Giveaways and Reviews

Great Pretenders Giveaway

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My world is one of princess costumes, beads galore, crowns of course, and several pairs of sparkly shoes. And that’s just my closet! 😉 I kid (maybe) but it’s true that once you have daughters, the world of dress-up multiplies exponentially. My son loved to dress up as superheros when he was younger, but it just doesn’t compare to the dress-up make-believe world of little girls.

snow queen dressUpon visiting the site for the first time, I found several immediate favorites. Make no mistake, Crystal Queen Dress ($40)was at the top of my list and that may have something to do with my girls belting out Let It Go for the past 16 months of their lives. Great Pretenders really knocks it out of the ice-castle though, with the addition of the Snow Queen Cape ($25) to complete the look.

bumble bee kids costumeThere’s also a great selection of fairy dresses and an adorable bumble bee design too (fan of The Hive on Disney Junior in the house? You need this!)

For our family, however, there was just no way we could say no to the Crystal Queen Dress! We were generously gifted one for each of my daughters – a size small for my 4 year old (fits size 3/4 according to the size chart) and a size large for my 7 year old (fits size 7/8) Both fit perfectly. My youngest, who turns 4 at Easter, was thrilled to model the dress for me, and it just so happened that we had our final dump of spring snow (hopefully!) making for the perfect backdrop!

frozen elsa dress canadaWhat my little Elsa doesn’t realize is that in May, we’ll have Walt Disney World as the backdrop when we take these dresses with us on our trip to Disney Social Media Moms in May! I casually mentioned that we’d just have to save these dresses for “another dress up day” and so far they’re not arguing me too much (wouldn’t you want to wear this every day and argue your mom for it if you were four?)

Visit Great Pretenders to see their selection – they often have items on sale as well! You can also follow Great Pretenders on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on the newest items, sales, and promotions.


One of our readers is going to win their own Crystal Queen Dress! To enter to win, just enter your name and email address below to get started!


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