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Buying Furniture Online

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Have you ever purchased furniture online?  Sure you have – you’ve seen a great item in a store or at a friend’s house and set out to find it at a discount online.

But what about purchasing furniture online without ever setting your eyes, or  hands, on the product first?

It turns out, it’s not nearly as scary as you may think.  Truthfully, before working with Wholesale Furniture Brokers this fall I have purchased a few furniture items online in the past.  Living in Saskatchewan, we don’t have a lot of furniture warehouses available to leisurely walk the floor and literally try out furniture before buying (who are those people who lay on couches in the store?!)  Our recent kitchen set purchase was done online (although I admit I found the item, called the store, and had it delivered to them first).

Here was my opportunity to shop for, choose, order and have delivered right to my door a new piece of furniture from Wholesale Furniture Brokers – and I admit I was a little nervous.  The About WFB  page shared that the business had been online for 11 years, yet I had not heard of it.  I felt comfortable knowing that yes, the main offices were in fact in Canada (they have outlet stores in Canada too) so at the very least I would be dealing with a company on my home soil (not a pretty website that just looks like it’s based in Canada).

Looking through the selection online, I was impressed with how much was available and – of course – at the prices!

My goal was to find a new sofa for our basement rec-room.  I’d hesitate to call it a man cave since it’s been taken over my kids and their friends, but it’s certainly a place of refuge.  The old set had been called, “the oldest thing in our house, besides mom and dad,” by my 9 year old son.  We’ve had it since 2000 or so and it was showing it’s age.  I wanted to replace it with a sectional but didn’t want something hugely expensive since – let’s face it – it would be used by kids for the majority of it’s lifespan.

burbank sectionalAfter narrowing down my choices, I decided on this Burbank Charcoal Grey Waffle Suede High Back Sectional Sofa (on sale right now for $949).  Several things attracted me to this set.  First, I loved the color (with kids, darker is better for furniture in my experience!), the material sounded soft (textured suede upholstery) and the pictures displayed as much.  I also liked that the chaise was reversible, meaning we could have the chaise part on either the right of left side.  When purchasing a sectional, I think this is a hugely important option.

burbank sectional sofa 1Actually, I KNOW this is a hugely important option because when my husband built the sectional sofa, I wasn’t certain I liked it with the chaise on the left.  So I asked him to switch it.  Because he’s a very patient man he did.  And then I agreed that he had the right plan the first time and asked him to switch it back.  And because he’s a very patient man he did!  It’s not as simple as blocks of furniture pushed together, there’s nuts and bolts used to attach the back of the couch to the base so while it’s easy, it’s just time consuming.  However, I appreciate that it’s a sturdy unit.

burbank sectional sofa 2The material *is* soft just as I’d hoped, perhaps a little too soft as my  basement is more dry than I thought and the kids giggle with static shock!

burbank sectional sofa 3I, however, love snuggling up with a blanket on the sofa to watch a movie while my son has called this “an epic gaming couch”, whatever that means.  My kids and their friends seem to enjoy it which does count for something in this household!

burbank sectional sofa backThe one concern I had about this set was the cushions on the back.  I had read that they were removable and thought that my kids would surely have them tossed off within minutes.  I was happy to discover that they are actually attached to the back of the couch with velcro, not loosely placed, so they have not moved at all!

I admit, I was nervous ordering such a large piece of furniture online but I’m so glad that I did!  Throughout the entire process from ordering via phone, to the item arriving at my door, Wholesale Furniture Brokers were courteous and always provided me with updated information on the status of my order via email.  I believe they truly understand how daunting ordering furniture online can be, so they work to give the customer as much information as possible.

Take a look at Wholesale Furniture Brokers and see everything available!  And, keep an eye right here on the blog for a giveaway from them coming up in December!  Yes, even Santa can deliver furniture in his sleigh!


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  • I think I still like going and picking out furniture. I like sitting on them because sometimes they look really comfy but when I sit on them they hurt back or lean too far back or just not comfy. It would be a bit of a pain if I ordered didnt like it then had to return it

  • Great to hear of someone else buying online furniture. 🙂 I’ve been looking into buying a new living room set, but just am a little scared of “not being able to try before I buy”. Thanks for the review 🙂

  • I’ve never bought furniture online, only accents. Not that I’d mind, just never sure if pieces will fit into the space properly!

    • The nice thing is that they post dimensions of the furniture on their website so you can atleast check to make sure it’s going to fit or not.

  • I have viewed furniture online, but in the end I went to the store to have a good look at what I was investing my money on!

  • I haven’t. I prefer to see it in person, get a feel for it. I like to know the quality of the product first. I would with good recommendation though.

  • I have never purchased furniture on-line before, however, I am getting braver with on-line purchases.
    I LOVE that sectional!! We may need to look at one for our house

  • I’ve never bought furniture on line and really can’t see me doing that. I need to touch it, feel it, sit/lie on it, feel the fabric, test how solid it is etc.

  • It would be nice but it kinda scares me. I like to touch furnicture. Not like you can drop it back at a mailbox!

  • i have never purchased furniture online. love your couch!! totally need one that isnt leather in our basement! gets to chilly down there for leather

  • Never thought or bought furniture online. LOVE LOVE LOVE that set though. Need a sectional to repalce what we have that is years old and faling apart…

  • I have bought my bed set online, along with the night stand…but I have never bought a couch online. I think I need to try it and feel it before committing.

  • I’ve looked at furniture online, but only ever purchased from stores. My husband and I are too much of a “sit and try” first.

  • EEK! I don’t know if I could do it. I still have a hard time buying clothing online! I do love that sofa set though

  • I saw another blog that reviewed thsi company. It sounds interesting. Nto sure if I’m ready to buy online though…

  • I’ve never bought furniture online. I like being about to touch and interact with furniture before I decide on purchasing it.

  • I have never bought any furniture online. I like to go into the store to try it out and see it in person. Maybe one day I will be brave but for now I will stick with in store shopping for furniture.

  • No, I have never purchased furniture online. I think I would like to see it in person and check it out first-hand before purchasing it.

  • I have never purchased furniture online, how would you be able to see if it’s comfortable, I think I wouldn’t anytime soon

  • I’ve never purchased any furniture online…yet. But your sectional looks awesome. That’s what i’m shopping for now too.

  • Nice couch, my favorite type, lots of room for the whole family! I have never bought furniture online, but we have purchased a coat rack and bench with shoe storage for our back mud room.

  • No! I’ve never purchased furniture on line. I think I’d want to sit on it and test it out first. I’d be nervous about it.

  • We bought a stationary desk that closes from an online company. We really enjoyed the experience but found it was pricey.

  • yes, through the shopping channel, it was 2 “lazy boys” that were 350$ each, go them in the mail, and they were the cheapest crappiest chairs ever!!!! the sides were made almost like cheap plastic, now i know better, looks can be dec eiving

  • Interesting to read about your experience – we just got a gift of a chair purchased online. We read the reviews and they’re fairly good for the price, so when we put it together, I guess we’ll see how it goes!

  • The only furniture we have bought online was a TV, and I am not sure you would consider that furniture. I wouldn’t recommend doing that again. It was damaged twice in shipping.

  • I have never purchased furniture online. We have actually bought most of our furniture second hand or in the damaged section of the store.

  • Have never purchased furniture online. But since moving to a small town, I might just have a look. You made a nice choice. Grey is my new fave colour.

  • i’ve never bought furniture online. I like to be able to see the items in person to get the feel and size of it first. I don’t think i’m strong enough to order furniture online….yet!

  • I’ve never bought furniture online. I’ve only recently started buying anything online, so the thought of buying furniture online is pretty scary. I’m glad you had such a good experience.

  • I have purchased everything except furniture online. I live on a farm and they don’t deliver out here, so I would have to go to town to pick it up anyway, so I figure if I have to travel that far I may as well buy it in town.

  • I love to online shop for the convenience of it – just bought a new computer online! BUT, furniture is not something I look for – I would much rather SEE and feel it up close to ensure I like the fabric, etc

  • so brave! i love online shopping, and have broadened the things i’m comfortable buying unseen over the last couple of years – i was so proud (and nervous) to buy our bathroom vanity online!

  • I have never purchased furniture online.. I’ve done research on prices, reviews, recommendations etc, but for the actual purchase itself I like to go to the store where I can touch/sit/feel etc.

  • That’s a gorgeous couch!! I have never tried buying furniture online, and I’m still unsure whether I would.

  • I did once. Made the Leap of faith decision when Sears had the extra 40% off outlet clearance furniture (online only). The price is too good to pass up. It wasn’t a brand I didn’t recognize, it was Naturri.

  • only purchased L.R. shelving and tv stand. not sure i would want to purchase couches, unless i had already checked it out in a bricks and mortar store

  • I have not tried the online purchase option personally, but your experience suggests that it is not off the table, so to speak! And I too love your lovely sectional!

  • I have purchased online from IKEA…but I think for something like a couch, I would want to test it out, I don’t like too soft, or too hard.

  • Wow that’s a gorgeous sectional, love the color. I have purchased a Lazyboy chair online and it worked out great.

  • You new furniture looks great. Myself, I have never purchased furniture online but would consider it in the future!

  • Awesome choice! I have never bought furniture online before, as I enjoy testing out the furniture in store and seeing how big it is in person.

  • I have never bought furniture online. I think I would feel more comfortable doing so now that I read this post! It looks great, I like the gray too.

  • I have never, although hearing positive experiences definitely opens my mind up to the possibility of potentially buying online.

  • Im looking to buy this sofa as well, does the bottom coushion go all the way to the back or is there a space? thanks!!

    • It goes all the way to the back, but they are removable so I suppose there could be a space if they get pushed forward from people sitting on them (or the kids!)

  • Thanks for your post.. I was just thinking of purchasing this set and was wondering how long shipping took? I read a couple not so great reviews from a year or two ago that couches took a long time. I spoke with the company today and this exact couch isn’t in stock but will be in at the end of January. just wondering how shipping went for you with stock issues, etc. appreciate your feedback 🙂

    • Hi Miranda! Shipping was about a month from ordering to receiving, but I was constantly updated along the way which was good.

    • Hi Miranda,

      Just thought I would also jump in on your question. It is true the Burbank is out of stock and should be in stock again before the end of January. Depending on where you are located it shouldn’t be a month in transit. If you are in Western Canada I would estimate no more than 2 weeks in transit.

      Please let us know what if anything we can do to earn your business. This is an awesome sectional with great reviews and more than half of them on the container arriving in January are pre-sold.

      Thank you,
      Sergei Tashlikowich
      President and CEO.

      • Hi Sergeis

        Thanks for your comment. I am hoping to place the order today. Two last questions: is there enough ottomans on order to go with the couch if I purchase today? I only want the couch if I can get the matching ottoman. A rep from your company stated to me yesterday there may not be enough. Also, I’m wanting shipping delayed until after March 1st as we are moving. Is this something that can be done if I pay for it ahead of time? Thanks so much.

        • Hi Miranda,

          Sorry it has taken me a little bit longer than normal to get back in touch with you.
          The container of sectionals was unloaded today. There are still a few available but the majority of them have been pre-sold. If you did want to order I would do so asap in order to secure a sectional as well as to secure an ottoman. The ottoman’s were all sold on the container but we have 5 more coming direct from the supplier and in order to secure one of those you should place an order sooner than later.

          By placing an order and paying a 20% deposit that will secure the items and we will hold them for the rest of February in order to ship and have delivered on or shortly after the 1st of March.

          Let me know if you have any other questions.

          Thank you,

  • Just wondering how the couch has held up? We have to replace our sectional after less than 2 months of owning it as the seams are splitting. This set has a very similar look to my current one but I’m leery about the online ordering after the problems I’ve had with my sectional

  • I am looking in to purchasing this specific couch so I would also like to know how It has held up over the past year and a half. Are the seats still firm or do you feel like you are sitting on the floor yet? My other concern was the pillow on the are armrest would start to sag. Obviously if it has been well loved it might show a little wear but is it a couch you see yourself using for many more years? I have tried to look up the manufacturer, Urban Cali, but can not find anything about this brand. It is like it doesn’t exist except for on the WFB website. Just feels a little fishy but I do really like this couch. I just don’t want to be disappointed. So any info you can give us on how it is holding up would be awesome! Oh and… Did you end up getting the ottoman?

    • Hi Kristie!

      It’s been over a year and a half and overall it’s holding up well. There *is* some sagging in the cushions and yes my kids are rough on the furniture so I’m not surprised. It’s on one part of the couch when I sit down, I kind of lean to one side. The longer part where you can stretch out isn’t like that though. I never did get the Ottoman, the company didn’t reply to my emails at some point too when I inquired!

      • Thanks for the quick response! I think we are going to order it. For the price it is I am sure it will be great. I went in to a few big box stores and their prices are through the roof! My kids are 3 years old and 6 months old so I am sure the older one will love climbing all over it. I can’t justify spending much more for basically a jungle gym. She isn’t a wild animal or anything but Daddy likes to get her wound up when he gets home from work…. Hmmm… Maybe it’s the *big kid* I should be more concerned about! I am glad you kids are enjoying the couch and it is holding up well for you guys. Thanks again for the quick response.

      • How’s the couch holding up now? Any more sagging or loss in cushion firmness? I like the look and price of the sectional.


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