Giveaways and Reviews

It’s Time to Get Dirty (…and then clean, yes clean is good.)

June is here and so are the countless permission slips from school highlighting all the end-of-year events along with registration forms for summer camps and activities! My dining table looks like an office, yet all the paperwork is just for my kids! With summer events come sweat, sand, dirt and other unmentionables but I try and tell myself that’s part of the fun.

A friend of mine, when lamenting about our sweaty – but happy – kids at the end of a weekend of play said that she knew it was a good day based on how much sand was left at the bottom of the bathtub! I think that’s a great way to measure fun, don’t you think?


(sometimes it feels like my bathtub has that much sand in it!)

While a pressure-washer or car wash would be the best way to get all that sand, sweat, sunscreen and grime off the kids at the end of a summer day, I suppose we need something a little more gentle to get the job done!  We use Kandoo products because not only do they smell delicious, the packaging is kid friendly for little hands to hold, and they get the cleaning job done.

Kandoo product giveaway

Kandoo Clean Your Body and Kandoo 2-in-1 Conditioning Shampoo feature perfectly shaped bottles that fit in the corner of your bathtub and nice big pumps making it easy for your little ones who yell “I do it myself!!” get their way.  Kandoo Simply Suds Bubble Bath, in a larger bottle, is lightly scented and washes from nose tip to toes.  Of course, Kandoo Flushable Wipes are a great plan at home and when traveling (and they make a great helper on the beach for removing sand!)  And, at the end of a chlorine or wind swept day, Kandoo Detangler can be the best thing you never knew you desperately needed.  Look for all these Kandoo products at Walmart here in Canada!  Of course, you can also to win them right here too, and save the trip. 😉


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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