Giveaways and Reviews

The October Stretch

It happens to many of us.  We put our children to bed one night in October and suddenly, the next morning they wake up looking different.  Pants are now too short, shirt cuffs don’t reach their wrists and their school shoes are pinching their toes.  It’s as if a growth-fairy comes, seemingly overnight, and dusts our children with an extra inch!

If you’re suddenly faced with fall shopping after you did your back-to-school shopping, here are two of our picks from Skechers:

skechers for kids

Boys Skechers Go Ride Supreme give boys a nearly weightless feel with synthetic and mesh fabric upper and a colorful shock-absorbing midsole. If you’ve been frustrated in the past with heavy athletic shoes (it’s surprising how heavy they can be when you pick them up in the store, imagine running in them!) these are a fantastic option.

For girls, we adore these Girls Skech-Air shoes from Skechers.  Another super-lightweight shoe, these sneakers have a colorful (to say the least!) For my daughter (in grade one) the slip-on style is perfect because it makes school prep easy, but gives the appearance of a lace-up shoe like her big brother has. Air pillow pockets add bounce to every step, and the shock-absorbing mid-sole means she can go wild during phys ed (you’re welcome, teachers.)

Look for both these styles (and of course so much more) at Skechers retailers in stores and online this fall.  If your kids are stretching as much as mine are, consider that their short pants now just show off their Skechers more this way…


One of our readers is going to WIN their choice of either boys Skechers Go Ride Supreme or girls Skech-Air shoes from Skechers!  What perfect timing with the back-to-school fall stretch happening!  To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  • Definitely ! My son needed all new pants, suddenly 2 inches too short and shoes. He became a giant overnight. My daughter i’m sure will be up next. Any new shoes would be great.

  • I would love to win these shoes for one of my kids as they are always in need of a pair. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  • Between suddenly outgrowing and just plain old wearing them out (I swear they get holes within days sometimes!) my boy is always needing new shoes. I bought a size too big at the end of August and he is telling me they’re hurting his toes already :/

  • this would be amazing to win for my daughter. she is 2 years old and outgrowing shoes like crazy!!! she could use a good pair of runners

  • The grandkids grow fast. They always looks so much taller each time I see them. My grandson just wears the first thing that comes out of the drawer or off the floor which looks too small on him.

  • Thank you for hosting such great contests!

    My grandson suddenly stretched up in the last couple of weeks, outgrowing his jeans and tops; he seems to have stretched in every direction. 🙂

    I tease him and tell him that he can’t grow anymore, he needs to be my little boy forever; he responds, “no, Nana I’m going to grow up way too big!”. LOL

  • I would love to win for my son because he still needs new indoor shoes! And yes, both my children outgrow things after I buy them , will start buying a few sizes up!

  • I’d love to win this for my almost 8 years old nephew, he needs a new pair of shoes!! I’m kind of having the october stretch myself..

  • Yup, dealing with it here too. Sleeves are just a little too short, pants starting to look floodish, and I just noticed this morning her big toe starting to stick out of the new hole in her shoe. Ahhh yes, the joys of kids lol 🙂

  • It’s mid October and my son has already worn through two pairs of shoes since starting preschool. We’re on shoe #3. I need all the help with getting shoes that I can get!

  • these are a terrific shoe, and provides all the support that a child needs for growing feet. these would be awesome for growing niece

  • Yup, I definitely am! Both my kids are growing non stop! Definitely could use a new pair of shoes for both of them! Thanks for the chance, we love Skechers!!

  • I would love to win these for my daughter, she’s not quite grown out of her school shoes yet but she’s getting close.

  • i would like to win because i just realized my daughter outgrew all her shoes and has one pair of sneakers or boots!

  • Too funny! I’ve never heard it called the October Stretch before but it is so true! My daughter is 3 and has grown thru 2 shoe sizes in a month and a half! Would be nice is Sketcher’s sold ballet slippers too because I’m also in need of a bigger pair of them as well lol!

  • I want to win new Skechers because (as usual) my kids convinced me to buy them an entire new wardrobe for back to school. Now, one month later, they are complaining their jeans are too short and their shoes are too tight and I must have shrunk their shirt sleeves in the dryer!

  • With the schools requesting indoor and outdoor shoes for both kids and how hard they are on shoes this would be a bonus for sure

  • We discovered the Sunday before school started that our daughter had grown a size and a half over the summer! Trying to replace all her shoes now :/

  • You are too funny: Consider that their short pants now just show off their Skechers more! LOL! I’d love to win a pair because they’re light and shock-absorbing!

  • my girls both love Skechers! They are the only shoes that fit their feet nicely and are “socially acceptable ” ☺️

  • I would win these for my son – hes been a steady size 12 since the spring – it’s starting to worry me. If he eats a cheeseburger will his feet grow 4 sizes?

  • I hadn’t heard of the October stretch before! I will watch for it now. I would like to win these for my daughter as we need running shoes in the next size up.

  • I would love to win because my daughter is already outgrowing the new shoes we bought her for back to school!! Her feet were still a tiny bit too small for the shoes when we bought them, and suddenly it is now the shoes that are too small! Ugh!!

  • I would love to win a pair for my grandson. He was here yesterday and told me I have to knit him more socks because his feet are getting bigger. My daughter in law said even his shoes are getting tight. So he needs some new ones.

  • I’d love to win win new runners for my little guy because Skechers are great quality and look cool! He would love to wear the pair in the picture. I deal with October Stretch all year round……. at least it feels like it! lol! Growing like a weed! 🙂

  • I’d love to win these for my son because he is obsessed with wearing a pair of sandals right now, and it’s about to start getting cooler here. He needs a decent pair of shoes that he will love.

  • I want to win bc both my 9 year old and my 2 year are outgrowing shoes like crazy! If I won free shoes for one of them it would make it so much easier. My 2 year old loves Skechers as much as my 9 year old. We love the bright colors!

  • Yes I am, I just measured my daughter last week and she’s grown since school started! Pretty soon she’ll be sharing shoes with me and she’s only six!

  • I would love to win this to give to Sophie. She loves everything Sketchers. She has the October stretch all her life it seems. Chages sizes due to height every few months or less.

  • I would love to win for daughter because I have some lightweight sketchers for myself and absolutely love them , I would love knowing that she will have the same comfort that I have when I wear mine

  • I would love to win this for my son because I he is going through some growth spurt. I just bought him new DC shoes just a couple of months ago and somehow they are fitting tight. Help!

  • I would love to win these for my daughter. she’s growing like a weed! at this rate she will be wearing paper bags on her feet this fall lol

  • Thanks for the opportunity to win. I would love to win because we have two daughters and the one thing that rarely if almost never that can be passed down to the youngest is shoes. My girls definately wear their shoes out. Also having a December child always comes with a major growth spurt mid year. We have had sketchers in the past and both girls loved them. Fit and color. Thanks again! Angie. Marzolf

  • I’d like to win ’cause I really like Skechers! And these shoes look great! Yes, the October stretch is here. I bought extra long pants, but already most of them don’t need to be rolled up. What have I been feeding those kids??!

  • My kids are non stop running and finding shoes not lasting, even though they don’t last long as it is for growth! Sketchers are great. We all have or had a few pairs.

  • I would love to win a pair for my son!! He needs new sneakers. He currently lives in a pair of sandals which are not good for the cold!!

  • Timely post! My youngest blew through 2 pairs of runners since the start of school! all in the toes. He loves the playground, plays hard I guess… the knees in his pants are holding up a lot better!!

  • October hit and literally everything my daughter used to wear does not fit anymore. She is 2.5 and growing so fast. These shoes would be great for sure.

  • I am trying to win for my nephew, we have the Octobers blues his feet is growing and leaving his old shoes behind.

  • I would love to win a pair for my cousins little boy.

    I am dealing with the stretch for sure 18 yr old boys grow like weeds.

  • I would love to win this for my granddaughter as I know her mom was telling me the shoes she bought end of August are tight. She is growing so fast.

  • I’d love to win because my daughter totally fell victim to the October stretch! She’s going to need new runners in the next month or so, and I love Sketchers for kids!

  • I would like to win because my kids feet wont stop growing, the indoor shoes for school are already tight