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What’s Your Feel Good Bread?

Dempsters Feel Good Bread

What’s your feel good bread? I’ve got to be honest, for me it’s fresh white delicious bread, which reminds me of my childhood (and college years, to be perfectly honest!)

Often when I share that white bread is what’s on my counter (and in my kid’s lunch) it’s met with surprise.  No, it’s not whole wheat and no, I also don’t slice my veggies into little flowers and happy faces in their lunch boxes.  It’s just not the kind of mom I am.

Still, it would be silly to say that I’m unaware of the fact that often times I’m missing out nutrition when eating white bread.

And so, when Dempster’s shared their new Feel Good Bread line of products with Canadians, I was all ears…er…mouth.


Included in the product line is Dempster’s Garden Vegetable Bread (with 1/2 serving of vegetables per two slices) and Double My Fiber (a Dempster’s Healthy Way Bread with 48% of the daily recommended intake of fiber per serving).  Both taste delicious and both also happen to be 100% whole wheat.  Wait, did you catch that?  I said they’re both 100% whole wheat and they both taste delicious.

Now – that’s the way to do it.  If I’m going to eat whole wheat bread, it better be delicious and if it’s going to pack an extra punch of dietary bonus, it’s a total win for this white-bread-lovah.

Check out the Dempster’s Feel Good Index to see how others across the country are feeling and follow Dempster’s on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on product launches and promtions – along with coupons too like this one for $2.00 off Feel Good Bread!


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  • I love fresh baked white bread but my to go to bread is whole wheat…just to be a little healthier.