Did you know, right now until November 11, 2012, Shell customers who use ANY BMO Cashback MasterCard can save 5¢ on every dollar spent on all purchases at Shell of $45 or more. Any cash-back when purchasing items like gas, groceries and other necessary expenses is always a good thing.
How to make this news of 5 cents bigger, wondered Shell….here’s how: The Shell Give me 5 Contest!
Visit the Shell Give Me 5 Contest page daily and enter to win! There’s 5 Daily Prizes x $50 of Shell Nitrogen Enriched Gasolines and a Grand Prize of $5000 of Shell Nitrogen Enriched Gasolines!
Entering is easy, just click around the virtual Shell station to search for hidden ballots to enter – it takes no time as well, and if you come back daily you’ll probably become very adept at finding them quickly! Have fun!
One of my readers is going to win $50 of Shell Nitrogen Enriched Gasolines! To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below.
I’d finally take the cross-Canada road trip that’s been on my bucket list since I was 16!
I would go visit family all across the country.
Drive to Ottawa to visit the fam
It would really make my commute a lot less of a terror, I could just sing in the car and relax. One less thing to worry about!
Ontario so my bf could visit his family
I would visit the Maritimes like I did when I was a kid!
I’d drive to San Diego. It’s so lovely there.
I would just visit Boston.
I would just use it for my regular gas consumption, and not waste it on a road trip!
We would go and visit Montreal and Quebec City!
no where special… Back and forth to work and play, and save me some money while I’m at it.
Road trip down the west coast.
I would go to the East coast to visit my grandmother-in-law.
I would go to Hawaii – that is my big dream!
I think I’d take the family on the Rocky Mountain Express trip!
From SK to BC! To visit my family. A few times
I’d hook on the trailer and head down east!
I would drive to Maine and visit my sister
To Drumheller to take the boys ot the Royal Turell Museum.
Always wanted to go west. like BC.
take a road trip across the united states both east to west and south to north
Road trip through the Rockies, definitely!
My husband is scare of flying so we would drive to Vegas!
Road trip to Toronto and take the family
Road trip through BC
Off to Disney Land
I would drive acrooss canada, Nl to BC!
We would drive to Disneyland!
rafflecopter name: Lisa K
I probably wouldn’t go anywhere special – just use it for our regular fill-ups and put the money we’d save into our RRSP’s
I would love to go to nova scotia
Definitely go visiting the grandparents….or, on 2nd thought, maybe a trip to the mountains!
I would hop over the border and do some SHOPPING!
We would take a trip to england
I would love to go to california
Road trip to Montreal!
We’d take a road trip to Arizona to visit my parents.
I would go to Ontario to visit family.
I would go to Montana stateside shopping!
I would love to take a trip down the West Coast, across the states, back up the East Coast, and then across Canada back home to BC! It’s ambitious, I know, but it’s a dream that my husband and I have!
Thanks for the chance to win some gas, Tenille!
I would go to Newfoundland
Take the family skiing and drive to Lake Louise and Banff!!
I like to visit Vancouver Island
I would go on a trip to Ontario with my family.
I would love to take a trip across Canada from “sea to shining sea”!
I would pay off a few bills and take my daughter shopping for a new winter coat and boots.
i’d go to fiji – for quite a while….
I’d go to Banff or California!
Straight to Disneyland in California then off to see the Redwoods! Makes me and my husband happy…oh yeah and the kids
what a great contest. I live in a small town so almost everything we need to do is not actually done here. Driving is a way of life for us.
We would drive to California!!
I would go to calgary to visit my brother
We would go to Disneyland! Thanks for the giveway!
I would love to use it to take a trip to Alaska
I would travel to Calgary to visit my son.
I would go to California or Florida
It would help fund a Europe dream
I would go on a cross Canada road trip
I would take my son to Drumheller to see the dinosaurs!
visit relatives in Denver
Would drive to Seattle with family to have a drink up in the Space Needle!
I would go to hawaii
I would go to alberta to visit my cousin
dalleykt at live dot ca
I would go to Disney World!
I would go to Vancouver Island!
I would go to New York
I live in Newfoundland, so I would love to drive across Canada and spend some time in BC.
I’d like to go to Quebec City and PEI
I would travel across Canada. love to go to PEI
We’d go to Banff.
I’d like to drive to Montreal and Quebec City.
Drive down the Oregon Coast, maybe all the way to California.
Maine for my sisters wedding
I would drive to Florida and take my toddler to disney!
New York then down to Florida – to Disney World
Disney World
I would take my kids to Disney!
We would drive to California to see relatives that we haven’t seen in quite awhile.
Well, we’d for sure use some of the gas money to head out to hockey tournaments this winter!! But that would leave plenty left over. Road trip to Kelowna, BC and then up to Whitehorse and back to Ontario should use up the rest – maybe!!
we would take a drive to florida
Oregon coast maybe?
Out east maybe? otherwise, we’re pretty practical. Grocery store, mall, work, home. And so on and so on.
Seattle or Whistler
I would drive to BC to see my sis and her family.
Niagara Falls!!
If I won.. we would travel across Canada
Cross country trip across Canada!!
Oh, that would be a great win. Would love to travel to the west or east coast next spring/summer.
winnipeg to see my ister
vancouver and victoria to visit family
Drive out to BC…never been and would love to visit!
Drive across Canada to visit some family
To Toronto to visit family!
I’d go to Vegas
To Newfoundland!
Definitely Maui!! Hubby and I never took a honeymoon!
Florida to see my brother
I would take my husband where ever he wanted to go.. I think we would go East. He has never been out of Ontario, so it would be well appreciated!
I’d go see my sister and her family in South Carolina
Hmm….so many places to see. I think we would drive to DisneyWorld, East Coast Canada and to the West Coast.
a trip across Canada
I would drive from here in BC to Quebec, to show my hubby and sean the university i went to!
Free gas is an especially good thing to win these days. I’d use it to go visit my sister.
Barcelona…sunny and European!
I am going to Montreal, several times, to visit my son
i’d take a fantasy shopping trip to NYC with my hub
hmmm i would share with my kids so we can all go somewhere, and i would probably go to the states, and out to the country for a long drive, then to montreal and toronto
I am going to Montreal many times
from Sask. hubby and I would drive to the Maritimes as he has been wanting to go for quite some time
I’d go to Alberta.
We will drive to Disney land!!
I could drive to Winnipeg to visit my mom
We’d take lots of one or two-day trips to visit friends.
On a long family drive to see more family
I’d save it for the summertime when gas gets really pricey and use it for summer vacation
I would take my kids to Disneyland!
Maybe Toronto, Niagara Falls, with the kids and wife.
We would probably drive out to BC, just for a family vacation
go to visit my brother
JAPAN!! i want to get a taste of all those new japanese food
I would go take my fiance to Vancouver to visit his family who he hasn’t seen in a long time. :):):
been about 6 years since I was home, would take my 8 year old son Evan to the Maritimes. We want to stay in a lighthouse for a night….bucket list adventure..
eva mitton
I would like to take my family back east or a trip somewhere we haven’t been.
I’d road trip it out to Nova Scotia!
We would go to a Miami Dolphins game.
Realistically – to work and back, every day for about 4 months, LOL!
To North Caroline to visit my friends!
To go see my family after a long year!!!
I would visit my family in Saskatchewan.
I would drive to florida
To work and back! lol That should suck it up in no time!
Roadtrip! Hubby and I always wanted to take a trip through Washington state, down the Oregon coast and then into California.
I’d go on a roadtrip and drive to the states!
We’d drive down to Arizona to visit my MIL.
Road trip around Canada