Fabulous Frugal Finds

Saving Up for an Engagement Ring

When a man wants to marry a woman, he will do anything to buy her the best engagement ring possible. Choosing the right engagement ring provides a man with a deep sense of satisfaction that he made his fiance truly happy and excited to get married.

To ensure that a proposal is everything that a woman has always dreamed about, a man can begin the process of saving up for an engagement ring as early as possible.

Here are some of the ways that a man can begin budgeting in order to choose one of the loveliest styles of engagement rings on the market.

1. Put money into a CD (certificates of deposit in the US).

Putting money into a CD allows a man to seriously begin the process of saving up for an engagement ring. The benefit of having money on a CD is that the money can also gain interest. Having money on a CD will also keep you focused on the ultimate goal of buying your girlfriend’s dream engagement ring.

2. Avoid splurging on electronics or other expenses.

When you are saving up for an engagement ring for your future wife, it is essential to cut down on spending. Figure out which things you tend to spend your paycheck on and avoid spending on those items for a few months or a year.

Electronics are one of the major items that men tend to splurge on, as well as expensive sports tickets. Avoid spending on these things so that you can purchase the dream engagement ring of your girlfriend.

3. Keep a photo of the ring that your girlfriend wants.

Try to find out the type of ring that your girlfriend wants. Ask her mother whether she wants an emerald ring or a princess cut diamond ring. There are so many options that are available on the market. It is important for you to have an accurate idea of the style of ring that she wants.

She may have the deepest desire for a platinum ring that features a two-carat diamond. Whatever the case is, having a picture of it posted on your bathroom mirror or in your car will keep you focused on achieving the goal of purchasing the ring. You can not lose your focus when you are trying to save up for a beautiful engagement ring.

4. Find the right style of ring.

You can go to a jeweler to receive an “intro” about picking out the right engagement ring. A jeweler will explain the differences between a square diamond, round diamond and princess cut diamond.

When you meet with a jeweler, he or she can also explain how to purchase a particular style of engagement ring on a budget. Do not be afraid to meet with a jeweler for an introductory lesson on buying engagement rings.

When you have finally found the love of your life, there can be nothing more satisfying than making her happy with the ring that she has always desired. Consider these tips when you are looking to buy a diamond engagement ring, and you will definitely make her happy.

 * Guest post by Anna Hicks. About the Author: Anna has been writing online now for almost a year and normally focuses on the topics of personal finance and business. Whether Anna is writing on a finance site or about how to make your home eco-friendly on a budget, you can always find her writing. You can read more personal finance writing by Anna at paidtwice.com

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  • My husband proposed spontaneously… I got to pick out my own ring! But I also had to pay for it on my credit card, because he didn’t have one and hadn’t saved up for a ring, hahaha