Giveaways and Reviews

Animal Planet’s Too Cute: The Books!

Animal Planet Too Cute booksThe first eight weeks of an animal’s life are an epic adventure. From their first sight of the world, to their first wobbly steps, to their first trip outdoors, these cuddly pets are coming of age in the most adorable ways.

TOO CUTE displays the everyday dramas of puppies and kittens as they grow up and learn to navigate the world. Readers will melt when a few-days-old Maine coon finally opens its eyes, and worry when a little runt-of-the-pack Lab struggles to get milk at lunchtime, and celebrate when Australian shepherd puppies learn to herd their farm’s new ducklings.

The journey from helpless baby to rambunctious best friend is sure to melt readers’ hearts. Because these pets are simply too lovable…too curious…too cute!

My kids love Animal Planet’s Too Cute series (one look at our PVR tells anyone this is true!) and I have to admit, it’s pretty darn cute!  Knowing that we had a puppy coming our way since she was born in August, it was pretty fun hearing the kids “awweeee!” over the puppies on the show, knowing what was to come.

When we received these books in the mail a few weeks ago, I couldn’t help but chuckle at my son pointing out a Labradoodle – the same breed of dog we were getting – when he had no idea of the surprise.

These books are awesome, full of photos and information on too cute kittens and too cute puppies.  If you have a fan of the series on your list this holiday season, or any day of the year, they are available October 29th (you can order directly from Animal Planet online here!)


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