Giveaways and Reviews

Pledge to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (and help Tree Canada plant trees!)

We can all aspire to be a little more eco-friendly. Some of us are so green they glow, while the majority of moms I know are environmentally aware and try to do their part in little ways to make our planet better and our environment ultimately safer for our kids.  That’s where I fit in.  I recycle, I try and use reusable products in my kid’s lunches and I explain to my kids why it’s important not to waste water or leave the lights on when we leave a room.  In the big picture, I’m probably not eco-friendly enough but I know I’m doing my part and that’s what counts.

I appreciate when companies partner up with others to be more sustainable or bring awareness to environmental issues because this, in turn, trickles down to customers like me!  Take, for example, a program launched by Silk.  They’ve recently partnered up with Tree Canada to give back to our planet by (no surprise) planting trees which is an excellent way to help reduce our carbon footprint.

This is where you come in!

By visiting the Silk Canada Facebook App, you can learn 7 different ways that Canadians can reduce their carbon footprint.  By clicking and pledging to reduce your carbon footprint, you in turn help plant a tree because Silk will donate $1 for every pledge to Tree Canada.  Here’s the best part: you can pledge as many times as you like (Silk Canada is going to donate a maximum of $25K to the program so click click click!)

Even Silk products can help reduce your carbon footprint – Buying a carton (1.89L) of Silk instead of milk helps to reduce your carbon footprint! It generates 49% fewer greenhouse gas emissions and uses 76% less water than dairy milk. Plus, Silk has a host of nutritional benefits too (and tastes mighty good in your morning coffee, especially the Silk True Almond Vanilla!)

Take a moment today (and tomorrow, and the day after that) to check out the Silk Canada Facebook App and pledge to reduce your carbon footprint.  Who knows, maybe (like me) you will learn a thing or two and realize there are easy ways we can all do more.


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