Giveaways and Reviews

The Canadian Hockey Bag – a smell all its own.

Live in a house with a hockey player, young or old or over the hill, and you’re likely familiar with the rank scent that emits from a hockey bag. What is that smell exactly? I don’t even want to get into the specifics of the scent that has made many a stronger woman than me blanch! We can’t avoid the hockey bag, but we can find ways to battle the scent it leaves behind!

My husband thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to lay out his hockey equipment to dry in an open space.  But wait, it gets better.

He also thinks it’s totally find to bring over a portable heater and blow hot air on the equipment to help it dry faster.  All this seems to do is extend the life of the stank so that it permeates all the other rooms of the basement!

The scent got so bad recently that he even asked for “that spray you use to get scents out” and found our Lysol Fabric Refresher in the laundry room.

Lysol Fabric Refresher spray doesn’t just cover up odors with a perfume – it actually works to eliminate the odors altogether.  It leaves a light scent behind (obviously stronger when first sprayed) but not so strong that my husband didn’t want it on his hockey equipment.  Yeah, that’s right, his hockey equipment is sprayed with Lysol Fabric Refresher Blossoms and Springtime scent – and we’re proud of it!  Now if only I could spray him after a hockey game.

Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group.  The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.


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