Gift Guide Gifts for Kids Giveaways and Reviews

Celebrating the Holidays With LEGO DUPLO

Halloween is over, Remembrance Day is before us, and once November 12th arrives, I can officially pull out the Christmas CDs and maybe think about decorating the house!  This is definitely the busiest time of the year for me – the holidays bring with them the annual holiday gift guide (5th year running, wow!) and of course all the prep and excitement that comes with looking forward to spending Christmas with the grandparents.  Add to it a family vacation next month and we’ve got the perfect storm brewing to cause some stressed out, emotional kids.

It’s important during the holiday season to take some time to give thanks, count our blessings, and remember those less fortunate than us.  Every year before Christmas we clean up and clean out the toy room.  It’s a great way to pass on toys that have been loved and forgotten about to charity, while giving space to a toy box sure to fill up at Christmas because we are blessed with the ability to do so.

This fall, I’ve been paying more attention to paying it forward.  I’ve been conscious of people or situations brought into my life and realized that many things we think are coincidence happen for a reason.  At the risk of sounding a little “out there”, I’m listening to the messages brought to me by the universe around me and reacting by performing a good deed, kind of like playing tennis with the universe.  I send a little magic and good will out into the universe…and good things happen!   I haven’t explained the pay-it-forward mission with my kids in that context but have explained how doing good deeds for others makes us feel good.

In October when I was at BlissDom Canada in Toronto, I won a LEGO DUPLO Cinderella’s Castle toy at the Mom Central party I went to.  Being a LEGO DUPLO Play Agent, I’ve received some awesome LEGO DUPLO products in the past month, so this one was a bonus.  I decided that, since I won it, there must have been a reason.  Unexpected surprise + holiday season = donation to charity!  The thing is, I’m not sure which charity or intended recipient this is supposed to go to but I have no doubt the universe will show me in time.

If you’re still reading along, this is good – it means you haven’t decided I’m nuts and perhaps think there’s some merit in my  new found philosophy!  Try it yourself – are people being brought into your life for a reason?  Is there an opportunity to do a small act of kindness to make someone’s day better that presents itself to you?

LEGO DUPLO is continuing their giving by giving my readers the opportunity to win a pretty amazing prize this holiday season!

Check out 8 of the hottest toys from LEGO DUPLO this holiday season!  How many would your kids or someone in your life love to have?  Well, here’s your opportunity!  Tell me which 4 of the toys you’d like to win – and one of my readers is going to win their choice of 4 toys, completely wrapped and ready to go under the tree or in a donation!  Excited?  Me too!  Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter!  Good luck everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am a LEGO DUPLO Play Agent and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.


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