Giveaways and Reviews



We know our skin needs anti-aging lotions, creams and serums if we want to keep it looking radiant and (hopefully) with minimal wrinkles showing signs of age.  But did you know that our hair requires anti-aging treatments too?

“Like skin, hair ages over time. To combat this process, the YOUNG.AGAIN line takes skincare technology and applies it to hair, helping to renew youthful luster and shine while softening dry, damaged hair,” said Kevin Murphy, stylist and founder of KEVIN.MURPHY.

I use products to combat dryness, frizz, or whatever the heck else is going on with my hair at the time.  While those are normal hair issues, it never occurred to me that my locks were actually aging right along with me (ugh.)  I was happy to try these products, as long as they didn’t come with an anti-grey brush or anything like that…I’m just not ready to go there yet!

The Young Again collection is a three-step system:  WASH ($35), RINSE ($35) and MASQUE ($49) containing the following key ingredients:

6 Australian rainforest fruit extracts Rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids, these extracts were shown to flourish despite the harsh climatic conditions.
Baobab seed oil Provides moisturizing benefits to the hair while improving elasticity and tone
Orchid flower extract Rich in proteins, reinforces hair strength and provides intense hydration
Immortelle Extraordinary healing qualities and great regenerating ability, super antioxidant
Lotus flower extract Helps to protect the hair from moisture loss. Rich in protein, leaving hair soft and supple
Kakadu plum extracts A potent antioxidant essential for the repair of damaged hair
Phospholipids Create a skin like barrier to lock in moisture
Bamboo extracts Known for its restorative effects, adding natural shine and lustre to the hair
The light scent is nice and the product washes out easily.  I don’t use the MASQUE with every wash but have used it a few times in the past week or so using KEVIN.MURPHY products.  I always use a spray or cream in my hair before blow-drying regardless, but appreciate how KEVIN.MURPHY Young Again leaves my hair feeling once it’s styled.  Softer, stronger, and definitely more managable.
I’m not saying you need to start popping silver-plus vitamins and watching Dateline on Friday nights (OK, I  totally watch Dateline on Friday nights!), but if you’re feeling your hair needs a little pick me up consider checking out KEVIN.MURPHY Young Again the next time you’re at the salon.  KEVIN.MURPHY Young Again is available in salons across Canada in July/August 2013.
One of my readers is going to win the KEVIN.MURPHY Young Again collection (ARV $119).  To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below!

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