Giveaways and Reviews

Febreze Vent Clips Bring Back the Hotness

febrezeBeing the frugal mom that I am, our family of five has managed to function with just one vehicle since our first child was born in 2004!  It hasn’t always been easy, and since 2004 our family vehicle has expanded from a four-door cute little red car to a family van (that I affectionately call “the hotness”) complete with all the bells-and-whistles (dual DVD players with head phones are a creation of the Gods).

Having one vehicle used by our family of five presents some scheduling issues, but the biggest challenge is keeping a very-functional family vehicle looking and smelling clean.  We use our vehicle for trips to school, work, swimming lessons, gymnastics, hockey and 5 hour road trips to visit the grandparents.  Naturally, things get left behind in the vehicle and discovering them can make a weaker mom faint.

On any given day you may find the following in my van: french fries mashed into the floor, a hockey bag in the back three days after practice, my son’s socks that he takes off even in January weather, a lone diaper (pee only, I swear!) forgotten after a quick change in a mall parking lot, or a sippy cup of milk lost a week prior.  Sometimes, my van isn’t the hotness.

Febreze Vent Clips were created for families like mine!  They actually eliminate odors in your vehicle instead of just masking them like most car fresheners do (hockey bag smell mixed with cherries, anyone?)  They’re super-easy to activate and the best part is they’re very inconspicuous and blend in with your vehicle’s interior rather than hanging from your review mirror screaming “I have a smelly family van, see??”

I really did have one of those deep-breath moments the other day when on a road trip in a city an hour away.  I walked to the other side of the van to take my daughter out of her car seat, and when I opened the sliding door, I was met with the lovely uplifting scent of Thai Dragon Fruit.  No scent of abandoned sippy cup, hockey bag, or boy’s socks.

An annoyance with other fresheners in the past is that they start off strong and fade within a few days.  Febreze Vent Clips last up to 30 days – I’m only 10 days in or so but we’re still going strong and – dare I say it – the hotness is back.

Just ignore those french fries mashed into the floor.  Consider it decoupage for the van.

Disclosure: I was provided product to facilitate this review.  The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.



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