Giveaways and Reviews

The Simplicity Principle

Simplicity Principle FolderBy Tara Richter…

Every year I can’t help but laugh at the commercials where the guy goes into the doctor and complains about a pain in his butt, to which the doctor replies “Oh that’s tax pain, nothing I can do about that”.

I get that painful feeling near tax time when, completely overwhelmed, I wonder where to start gathering the required information.

Having a small business compounds the tax pain since there are so many details, items, and numbers to keep track of. Once the end of the year comes it takes hours upon hours of sifting through receipts, papers and relying on memory for transactions, expenses and income from the previous year.

For this reason I’m really excited to try, over the next couple of months, the organization system for small business owners called The Simplicity Principle. The filing system comes in a coil bound unit with tear out pocket-folders for each month to hold papers & receipts specific to that month. Printed on the side of each folder is a Monthly Tracking & Reporting template to summarize the month’s activity. I love the fact that the front and back covers of the Simplicity Principle have both a Glossary and a Bookkeeping Process to offer a clear idea of exactly what I need to do at the end of each month as well as a specific understanding of what everything means.

Simplicity PrincipleI am really looking forward to getting organized with my small business document keeping process and with the new concept of it being an easy process instead of a burden. I like the idea of spending small amounts of time each month for tracking and reporting rather than leaving it all to the end of the year. I’m hopeful this process will greatly simplify book-keeping requirements and save my sanity!

Look for my follow up post closer to the end of the year sharing my experience using The Simplicity Principle.  Interested in ordering it for yourself?  You can pre-order the 2014 Edition of The Simplicity Principle and get the 2013 version for this year’s taxes free!

Stay tuned, here’s hoping The Simplicity Principle helps reduce my tax pain this year!

Tara blogger bio feisty frugal and fabulous


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