Giveaways and Reviews

Label-Land Giveaway

Next year, I’ve proclaimed that I’m going to have my kid’s back-to-school supplies ready, in their backpacks, labeled, by August 15th which is more than two weeks ahead of schedule.  Why?  Because this year, I was frantically doing this all the night before school started.  Whoops.  Unprepared, I didn’t even have new labels ordered and instead had to use leftovers from previous years which included cars and toy dinosaurs.  Not exactly cool for a kid going into grade 3 but thankfully he didn’t complain!

I just received my new labels from Label-Land last week and can now update the remainder of the supplies I didn’t label in time.  Things like Tupperware containers, jackets, shoes.  Did I mention that my son lost his new jacket on the first day of school and I may never see it again because it wasn’t labeled?  Yup.

The School Pack from Label-Land comes with everything you need to get you through the year:

100 iron on labels (white label with black text)

30 medium waterproof labels

50 mini waterproof labels

2 bag tags

14 shoe labels

I rarely iron so I’m not sure how often I’ll use the iron on labels but I’m glad to have them should the occasion arrive.  The waterproof labels are perfect for plastic lunch containers to help ensure they come home!  We tested one in the dishwasher, on one of the lunch containers we use and it came out looking perfect!

1 of my readers is going to win a pkg of Personalized Bag Tags (2).
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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