Giveaways and Reviews

Masculine & Feminine Energy: What It Means, How It Can Help You (with giveaway!)

betty-ann-heggie1In December, I introduced readers to a friend and mentor of mine – Betty Ann Heggie.  Named among Canada’s Top 100 Powerful Women, Betty Ann has climbed the corporate ladder, and is now studying the structure of that ladder itself.  What does it mean to be a successful woman?  How do your gender differences help and hinder us in business?  How can understanding Masculine and Feminine Energy aid you in your job and household?

We all know that men and women are wired differently.  It’s a fascinating subject and one of many that Betty Ann Heggie explores on her website through her blog posts.  In December, we looked at mentorship, or Womentorship as Betty Ann Heggie calls it.  This month, we’re looking at Masculine and Feminine Energy!

Here’s a summary of the last 4 blog posts Betty Ann Heggie wrote about Masculine and Feminine Energy:

Workplace Power Games explores how the hierarchies of the modern workplace and often feel like a virtual game of snakes and ladders.  Betty Ann shares tips on how to negotiate these ladders, while avoiding the snakes and pitfalls.

Colour Political Success Pink takes a look at women in leadership positions in politics and how women use their naturally collaborative Feminine Energy to gain the hearts of voters and win elections.

I really think Betty Ann hit the nail on the head when she quoted Jean Kovacs who said, “Men innovate just for the sake of innovating…. Conversely when women innovate, they are looking to solve a problem”. In Thoughtful Innovation Needs the Feminine, Betty Ann explores how women can use their Feminine Energy to feel empathy and put ourselves in another’s shoes, which helps find your innovation through our natural desire to serve.

And finally, in her post Know Your Energy, Serve Your Goal Betty Ann explores a mistake many women make when working in a male-dominated workforce; they move too far over into their Masculine Energy which backfires when their colleagues find them too direct, too pushy.  How interesting!!

If these summaries of recent blog posts by Betty Ann Heggie intrigued you and made you want to learn more, good!  That’s exactly what Betty Ann wants to do – facilitate thought and discussion on these topics as they relate not only to the working world, but in our own households and relationships as well.

February is the month of amore, and to have a successful and meaningful relationship we need to understand how Masculine and Feminine Energy works and contributes to those relationships, so I thought the subject matter was timely!  We’re even bringing you a giveaway to celebrate wonderful you and encourage you to take care of yourself and those around you (because, by nature of our Feminine Energy, that’s what we do!)


Use your natural Feminine Energy to take care of yourself (but if you want to take care of those around you, that’s OK too!) with this $100 Visa Gift Card giveaway from Betty Ann Heggie!  Guys, you can participate too – we all have Masculine and Feminine Energy, it’s about using those energies in the best circumstance that results in the best outcomes! 😉

To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  • first i am glad you are back collaborating on another post & contest – thank you as the last one was excellent.
    i do believe we need to understand the differences in how & why we do things to have healthy relationships at home and at work!

  • I think that if a person were to combine the benefits of the two, he or she could come up with amazing, productive results. Even if men and women work and focus on different things, there is plenty to be had when we adapt or do something the other does.

  • I don’t know, my hubby has a job where his workers have to do the job right and he works hard to fix a mistake that could be very costly. So I don’t think he innovates for the sake of innovating . Especially since he is at a nuclear plant.

  • I totally agree with masculine and feminine energy in the workplace. We just got a male manager after many years of a female manager. In our mostly female workplace, the difference a male manager makes is very noticeable. Men are a bit.more straightforward whereas women are more emotional and it all reflects in the work environment.

  • I agree that men and women are different in the workplace, even if some don’t admit. I also think the energy in a work place also depends on whether men or women dominate the field and if there is more men and women currently working in your office.

  • I definitely think that there is a difference, and i feel that when both males and females are present at a job, it can help to balance that energy and become more efficient together as a whole

  • Betty quoted Jean Kovacs “..when women innovate, they are looking to solve a problem”. That’s probably where the saying “Necessity is the mother of invention comes from.

  • I think there is a difference between Masculine and Feminine Energy, especially in the workplace. Though the dynamics of the energy is different I think both add interesting perspectives and both “energies” complement each other.

  • I think it’s true that women who want to survive in a male dominated workplace are seen as pushy and direct. You are only being like them to make sure your point gets heard.

  • I have to much feminine energy in the work place as i have gotten emotional but have gotten stronger over the years. But some women are more tough. But it can play a different role in the work force from Masculine and Feminine Energy. I just think both should be fair.

    silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com

  • Betty Ann is an amazing woman. I’ve had the opportunity to chat with her several times and love her positive outlook. Balancing our masculine and feminine energies is so important, both at work and at home.

  • i really agree with this…i work in a male dominant industry with primarily male customers that make each day a lesson to my customers that women may actually know something iether then being a mom

  • women have come so far but we still have a long way to go. I think there will always be a struggle…..unfortunatley!

  • I believe that both masculine and feminine energies are very important to a women. I used both while bringing up my 2 boys on my own. You need both to survive.

  • I have worked with both men and women and in the workplace I did see a difference between the male and female energy. I do think though that even though we are of different genders with different ideas on things that it helps to bring people together and work better together.

  • I think that things go smoother with Masculine and Feminine Energy together. You can get things done easier and better with both.

  • Gives new meaning to the phrase ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. I’m inclined to think that both of these ‘Energies’ exist on a spectrum, and that there’s a lot of overlap between these Masculine vs Feminine Energies.

  • I think the whole women trying to be too masculine and then people thinking they are pushy is true! I see it all the time, and I think it’s hard for women in business to find that balance and still move forward.

  • I agree that Masculine and Feminine energies are different, and I think they compliment each other. I also agree with Lori P’s comment that both energies “exist on a spectrum” and “there’s a lot of overlap between these Masculine and Feminine Energies.”

  • I work in a very male dominated profession and find the part about women moving too far into a masculine role fascinating.

  • I think there is a difference between Masculine and Feminine Energy, but I think that it is a good thing because it helps to create balance.

  • I think women have become stronger through out the years which is great however there is still a much noticeable difference between masculine and feminine energies in the work place. We are after all completely different in many ways.

  • Very interesting, indeed! Not something I had really given much thought to before, but very thought provoking.. I can very much agree there is truth to this!

  • I agree that men and women are different in the workplace. I think the energy in a work place also depends on whether men or women dominate the field and if there is more men and women currently working in your office.

  • totally agree with men and women having different energies. i think men spin on a completely different axis 🙂

  • I always thought you had to climb the ladder being more like a man. Interesting that is actually a negative.

  • I think it’s best to find a balance between the two. It seems to be a problem of too much one way or the other is problematic.

  • I completely agree that there are differences between men and women, particularly in a workplace. At home, I am very lucky as my husband is not afraid to do the things that traditionally used to fall to women only. He is a wonderful man and not the ‘macho’ type that could not see himself doing anything around the house. He is a chef by trade so does most of the cooking, he cleans, well in fact. He does laundry and even took paternal leave to stay with our son when he was a baby. Funny thing is that he works with 95% women and only 5% men and also doesn’t deal with any ladder climbing. I am also lucky in my work because as a community nurse I work alone and don’t have to deal with any ‘energies’ except those of my patients and there is no ladder climbing required in my job. Very interesting topic though!

  • My initial thoughts on Masculine and Feminine Energy, after reading the summaries in the post above were, “Hey, that’s right on. When women are assured and confident, they are often called cold and selfish, but men are strong and leaders. Women often go too far into their masculine energy to try to succeed in the workforce.”

  • From my experience, Men & Women behave differently with co-workers than they do with their family. Some positive and some not. My Father was horrible to his family but outside of the home his friends, co-workers and their families thought he was a wonderful man.

  • I work in a mostly male dominated job, I find some customers do not take me seriously when they come in, they always want to talk to the boss, not the girl behind the counter, I love it when they ask the boss a question about something, then he looks at me for an answer..

  • It sounds like a truly interesting read – something to read and pass to my wife, worth taking the time to investigate alittle, but I don’t put too much stock in those things.

  • It makes sense what she is explaining . I myself would think a balance between the two would get your the furthest in the work environment.

  • I agree about the differences in energy.. But I had never really considered women taking on more of a masculine energy. How interesting.

  • My initial thought is that it is a very interesting concept and I agree about the difference in the energies!

  • I suppose if it’s true, since I am no longer in the work force, I am glad I agree with the feminine energy more. I am so not pushy and aggressive.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  • How very true! I am n the midst of starting my own business and I have had change my strategy hopefully for the better… I will have to look into this I wouldn’t want to go overboard into the masculine and make things more difficult as a result.

  • I believe in the power of energy and thoughts and the fact that they have a huge influence in your life. Very interesting read.

  • I agree with her views. I think men and women tackle problems differently and definitely handle situations differently too. Women’s approaches can be tough sometimes, but our ultimate goal is results. I absolutely agree with her statements on Workplace Power games. I’ve seen it and luckily, haven’t been a part of it. I also want to comment on women in politics…I am all for it. I think women walk a fine line between getting things done and including common sense and emotion when needed. We are starting to see more women climb the political ladder and that can only be a good thing. Great post and it will really get people thinking and talking!

  • I too believe in the different energies in men and women. Great read and I would love to find out a bit more

  • Interesting… I know that men and women think differently even in a male-dominated workplace. In my career I found that the big men with big voices often did better than others (male or female) even if they were not as smart. Women had to big much better in order to be conceived as as good as the men. I think I’d read the book, but I think you have to experience it for yourself personally and I think every workplace is different. I don’t know if I agree with different energies, though.

  • Might be interesting to listen to. I do notice a big difference because i own a business between myself and the male business owners.

  • I believe that it exists – women and men work differently. I spent the last 5 works working in a male dominated environment and industry, and learned a tremendous amount about the key differences. I really appreciate Betty Ann’s perspective and agree with it!

  • I think the a mistake many women make when working in a male-dominated workforce; they move too far over into their Masculine Energy which backfires when their colleagues find them too direct, too pushy. is very interesting!

  • Men are from Mars and women are from Venus… I think we have to work with our differences and use them to our advantage wherever and whenever is appropriate. ☺

  • It’s an interesting concept that I have thought about a bit in the past. While earning a minor in communication studies, I spent a fair amount of time learning about gender differences in communication and leadership styles. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  • It is interesting. As I was reading it I was thinking of people who I have worked with who fit into the different categories and how it helped or hindered in their work.

  • I agree that there are often fundamental differences between the genders, but I’d be interested to see what her thoughts are on those who feel they were born into the wrong body, and feel a disconnect between their gender and brain.

  • Very interesting! It’s funny how men are supposed to be the logical, mathematical, problem solving thinkers, yet this quote was so true, “Men innovate just for the sake of innovating…. Conversely when women innovate, they are looking to solve a problem”. Loved it! I’ll have to read more tomorrow. Sleepy time 🙂

  • Interesting theory, but I honestly don’t think this really applies to everyone. Maybe to some, but I think this is more of putting stereotypes onto men and women, which isn’t fair, and isn’t correct. Not everyone fits into a neat little box, and I don’t think I can really agree with this. Are their differences? Yes, probably, but there are always exceptions.

  • I have to say that after having kids and working with many others and their families for over 20 years, I am still a believer that just as much of this is nurture and what society steers to create, as it is nature.

  • Interesting…I do think our empathy as women is a gift if harnessed correctly. It’s something that needs to be taught to both our girls and boys…

  • I think it is really interesting — I think I’m going to do some more research about it [have to love the internet]

  • I find it interesting how differently men and woman react and respond to different situations. Very intersting and i enjoy obtaining the knowledge from different point of views

  • There were good points but not all women who advance in the workforce are pushy…Or maybe they are…now I am going to be thinking of that and trying to find examples.

  • I think in today’s society,most professions force women to take the assertive, masculine role. But then, just as stated above, men feel these women are being “too direct, too pushy”. Yet when women use their feminine energy to emphasize, they can be considered to be too sensitive. It’s a double-edged sword.

  • Men and women have different levels of emotions and different ways to deal. It is what makes the world go rounfd

  • Very interesting, I can relate to the ‘Know your Energy, Serve Your Goal”. I can see how being a female in an all male work environment would sway you to a more masculine energy.

  • There is something to it …it irritates me when women are assertive they are considered a “_itch” by some men but when men are assertive it’s a good quality. We still have a ways to go!

  • I feel we all have feminine and masculine energy as part of our whole self. Some people are taught thru life experiences to express or suppress parts of our true identity.

  • I would have to agree with everything she has said. Women in certain business sectors need to be cautious of demonstrating feminine and masculine characteristics. Men too have the same issues, but not nearly to the same extremes as women.

  • Some people are taught thru life experiences to express or suppress parts of our true identity. I feel we all have feminine and masculine energy as part of our whole self.

  • Women need t keep pushing. Only today i was listening to the local talk show host talking about the subject of how men feel safe to go out alone and woman don’t.

  • I wouldn’t generalize too much, but in most cases if women acts like a man, even using the same tools and techniques, she’ll still get a different reaction to her actions than the man. And, for some reasons, it’s funny to watch.

  • It’s a good thing men & women react differently to situations, and offer different perspectives, otherwise what is the point of gender?

  • I definitely think it is true that there are separate gender roles and masculine and feminine energies. We are taught these roles from a very young age. Very interesting.

  • She made it real clear,that women need to be more assertive and speak up for themselves in the work force today!

  • Sadly the times have made women become more pushy, example just look at politics today. If a female is in politics and making a speech the story always includes her hairstyle or what she was boring is that. I find working in a male dominate environment the men have a tendency to take me less serious until I have to pull rank. I guess we are just wired differently and always will be.

  • i do think masculine and feminine energy factors into workplace dynamics. It’s difficult to speak about without people labeling you sexist, but I think it’s there. And I do agree that sometimes when a woman tries to use more masculine energy she ends up overdoing it and becoming too pushy, when subtler would have been better.

  • I think women should be able to have any chance to do anything a man can. I do think men are just naturally stronger physically, but mentally I think a woman has that area covered.

  • It got me thinking, I’d love to hear more thoughts. I often find that I put myself in ‘others shoes’ to try and understand a situation better and help me solve it. I grew up working in my dad’s garage so I have a lot of experience in a ‘man’s world’ also. I consider myself lucky to have had all of these opportunities. Very interesting, thank you.

  • I read it all, but all of this talk of masculine and feminine “energies” isn’t for me, nor are the generalizations about men and women. Sorry!

  • We learn about that in psychology. Some women when trying to be successful become too “male” and that repels people even more. It’s a tricky thing to try and balance

  • I think women are more emotional , most men were brought up not to show emotions. Don’t get me wrong I love my husband and son they are both great people just less emotional than me.

  • My husband and I are good examples of feminine vs. masculine energy – he is a big executive in the corporate world and I am in pediatric health care. Our jobs definitely suit our personalities!

  • I believe in female superiority as men and women are very different. There is the natural superiority of women as voiced by Ashley Montague.

  • I am teacher so I don’t notice too much of the men and women differences since our salaries are the same, but I do know my friend has been a victim of being “power pecked” in her workplace.

  • I think that if you can take her ideas and make them work for you why not. Also, her idea of woman being perceived as too pushy when they take on too much masculine energy in the workplace might be true, but I wouldn’t like a very pushy male boss either.

  • It’s very interesting thinking of masculine and feminine energies. I sure know some people who have very masculine energies come to think of it.

  • I believe there in order for there to be true balance, the masculine and feminine aspects and energies must be balanced and equal as well, no one energy overpowering the other.

  • It definitely intrigued me! It’s an interesting topic but I have never really looked into it! Really cool though.

  • I have certain opinions on this topic .This doesn`t suit certain sectors of the work force will not all you to have an assertive quailities

  • My workplace has predominantly women. All the women are really respectful of each other and the environment promotes creativity. I think that it is interesting to read more about how male and female energies in the workplace interact!

  • As one of a couple of females at work in a masculine work environment, Betty’s comments are spot on! I will be reading more of her articles as I found them insightful.

  • This is very interesting. I am going to be reading up more on this.. maybe i need a new job! LOL Thanks for the share

  • Colour Political Success Pink: I love this point: ‘Clearly the attributes that women bring to the decision-making table are appreciated by voters, which can only improve things moving forward.’

  • Thoughtful Innovation Needs the Feminine: When women and men work together, their different energies can bring about positive results.

  • Know Your Energy, Serve Your Goal: I love this line in your article: ‘Women are better served to be comfortable in their own energy- true power comes from being authentic.’

  • Interesting. My husband and I are in very typical masculine and feminine careers and I that’s the reason we are the way we are if that makes sense!

  • I have had both male and female bosses over the years and have been a boss also. I have seen a difference in men and women and to be honest I prefer to have a female boss because they get to the point of what is expected from you much more concisely than a male from my experience anyway. Having said that I have seen where a female has been treated very sexist in the workplace by her fellow management staff.

  • This is a very interesting topic and first time I’ve ever heard of such a thing. my workplace is mostly women and i’ve always wondered how different things would be if more men worked in the company.

  • I think that she knows what she’s talking about. I’d love to find out more and will be checking out her website. Thanks for the heads up.

  • yes its true just watch how groups react in situations where the balance is slanted one way femanine or the other masculine

  • its so true, male and female energies are so different (and im not saying that as a bad thing) just males and females have a different way of going about things. like someone above has wrote about having a male boss and a female boss i have too experienced what she did and i totally agree with her they both had brought 2 different energies to the work dynamic and did things way different, but its always good to have/experience the different dynamic the opposite sex brings to the table. this is very interesting and worth googling or looking further into for sure!

  • Its fabulous how nowadays we encourage our children to express their true emotions – be they what society concerns “male” or “female”. Must stop messing with their heads

  • Super interesting, and so true in AND out of the home….everyday is some kind of challenge, and good thing us women are made smart and mentally strong to handle it! lol

  • My workplace has a balance of males and females. I see the masculine and feminine energy displayed by both sexes which is productive depending on the situation.

  • I am a little lost on this subject.. I thought it was interesting that men innovate for the sake of innovating and women do it to solve a problem

  • I agree to a point…women use their attriibutes to solve and serve and have maybe a softer, nurturing approach. it gets the job done but often women seen as passive this way. When we do ROAR we are taken as pushy . When men ROAR, they are taken as great fearless leaders. Hard to work together in business, career and politics, but I think the gap is closing more and more and the work is getting done. But a long LONG way to go still…

  • I have seen her before! I definitely agree with the “Snakes and ladders” type game that goes on in corporate/the work place. Wow. We haven’t gotten as far as we thought.

  • I agree that most masculine/feminine energies are different, but would need to read more than there is posted to really give an opinion on it.

  • I find these energies interesting – especially if women who are using more masculine energy are perceived as bossy. Are not we trying to be strong and assertive? How come this backfires? Will need to read more on this topic!

  • I do believe that men are naturally more adventurous risk takers than women. Women have more desire to protect young ones, they usually are not into the “fly by the seat of their pants” type of lifestyle choices.

  • We have both traits feminine and masculine. I would love to win this gift card so I could buy something to show my feminine side as I am looking tomboyish these days…lol

  • i would have to say having the best traits of both sexes is the best.. it carrys your survival in this world a bit better

  • Never heard this terminology before, but after reading your review, I do believe that there is Masculine & Feminine Energy. Very interesting points. Thanks so much.

  • I had never thought about different gender energies, and I need to read further on the subject to fully understand it.

  • I agree with the statement “women can use their Feminine Energy to feel empathy and put ourselves in another’s shoes” where as man wouldn’t do this. I would be interested in reading more on this topic. Interesting….

  • I think “Know Your Energy, Serve Your Goal”, is true: being too direct and pushy does not accomplish what you what in a male-oriented workplace.

  • En ergy is all and no sex. It just is all and nothing. Matter is energy and energy becomes matter, so it is …

  • I guess I’ve just always worked with great people. The summaries didn’t seem to fit the guys and gals I work(ed) with.

  • I take from the summary that as females using our natural inclination to be more empathetic and perhaps even ‘mothering’ causes us to address our work and problems in a different manner than males would.

  • So interesting. Would benefit from reading more. in her post Know Your Energy, Serve Your Goal Betty Ann explores a mistake many women make when working in a male-dominated workforce; they move too far over into their Masculine Energy which backfires when their colleagues find them too direct, too pushy. How interesting!! Think I’m guilty of that sometimes.

  • intriguing – i can see how the shift to more masculine energy in the boardroom can backfire – crosses the social norm ‘line’ that many still adhere to – and sometimes we feel the need to be like that to compete, and it’s not successful since it’s not genuine.

  • I think it’s interesting and probably very ture to some extent. However, every person is different and there is a spectrum of how any man/woman thinks, feels, behaves. Still I’d like to know more.

  • Hard to understand, but i love the ‘bottom line’… do not move into your masculine side too much!

  • I thought that was interesting too how women tend to use their masculine energy too much in a male dominated workplace and it comes across as too demanding! I think I’ve worked with a couple of those women! I do like how towards the end it’s mentioned that their can be a balance between the masculine and feminine energy and if one can accomplish that I think the sky would be the limit! Very interesting reading! Thank you 🙂

  • It is a bit confusing. I’ve worked with some women though who seem to think they have to be more like men to get ahead in business.

  • I agree with what you wrote. I have been observant of this for quite some time, and struggled with it myself. I also know I act differently with men at work and women at work. As much as I wish it weren’t like this, it is what it is.

  • I think it’s interesting how different men and women think and why they do the things they do. I guess if I was more driven, it’d be more important to me.

  • Please Enter Me In Your Giveaway.
    It Would Be Great To Win The $100 Visa Gift Card .
    In Response To Your Question Of
    What are your initial thoughts on Masculine and Feminine Energy, after reading the summaries in the post above?
    Men and women are different and we need to work to understand each other.
    Thank You For Having This Giveaway!!!!!!!

  • even though I’m not in the corporate world, I interact with men and women all the time and this soudns so interesting.

  • I think the Energy level is the way you take care of your self. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and hope to win 🙂 Thanks !!!

  • i have always been a firm believer that men and women are just inherently different in some ways! Nothing wrong with that!

  • First I’ve heard of this.
    It makes sense as males and females are each quite different emotionally along with the physical.
    Thank you.

  • I do agree that men and women are different. I noticed that women like to solve problem before they get huge and men will allow things to esculate and then take a firm hand to the situation.

  • Hmm… I don’t know. I agree men and women are different, but I don’t think it’s so black-and-white. It’s not only what a person puts out there, but how the rest of the world perceives men and women.

  • great post, I agree that men and women differ in many ways
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  • I really like this quote: “Men innovate just for the sake of innovating…. Conversely when women innovate, they are looking to solve a problem”. My work involves the patent and trademark industry and it would be interesting to start paying attention in regards to the gender of the inventors and the invention itself.

    It’s hard to be a woman in a man’s professional world, a man can be a “boss,” but when a woman acts in the same manner, she can be labeled a derogatory word. It’s hard to toe the line.

    acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com

  • I think taking time to learn about masculine and feminine energy would certainly change the way I communicate and make myself understood.

  • I’ve never though about Masculine and Feminine Energy . This is a VERY interesting topic and I look forward to reading all the information Betty Ann Heggie has written .
    Thanks SO much for this giveaway!

  • Speaking as the only girl in a family of 6 children, I can attest that there are indeed masculine and negative energies, so I was nodding my head in empathy and agreement. Having a knowledge or at least an awareness of these energies or characteristics is invaluable in understanding why men don’t think as we do and how they interpret OUR tendencies. Understand how each works and is motivated can only help, especially in a business setting.

  • I have noticed women move too far over into their Masculine Energy & act too pushy, I have also seen women use too much feminine energy & that is also a mistake.

  • I find this study very interesting and in my opinion accurate. I do think women and men think and behave differently in our innate personalities.
    reejen at comcast dot net

  • So the concept here is that both men and women have feminine and masculine energy? That is an intersting concept I dont know that tota lly agree with it but im open minded. I think a women can get to the highest levels just off femimnine energy alone.

  • it is interesting but I like to stick with what the Bible says about the differences of men and women.

  • I think men and women are very different and we should learn as much as we can about each other and our differences/similarities.

  • I feel as if I have a feminine and masculine energy, myself! I’ve never really identified personally to one and never dated as one either. I agree with the blog post though!

  • I think it’s important for all of us to recognize the differences between Masculine and Feminine Energy and to appreciate both.

  • I agree that men and women have many differences but I don’t see that a woman becoming too pushy or arrogant is necessarily moving into ‘masculine’ energy as many women are that way naturally and probably would be that way no matter their job. I much prefer to think of ourselves as all individuals – we have our differences and similarities and generalizing just cuts too many corners. I think of it like humor – it is so hard to find a joke that everyone likes or even groups of people find funny because we all have different experiences that make us the way we are.

  • It is true that we have different energies and deal with or look at things in very different ways. By nature we aren’t natural problem solvers on some levels or at least not as much as men but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn to be or that we can’t become chameleons to get ahead of our counterparts! 😉

  • I have never really pinned the differences. I have both and don’t refer to one or the other. I just believe it is a natural thing with everyone.

  • I think that the subject of masculine and feminine energies is fascinating. We need both for balance and we each have both. But not always balanced. I am happy that we have a greater influence now on the earth and its evolution of a more feminine nature which will help balance out the energies overall over time which will help to change the structure of society as we know it all over the world in a positive way.

  • There are lots of differences between men and women but I don’t think anyone thing can be said across the board.

  • As much as we’d like to think that men and women are equal in every way, it simply isn’t the truth. I don’t see that changing in my lifetime. Women have to walk the tightrope. Women are expected to be pretty and if they don’t look like Kate Upton, they are discounted. Women have to be assertive, but then are b!tches for standing up and taking charge. We have a tougher row to hoe in many ways. We have a different outlook, in general, than men. It’s tied to hormones and there is no way in the world to change that!

  • I think all people have different energies. I would agree women and men sometimes have similar energy but I don’t think you can address things this way and just cut out the individual..

  • My personal opinion is that gendered “energies” are more the result of socialization as opposed to innate differences between women and men – I think everyone has both the “yin” and “yang” within them, if allowed or encouraged to express both sides of themselves!

  • My mom has always told me men and women are just different. It makes sense, I see with my own husband how he approaches situations with a different mindset. None are better or worse, just different. It’s a whole different energy.

  • You are right about them being wired differently. WOmen moving up the ladder have to be more savvy and great looks also go a long way.

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  • I think women are problem solvers..such as if I was putting something together I would read the directions top to bottom as I go..hubby now is another story he will not even look at the directions and just wing it as he goes and it usually is put together why not save time read the directions and do it right the first time

  • It is completley obvious in the workplace that these gender roles exist. at least where I have worked men and women in more the upper more powerful positions do things differently

  • I agree with the majority of what was said. I think the point about women behaving masculine in the workplace is especially valid as many women feel that gender discrimination exists and feels that the only way to get ahead is to be masculine.

  • I think we need to make it more acceptable for women to express their ‘masculine’ energy, and men to show their ‘feminine’ energy … rather than pressuring women to be more feminine than may be natural to them in a given work situation. We work best when we’re allowed to synthesize these complimentary energies … and a culture that allows everyone to follow their own flow will unleash the dynamism that comes only from a healthy combo of yin + yang!

    Honestly, being in my early 20s, I’ve noticed that gender energies seems a bit different for folks of my generation. The coolest men are strong enough in their masculinity that they can explore vulnerability and care-giving sides without feeling insecure about it. I do see them tend to make the sort of pitfalls I think women are finally more aware about these days … we know how important it is to say ‘no’ to commitments we can’t handle, and to set firm boundaries (the *practice* of this is still quite a challenge, of course!).

    We’d all be much healthier if we respected assertiveness in everyone, rather than just in men … I can say something mildly assertive, far less bold than something a male companion just said, and some people react as if I were being aggressive. Everyone is entitled to boundaries, and speaking out when we see someone be mean is a perfect synthesis of ‘feminine’ compassion and ‘masculine’ assertiveness and bravery. (:

  • Some interesting insights not sure I wholly agree on the innovation differences but will take more notice in the workplace regarding it

  • I think women have been able to observe the differences in how women and men think about problems and solutions Unfortunately many men do not value a different perspective on those problems. Sometime in history , male dominence has been rewarded and woman’s views not even considered. It saddens me that in some cultures half of the population has no voice or public face. There are so many problems facing this world and dening half of the population’s opinion is limiting solutions by 50%. Are our views so threatening ?

  • I absolutely believe that men and women are different in many ways, but I’m not sure I buy into the masculine and feminine energy idea. I would have to learn more about it.

  • It makes sense and makes me think of my women study courses. Although women portray feminine traits and men illustrate masculine traits – the majority of people do not defined themselves by one energy. In the last couple of decades it has become more acceptable to characterize both masculine and feminine traits. You now have a lot of women in the work force and dads staying at home with their kids.

  • I think it is very interesting and I would especially be interested to read more about the hierarchy in the workplace.

  • This sounds like something I could really be interested in! I’d love to read more and find out how to serve my goal 🙂

  • I have always known that men and women have different energy levels and I’d be interested in finding out more.

  • I think that it makes sense to strive towards a 50/50 gender mix (although care should be taken to ensure the most qualified are getting hired). Men and women are different and bring different things to the table!

    penniespinched AT gmail DOT com

  • That now days there isn’t a lot of separation especially when women and men are taking on both roles especially in the aspect of parenthood.

  • I think it’s really important to recognize the difference in female and male energies, and doing so can make all aspects of life easier!

  • Men and women certainly look at things differently. I totally agree that when women innovate, they are looking to solve a problem.

  • I think that if i understood feminine and masculine energy better i would be able to climb that ladder at work better. i feel as though men view me as a whiny girl even though i am an adult who doesn’t whine at work!

  • Sorry, I really don’t subscribe to the overwhelming desire many have to categorize the various facets of human existence.

  • It’s a bit confusing to me but I have to read all the articles to get it lol. I do understand that men and women are wired differently, though. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. 😉

  • Hi there. I’m a guy giving the male perspective on the article “Know Your Energy, Serve Your Goal”.

    First off, I definitely respect a lot of women in high ranking positions and I’ve had the privilege to work for/with quite a few. But I agree wholly with your opinions that a woman can’t be overwhelmingly masculine in leadership. I also agree with your opinion that a female boss/leader should learn her workplace-feminine-side before engaging in her masculine side. I say this because we as men can’t help but naturally expect females to be at least a little “feminine”. This is not to say females in high ranking positions should be gentle and passive. Rather, it means, when we go to see our female bosses, we expect to talk to a “her”, not a “him”.

    On the bottom of this comment I’m shared an article about Cpt. Holly Graf of the United States Navy. Deemed the “Sea Witch” by some of her fellow Naval crew members, Cpt. Graf was an officer of great authority who -by opinion of some, if not all of the said fellow crew members- abused her powers. The article argues that she had every right to be as masculine in her commands and punishments as any male would. In fact, I’m sure male officers do things similar and even far worse than what Cpt. Graf did. However, reading about her actions in full gave me a different opinion. She didn’t do anything too horrid, at least not for an idealy strict military officer, but her actions still scared me. It scared me more than I would’ve been had I read about a male officer doing the exact same things. I think this is because again, we expect female bosses/leaders to have that feminine touch that makes her uniquely different from her male counterparts. We expect -or hope in the crew members’ cases- to have reasonable and intelligent exchanges with our female superiors. For the most part we can’t expect that from male superiors; we expect yelling, ignorance, and arrogance. A smarter and calmer female boss is far more desired than a male boss, and we’d like for that preference to stay that way 🙂,9171,1971443,00.html

  • I really believe what she is expressing has a lot of merit. Women or more for negocating them men, and so forth.

  • I agree with a lot of what Ms. Heggie states. Though I do believe that we sometimes have a difficult time balancing our masculine and feminine sides within.

  • I do think that is important to recognize that there are different energies in males & females and would be interested to learn more

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

  • What caught my eye was the perception of women who give off too much ‘masculine’ energy when they are in the workplace. My Mom has been in this position before and was viewed as a ‘troublemaker’ because she questioned the men in slightly higher positions.

  • I think it’s really interesting to see the differences in men and women written out. It’s easier to see how different we see things.

  • I find this so very interesting, I have always known that we are different and now to see it written out, it is so interesting. Makes me want to learn more

  • I think understanding the differences and being empathetic towards those differences is the key to any healthy relationship.

  • This is a neat concept and the more we understand about our energies, the better off we can deal with situations in life thanks

  • It’s probably true. I think men and women do have different energies, especially in the work force, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Thanks for this contest.

  • Thanks for the giveaway…the author is correct in that women & men differ in their outlook on problem solving, work relationships, etc., and that unfortunately women are held to a different standard vis a vis men @ work, but I believe it is improving in a positive direction, as far as I can see.

  • I think it is an interesting concept. I am not sure if I would categorize the differences as feminine and masculine energy, though.

  • I’ve seen some great leaders, both male and female, and it is interesting to note the different leadership styles. The personalities and judgement that go along with the various leaders are interesting, as well.