it to our field trips without having to leave an extra 15 minutes early to be sure we have time to get lost

  • I help my daughter and son in law to get my grandchildren to their activities when all 4 need to be in different parts of the city. The trouble is I am not great at finding my way around the new areas. I have to add a half hour on in case I get lost on the way. A Tom Tom would save me time by guiding me to the destination.