Giveaways and Reviews

Win a P&G Travel Essentials Prize Package

Summer Essentials giveawayThe summer is finally here and families are hitting the road (or the airport) in search of summer fun.  P&G offers some great summer travel tips and tricks to ensure there’s no snags along the way!

Take time to prep

Dedicate time well before departure to plan your pack—yes plan. Check the weather forecast, ensure flight times are accurate, check construction and closures and find alternative routes to make a realistic travel route to get you there on time. If flying, remember to double check what you can bring in your carry-on to avoid anything being thrown out.

Avoid the morning of mad dash to gather all necessary toiletries and invest in a travel set of essentials. Do you need a full size shampoo and conditioner for the family to share, or can you use the adorable mini travel-sized items, like the super cute and convenient mini Scope Outlast ($2.99*) to maintain fresh breath on the go? If you have essentials you just can’t duplicate, like an electronic toothbrush, add them to your last minute pack list.

Make a list, check it twice

If heading on a road trip, packing the family and your trip essentials can mean a tightly packed car. Making a check list of what you really need will help eliminate those “nice to have” items that will overflow the car.

Involve the kids – throughout the week have the kids write down items they use in the day on a chalk or white board in a central location (i.e. kitchen fridge). At the end of the week, go through the list together and narrow it down to the must haves. You may be surprised by some of the things you use daily!

To pack it right, pack it light!

The lighter the better! We know packing with kids and pets it may be difficult to live by this mantra, however keeping things light and simple leaves room for souvenirs.
Downsize by bringing items that have more uses than one. Bring Pampers Sensitive wipes ($3.99*) – they work wonders for baby’s bottom and do double duty by wiping faces clean of juice spills and other sticky messes. Be sure to have Puffs Basic Tissues ($5.99*) on hand to aid in the unexpected clean up!

Bounce Free & Sensitive Dryer Sheets ($8.99*) are a great static solution on the go. Rub along your electric-charged clothing item to help remove pesky static!
When packing clothing, try rolling versus folding. It often helps keep things less-wrinkled and can save space in your suitcase. And to keep everything smelling fresh, longer, spray the inside of your suit case with Febreze Fabric Refresher Extra Strength ($2.99*).

Car essentials

It’s easy to get tempted by road side stops for fries and ice cream, which can add up and increase your budget. Try bringing cut fruit, veggies and bags of trail mix to help curb everyone’s appetite! And don’t worry about the mess, Bounty DuraTowels White Paper Towels ($3.49*) are perfect for spills and sticky fingers.
Bathroom pit stops can often be annoying if certain amenities are missing – don’t leave the house without bringing your own Charmin Basic ($4.99*) so you’re always fresh and comfortable. Keep your mouth feeling fresh too by bringing Oral-B Pro-Health Cross Action Manual Toothbrush ($7.99*) and ORAL B Pro-Health Glide Floss ($3.99*) so you can head back into the car feeling rejuvenated, ready for the next leg of the trip.

Long car rides can often result in smells you’d wish you left at home. With leftover snacks sitting around, get rid of the odours by using a Febreze Car Vent Clip Air Freshener ($3.99*) to keep your vehicle fresh for hours and hours.

Safety first

Always remember to bring a first aid kit. No one wants to get sick on vacation so be prepared for everything that may get thrown your way. From cuts, bruises, to colds and allergies, be ready to tackle it all so the fun never stops!


Febreze Car Vent Clip Air Freshener – $3.99*
Febreze Fabric Refresher Extra Strength – $2.99*
Scope Outlast – $2.99*
Charmin Basic – $4.99*
Puffs Basic Tissues – $5.99*
Pampers Sensitive wipes – $3.99*
Bounce Free & Sensitive Dryer Sheets – $8.99*
Oral-B Pro-Health Cross Action Manual Toothbrush – $7.99*
ORAL B Pro-Health Glide Floss – $3.99
Bounty DuraTowels White Paper Towels 2 King Rolls 49 Sheets – $3.49*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  • Pack lots of snacks and drinks for the kids. Nothing starts to grate on you quite like a cranky kid who is hungry/thirsty when it can be prevented. That way, if you get stuck in traffic, you’re set 🙂

  • Travel light & bring items that you think may not be available in the country you are traveling too.

  • I always carry a first aid kit. Whether its in the car, in my luggage or my mini purse one im always prepared for those toddler boo-boos & big guy owies 🙂

  • Pack extra medicine! You might have to stay an extra few days somewhere due to uncontrollable issues/conditions and you do not want to be caught short on medicine that you need.

  • A first aid kit is so important even for little boo boos, along with nutritious snacks and drinks and toys and books to keep their interest. If a car trip, books on CD are fun too!! Thanks for all the wonderful tips!!

  • I always carry wet wipes, paper towels and lots of snacks on a car trip. I try to pick up a few new toys and activities and a new DVD.

  • I think your best tip is pack it right, pack it light!! My wife is an over packer and I’m an underpacker….we are going to take your tip and actually apply it on our next trip

  • Don’t stress yourself when it cones to packing…passport, ID, and cash/credit card is all you need of importance. The other stuff if you forget, you can buy.

  • I like the tip to “Make a list, check it twice”. I usually make a list when travelling overnight to ensure I have everything I need.

  • I try to pack a few days in advance so that I’m not in so much of a panic the night before.

  • check off your list as you pack. you may think you remember but usually you dont

  • I don’t really have a tip but I like yours, I like the Pack it right Pack it light tip, that is one I need to

  • Bring fresh fruit when you are on a car trip with your own country. Often the food that you eat on holiday can lack variety and nutrition so having some fresh fruit to snack on in the car or at the hotel is a great idea.

  • I like Make a List and Check it Twice, I really need to do this because we always forget things!

  • My best travel tip, and also one mentioned in the posting, is to always have a first aid kit on hand. I learned that the hard way when I stopped at a water park with my daughter a couple of years ago. Now I always have one in the car, and always have at least some bandaids and polysporin in my purse.

  • pack light.. roll all your shirts and pants.. if you forget something you can always buy it.

  • Have a small bag that specifically has items that you know you will use often so that you are not left searching for things

  • I will be using your tip to bring along Charmin Basic. I will be roadtripping this summer …no scratchy hotel toilet paper for me!

  • my best travel trip is to overpack when you are bringing kids…always keep wipes in the car easily accessable

  • Take frequent breaks to get out of the car and walk around. Never keep on driving if you are tired.

  • I always make myself a list at least a week before so that if I think of anything in that week I just write it down and doing it a week before gives me plenty of time to prepare and remember everything.

  • I always make sure to bring a first aid kit/sunscreen/hats, lots of drinks and snacks, activities for the kids and wipes!

  • I bring along ziplocs in assorted sizes, you never know when you’ll have extra things that are wet or extra food or things to save. Very easy and clean!

  • I will definitely be using the “Take time to prep” tip. We always leave things to the last minute!

  • I have been rolling our clothes when I pack for years now. My aunt told me about that and it saves on so much space and doesn’t wrinkle the clothes. I love this idea.

  • My job takes me out of town throughout the summer, so I’ve been packing and unpacking and packing again every couple of weeks. The best tip I’ve picked up is to roll my clothes up instead of folding them – it’s an amazing space saver! Thanks for the other tips, and the great giveaway!

  • just make sure you go with the flow. don’t focus on where you are going just enjoy getting there

  • When travelling with my little ones I packed lots of snacks they were used, made sure we had a fridge and found a convenience store that sold milk, yogurt and fruit so we weren’t eating all junk

  • Bring a a portable phone battery charger. You don’t want your battery to run out and not be able to take pictures. With a portable charger, your phone can charge in your bag while your driving between destinations.

  • My best travel tip – DL some great apps like flight trackers to keep on top of everything you may need 🙂

  • My travel tip is always start to pack a few days before you depart. That way, don’t need to struggle the night before and still have time to think about what need to be added in my luggage. Especially for the handbag that I am going to bring with me, I always pack that first with passports, etickets, money etc. as those are the most essential items to get me on the flight

  • I like that on here it says to involve the children in the packing. I think that is a great idea!

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  • We always make sure that our cell phones are fully charged and that we have granola bars and water for emergencies.

  • if you take prescription medicine make sure you take enough for duration of trip and some extra! i also pack a first aid kit to take along.

  • I have been using Pampers Sensitive Wipes ever since they came out…I love the formula for sensitive skin and in the car travelling, they are a must.

  • i like the bringing of the TP, but having extra medications packed with you is good too, in case your plans change

  • Research the place you are going before you leave. That way you will get the best deals and discounts.

  • Check out deals and reviews about the place. Have a list of places you want see but be flexible enough to enjoy 🙂

  • Pack a cooler with lunches & snacks so you don’t waste money stopping for food that’s way too expensive!

  • Great suggestions. I am going to follow your tip of making a list when I travel this summer.

  • I use Ziploc bags to pack with. Put socks in a Ziploc hag, underwear in one, tee shirts in another, travel toiletries in one, and so on. Works great if you travel with duffel bags or back packs.

  • When packing I use freezer bags for bathroom items to keep thing organized but so I can see them through the bag

  • I like the Make a list and check it twice because I could have used it with me this past week on vacation.

  • Keep your packing lists from previous trips -saves a lot of time. Also amend them if on a previous trip you forgot something or had too much unnecessary stuff.

  • we went to the gulf coast for vacation, it was really beautiful there, great escape from wisconsin

  • Always expect the journey to take twice as long as estimated. Then don’t allow yourself to get frustrated until that doubled time has passed. Bring games, books, snacks and water to help keep the frustration under control.

  • My tip is to make a list of everything you need to bring a few weeks before you are set to go away. Post it on the fridge and add to it as you remember what you need.

  • always carry some type of GPS whether it be phone, IPAD with WiFi or built into your vehicle. It saves time, headache and wasted energy.

  • always carry some type of GPS whether it be phone, IPAD with WiFi or built into your vehicle. It saves time, headache and wasted energy.

  • Whenever we go on a trip I pack the children’s clothes in ziplock bags. Each bag contains one complete outfit. It really helps get them dressed fast in the hotel room.

  • I always keep a roll of paper towel and wipes in the car, because when you are travelling with 3 kids you never know what will get spilt in the van

  • Definitely the car essentials because I never realized I should be packing essentials for the car as well!