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Coming Home – Remember That Feeling?

Do you remember that feeling, the day you brought your first baby home?  I can still remember that day, almost nine years ago now, when we were released from the hospital and allowed to take baby Elijah home.  I rode in the back seat with him (of course!) and we had to stop for a few supplies on the way.  I’m sure my husband drove about 10km below the speed limit the whole way!

Those first few days at home were interesting for all of us.  We were adjusting to being new parents, and Elijah was adjusting to the world outside his comfy womb environment where he had lived for the past nine months!  I cherish those memories, and the photographs that will remind us of that time.

Bringing home each of our three children holds special memories for me.  I adored introducing Elijah to his new baby sister Nevaeh when she was born almost four years later.  Then, another three years after that seeing the excitement in our two children’s eyes when they met baby Everleigh for the first time is something I hold dear.  In fact, a photo from our first day home as a family of five is my laptop’s screensaver for the past 2 years.

Mom2Mom, talking to real moms in a home setting, captures interviews with new parents sharing experiences like coming home, picking the baby’s name and more. I’d have loved these when I was a new mom – share them with a new mom you know!


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  • My oldest came at 7 mths and was in hospital luckily for only 16 days and a great weight of 5 pounds 8 oz . When she came home my hubby was out to sea so he didn’t see her for 3 mths.

  • I sure remember that first day. It was only one year ago but feels like yesterday! I was so scared as a first time Mom but I made it 🙂

  • The day I brought my first boy home it was the weirdest feeling that I was responsible for a little tiny person. He cried all the time and it was very overwhelming. Now he is 5 and couldn’t imagine my life any other way.

  • I will never forget bringing home my son when he was born almost 3 years ago. I was nervous and scared at the same time. This was my fist baby but my hubby was already experienced in the baby department (he has a daughter and son from a previous relationship, who were 14 and 11 when we brought little Colton home) I remember, calling my Mom every day to talk to her about what it was like having this change in our life. Our Colton is a blessing and our miracle baby, we almost lost him the day he was born. I am so blessed! I remember leading up to the birth of Colton waching show after show on tv about babies. I see now that those shows were no where near reality, this show would have been a lot better to watch back then! lol

  • I don’t have any children, so I can’t say anything other than those with children are very lucky.

  • i remember feeling SO completely unprepared for taking care of this little person’s every need. my hub and i parked her carseat in front of the christmas tree and stared at each other wondering how we were going to figure her out. lots of sleeping in shifts later, she is a gorgeous 5 month old that is changing constantly, so we are still learning!

  • I will remember the day i brought my 2 boys home from the hospital forever. Very special moments. 🙂

  • Thanks for sharing this special part of your lives. We don’t have any little ones (yet!) but look forward to experiencing this 🙂

  • 21 years ago I brought my one and only child (son) home, I remember the white knitted outfit I put him in, my mum had made it :)….and now as life goes by, he has blessed me with 2 grand babies, one of which I watched being born :), I am so proud of my one and only, and remember allot of firsts in his life, but the day I brought him was really the day it all began, thank you for asking us to post about this day, it brought back some wonderful memories for me I hadn’t thought of in a long time 🙂

  • It’s terrifying to bring your first baby home! I remember looking at my husband and saying “now what?”

  • I don’t have any children, so I can only imagine how new parents must feel. It’s such a scary but exciting time in their lives.

  • I don’t think any mother would ever forget that day of bringing their little angel home. I have two still left in the nest and they will be high school seniors next year. It’s bitter sweet to see them grow up so fast!

  • It’s been 16 years since I brought home my first child- but it is something you never forget! Each time is so special!! I feel blessed to have 4 children!!

  • I loved leaving the hospital ! Coming home with my second was the best. It was Mother’s Day, and my mom was at my house watching my 16 month old:)

  • It was so different bringing the second home as we had a toddler at home. He wasn’t so thrilled at first but then was over the moon taking care of his brother!

  • my first born is 15.5 years old now, he’s a Christmas baby, and one of the biggest gifts I ever got. I have 3 princes now, life is hectic and I’d do it again in a heartbeat!

  • My daughter is 6 now and I still remember her little face in the car seat. I was so proud and terrified!

  • I remember bring our first baby home. She was 6 weeks old. I remember the little apple outfit she was wearing and on the way home (2 hour drive) we stopped at my Grandma’s and then at my in-laws because some of the family hadn’t met our little princess yet. Bringing home our second was much simpler. We brought her home when she was just 42 hours old and 6 hours later we were at a BBQ. My third was my first one that we took straight home from the hospital and stayed home (for several days).

  • I wanted to bring the red nurse call button with me. It seemed surreal that I was supposed to bring this little being home and that everyone figured we would know what to do with it.

  • I remember bringing my daughter home – over 22 years ago. I too sat in the back seat with her and it was a beautiful, bright day!

  • Sat in the back with all 3 of mine! I don’t remember as much with the 2nd as I do with the first and third… poor middle child, lol

  • I don’t have any children so don’t know the feeling but I am sure it is both exciting and scary at the same time.

  • I had 3 sons and I can remember the day I brought each one of them home. My oldest is going to be 45 in June so its easy to say a mother never forgets. I remember all their births too. I was never nervous with my babies once I got them home. I loved having a new born in the house and really miss those days a lot.

  • My son had to stay in after being born for a week and it was nerve racking till he was with me at home

  • I remember being very nervous when bringing my first baby home! It was quite a stressful time as my marriage broke up when she was just 8 days old; but we made it through and now she is going to be 29 this year, but I remember the feelings clear as day!

  • I would just like to say that your children’s name are all beautiful and special, Tenille.

  • I remember being excited and slightly overwhelmed. The support of the nurses was gone & it was all up to my hubby & me. We made it just fine!

  • I always found it so weird leaving the hospital after having my babies. It seemed like the world should have stopped while I was tucked away in the hospital with this new little being but once I stepped back out into the world it became clear that things had gone on while I was there.

  • Sara came home 6 days after arriving. My doctor was fabulous – he is retiring this year 🙁 oh how time passes. Sara will be 25 this year and I can still remember bringing her home for the first time.

  • I think bringing home baby is something that you can never forget! I remember bringing home my son who is 4 like it was yesterday. I remember what he was wearing, who was there and what the weather was like. I also remember the day we brought home our daughter. almost 14 months ago. It’s so special, and so frightening at the same time lol. Great read!

  • After almost 6 years I still remember that feeling! The best ever bringing home your little bundle of joy!

  • Misdiagnosis when I was 18 – 22 surgeries later – IVF baby – found out I was pregnant on Mother’s Day. That was 9 years old, blessed with my son Evan….truthfully a day I will cherish and never forget.

  • It seems like it was only yesterday when we brought our son home but it was almost six years ago now. Time has flown by but i remember how scared and excited i was to take our bundle of joy home!

  • no natural born children here; I have 3 step children who were teenagers when their Dad and I got married; they had just
    lost their Mom within that year and it was scary. 2 are now married and have given us 5 grandchildren.

  • I was in a daze when my first two came home; the second set were in the NICU for a bit so there was a transition period. I was most excited by my girls’ reactions to their brothers – priceless memories!

  • I don’t think I will ever forget the days we brought home both our kids. Although honestly, bringing home our first born was quite the experience and so full of emotions.

  • We didn’t go to the hospital. We planned a more traditional birth that’s more common in the UK and NewZealand. We had a home birth and it was a fantastic experience.

  • Coming home was so hard for me! I was in so much pain and was so scared! I definitely think it will be much easier with baby #2

  • This is perfect! I remember those special days. I almost felt like a thief at the hospital when it was time to go. I kept thinking, are they really going to just let me walk out of here with my little one? Memories…:)

  • I remember bringing my daughter home. My mom and sister had come up to our house while I was still in the hospital with my daughter, and cleaned it from top to bottom, it was so nice to come home to a sparkling clean home 🙂

  • Yes I remember those days!!! All 4 of them 🙂 My last was a late evening homecoming as we had to wait for the Dr to release her from the NICU and he didnt come until like 7pm 🙁 We got home though thats all that mattered 🙂

  • I had 5. Everyone we brought home was the same feeling, nervousness, excited… mixed with a little fear..

  • yes, i remember this day when i brought my first baby home from the hospital. i can’t tell you how nervous i was!

  • I remember bringing our daughter home, she was the first born and wow I was so nervous. I really just kept thinking to myself, how am I going to do this. By the time we brought our third child home it was still a special moment but we were no longer nervous, just wanted to get some sleep..:)

  • No matter how many times you bring home a new baby it’s precious, magical, overwhelming and a bit fearful. Even with more experience it always seems like it’s the first time being a parent and I’m guessing that’s because each child is so unigue.

  • I remember bringing both my boys home. The second was kind of awesome because I had a two year old who was full of wonder and love for his new baby brother. That’s a great memory.

  • I barely remember my first 2 as they are 21 & 17 but it was bliss!! i was looking forward to that newborn bliss again with DS1.5 but due to serious complications after birth (I almost died) I was cheated from those precious moments we are all doing well now but i mourn the loss of that coming home time

  • i remember bring both my girls home from the hospital like it was yesterday!!! i cant believe how fast time goes by tho

  • I remember those days. Although with my son we were already home (home birth) but my daughter was born at hospital. I much preferred my home birth and not having to actually bring him home, lol.

  • I spent three weeks in the NICU with my oldest before coming home. So, coming home for me, was the best ever!!!! Not to mention a little nerve racking….

  • I don’t think any mother could forget those early days. I loved bringing my babies home and if I were younger and a little healthier, I would have had more than 3. I remember experiencing a feeling that I still can not name. Something beyond ecstatic. I loved all the age groups but there was something so special about having a brand new baby at home.

  • I will have those memories of my boys coming home etched in my heart to the end of time and beyound

  • Oh brings back precious memories, I remember bringing my boys home for the first time, I was so excited!!!

  • My mom def talks fondly about those days – even though they are so long ago! Home is where the heart is, for sure!

  • I remember bringing my babies home. And my mom still talks about bring her babies home, too. Wonderful memories!