Giveaways and Reviews

The Zombies Are Coming! Or…It’s Just the Flu.

I wouldn’t doubt that, for many of you this month your Facebook news feed looks a lot like mine.  Either someone has a kid throwing up all night or they themselves have been knocked on their butt by some inexplicable weird virus.  Being that Halloween is only days away, it’s very possible that this could be the beginning of a zombie apocalypse, but more than likely it’s just “that time of the year” when colds and flu start to make their rounds.

Our family has been relatively healthy so far this season (I am a germophobe, remember, and have created a decent bubble!)  Inevitably, my bubble disappears like hand sanitizer into the air and one of us is going to get knocked down.

I get that.  It doesn’t mean I have to go down without a fight though.

I arm myself with hand sanitizer (one in the purse, one in the diaper bag, and one in the vehicle!) and try and be good about using things like Lysol Wipes to wipe down the door handles, taps and other surfaces in the house

Of course, I know that once my kids leave the bubble house, they are at the mercy of the germs around them and I can only hope that they remember some of the things I’ve tried to drill into their heads.

“Cough into your sleeve!”
“Wash your hands before you eat!”
“Don’t wipe your nose with the back of your hand!”

Given that I’ve seen my oldest run his cheek along a railing at LAX “just because”, I don’t believe for a second that my kids are going to be germ free by the time they return at the end of the day.

So, I prepare further and have Gravol, Tylenol, and a good ‘ol barf-bucket handy in case the flu does strike our house. If the Zombies get here first….I got nothin’.

Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.


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  • Oh, I hear ya! I am pretty sure everyone around me has been sick or lives with someone who is/has been sick.

    I got off lucky with a little headcold last week – and am hoping the flu (or zombie-itis) stays at bay from my home 🙂

    Good luck with your battle!