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Tis The Season – Handwashing Tips for Kids

back to school with kandooWith school back in, we know it’s only a matter of time before they drop.

Your kids, that is.  Into bed, fevered, coughing and feeling rotten because of a bug going around school.  I’ve already had one head cold go through our household and we’re still in September!  We all know good handwashing hygiene is extremely important when it comes to stopping the spread of germs, so here’s a quick reminder of the basics from

1. Wash hands before eating
2. Wash up after playing outdoors & after school
3. Always wash after using the bathroom
4. Take the time to wash more frequently when you (or someone you know) has a cold, the flu, or allergies (especially if that someone lives in your household)
5. When washing, use warm water and soap like Kandoo Hands to build a frothy lather
6. Wash fronts and backs of hands, and between fingers
7. Wash for at least 15 seconds or about the time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice through, then rinse well
8. Dry hands on a clean towel

Kandoo Kids suggests talking to kids about the importance of proper handwashing when they’re not in the moment.  That’s great advice because as a parent I can attest to how kids are simply not listening when they’re  busy doing a task.  It’s much better to bring up the discussion at a different time, when they can focus and actually take in what you’re explaining.

Kids also dislike anything that seems like a chore, and will likely avoid doing it simply because they don’t want to (I know of one little guy who would turn on the tap water but not wash his hands, just because he thought he was being cheeky to his mom by disobeying her!)  Here’s what Kandoo Kids suggests to help make hand washing less of a chore:

  • Turn hand washing into a game rather than a chore. You might fill the sink with bubbles when they lather up with soap.
  • Provide your kiddo with incentives such as nickels, stickers, etc. each time they wash up without you having to ask.
  • Have a hand washing chart near the sink so your child can mark down each time they wash.  Once the chart is filled in, honor their work with a small, agreed upon reward.
  • Have scented or colored soaps your kids enjoy washing with near the sink.
  • Let your child keep small, water-proof toys near the sink so they can play while washing.
  • Wash your hands when your child does.  Show them that even grown-ups have to wash regularly.
  • Empower your kids to wash hands themselves by providing the tools they need to be successful such as a footstool to reach the sink, a bottle of pump soap (vs. a bar) to administer soap easily, etc.

Handwashing tips for kids!

Kids also respond well when products are tailored just for them. While mom’s perfume-scented hand soap may work, it’s just not appealing to little kids.  Pick up a product like Kandoo Wash Your Hands Moisturizing Hand Soap when out shopping and explain to your little ones that this is just for them.  In fact, mom isn’t even allowed to use it because she’s just too old.

Good luck moms, and dads and stay strong. Those germy bugs going around the school find you just as appealing, so remember to practice good handwashing techniques as well (little ones are always watching!)


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