Giveaways and Reviews

January is Here, Time to Organize!

Brother MFC-J4510DWSomething happened when the calendar flipped over to January. On the 1st, instead of nursing a hangover or tobagganing outside with the kids, our family was in our basement purging toys, organizing, and planning how to turn our basement “toy room” into a bedroom for my oldest.

There’s something about a fresh new year, unlimited potential and all that inspirational talk, that makes you want to organize, plan, and yes clean.  Of course, the impending tax season has a lot to do with my desire to get everything organized as best I can.

My home office was our big renovation project in 2012.  New paint, new flooring, new furniture.  My goal in 2013 is to actually use the office more than once every few weeks!  With three kids under-foot, I find it much easier some days to work from my couch, though my office is certainly the place where I can get the most productive work done!

Sarah GunnInterior stylist and guest expert on CityLine Sarah Gunn (whom I also had the pleasure of meeting in Toronto a few months ago at an event, lucky me!) knows all about trying to maintain a home office amid the chaos of a household with one or more children. Sarah offers up these 5 tips for decorating your home office:

1.Add Colour
Using colours that make you happy in your work space will not only inspire creativity, they are welcoming and will make you want to stay in your office and get your work done. Pick a colour scheme and use it throughout the room to keep the look clean and simple.

2. Add Inspiration
Make your office an inspiring space to be by adding art and accessories. Create a visual display of ideas and thoughts using an over-sized memo board, have your business goals on display, or frame a favourite quote. Use colourful accessories that complement the room’s colour scheme.

3. Be Organized
Think about how you need your office space to function. From your laptop, your printer and paperwork, everything should have a home. To help stay on task and keep focused, keep your office tidy. Remove anything from the room that can act as a distraction.

4. Create Functional Storage
Use furniture, such as bookcases with doors and filing cabinets, to keep you organized and reduce visual clutter. Repurpose household items into storage by patterned wrapping paper around cans or boxes or using by mason jars for small items.

5. Invest in Technology
It’s no secret that computers and printers will make your job easier to do. With features including mobile printing, touch-screen display and fast printing speeds, the stylish Brother Business Smart Series printers will help you spend less time working and more time doing what you love.

Just me and my new friend Sarah.
Just me and my new friend Sarah.

I received the Brother MFC-J4510DW Wireless Colour Inkjet All-in-One Printer, part of the Business Smart series of printers available at Staples Canada, to help organize my new year and stylize my home office.  Now, with Sarah’s tips, I’m all set to make my office my own nirvana in my household.

This printer is truly compact – I didn’t realize how huge my previous printer was until I replaced it with this one.  Now I have more space for pretty little baskets for accessories and more.  The touch-screen is all kinds of awesome and the printing is flawless.

I may not have Sarah’s creativity or DIY talent, but with her tips I’m sure I can make my office into a more comfortable, inviting, and well-organized space in 2013.  And hopefully, I’ll even get to spend some time in there too!

You can find this Brother Wireless Colour Inkjet All-in-One Printer at Staples in Canada for $199.73.  For more DIY tips, follow Sarah Gunn on Twitter @SarahGunnStyle.


One of my Canadian readers is going to win a Brother Wireless Colour Inkjet All-in-One Printer! To enter to win, simply use the Rafflecopter form below!
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