Giveaways and Reviews

Renew Your Spirit

renew your spiritI know we can all feel it. If we had the opportunity to remove our gloves and take off our warm hats, the warmth of the sun is showing us that spring is almost here. I know that it’s only a matter of weeks before there will be slush in the streets and grass poking through the snowbanks in our yards.

There’s something about spring that – even more than January 1st – fills us with promise, ambition, renewal. I love the fresh start each spring gives us and always feel that my spirit is uplifted in April and May especially.

Betty Ann Heggie, in her latest blog post Renewal is in Special Moments, discusses how we can all find the renewal that mother nature brings us and help recharge our batteries.

betty-ann-heggie4 175“We are no different than the battery in our laptop or mobile phone. If we donโ€™t take time to recharge weโ€™ll crash and lose our ability to function.” – Betty Ann Heggie

Her post is a fabulous read and gives us some great tips and ways to find renewal whether it’s small breaks throughout the day, or a day away to recharge and reconnect with your spirit.

I’m going to embrace this spring (like I always do!) and let the sunshine help fill my spirit.

I’m also going to make a promise to myself to give myself that time to do so, whether it’s in a daily breather or a weekly walk by myself to recharge.

This month, Betty Ann and I are asking – where do you find renewal? What boosts your spirit and recharges your battery? If you’re having trouble thinking of an answer, this is a great indicator that it’s time you figure that out!

Enter the giveaway below to win a $100 PayPal cash prize and use it to help renew your spirit this spring.ย  What would you spend it on?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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