My Fabulous Life

The Mom Stays in The Picture – Here’s Mine

We had family pictures taken on Monday night and while waiting for the “official” nicely touched-up photos, my photographer sent me a few to see.

This week, a post called The Mom Stays in the Picture has been going viral – sharing how important it is for mom to be in pictures with their little ones, even when we may not want to be!  I have very few pictures of myself with my mom (she’s one of those people that looks away when someone tries to take her photo!) and it’s made me realize how important those photos can be to my kids.

This photo is a candid from the other night – taken while we were figuring out the next shot when Nevaeh (almost 5) said “Mom, I want a picture just with you!”  We snapped it quickly, to pacify her, having no idea of the viral post this week and how timely it would be.

What was a quick, un-touched up shot taken to make a little girl happy will hopefully be one she cherishes for years to come.  Yes, I’m not my daily Lululemon-wearing, hair in a ponytail mom in this photo but that’s ok.  The important part is that it’s a photo of just my big girl and I, on an October evening, in a moment that wouldn’t have  been captured had she not asked.

Thank you Allison Tate for reminding us how quickly years go by, how important it is to be present in our children’s lives and in those photos to hold onto.


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