Gift Guide Gifts for Kids

Advent Calendars From Mastermind Toys

Now that we’re in the holiday season (it seems like once Halloween and Remembrance Day is past, it’s full-speed ahead to Christmas!) it’s time to start getting the household organized.  Along with pulling out the tree and decorations soon, we have to get our Advent Calendars purchased and ready for the kids. I don’t recall having a yearly one as a kid, though I think I once had a chocolate one. I really like that the latest calendars out there have little trinkets and toys instead of chocolate – especially more so when they’re themed around my children’s favorite things.

My two oldest each received an Advent Calendar courtesy of Mastermind Toys this year.  My son, of course, would want nothing but the LEGO City Advent Calendar.  Even though he’s had this one in the past, it’s still his favorite one.

Gifts inside this set include: 7 minifigures (Santa, 3 firefighters, brother, sister and mechanic), iconic forest fire equipment racks, fire hydrant and chainsaw, wheelbarrow, snow catapult, mini fire engine and much more for a total of 248 pieces.

I picked this Playmobil Princess Wedding Avent Calendar for my 5 year old – anything princess themed works for her!

This set includes a prince groom figure, princess bride figure, flower girl figure, king figure, horse, vanity, royal wedding cake and other princess wedding accessories!  Now both kids have a set very much all their own and let’s be honest, mom has eleventy-billion little pieces to step on throughout the holidays!

It isn’t truly the holidays until you writhe in pain after stepping on a plastic toy, right?

One of my Canadian readers is going to win a $75 Gift Card from Mastermind Toys!  To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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