Fabulous Frugal Finds

queraboo Canada

queraboo Canada was brought to Canada by mom-preneur Karla Madeira.   Karla started this business after finding such unique and special baby items in Europe but discovering they were not available to Canadian moms.  She took the chance and launched this business, starting with three high-end and unique European brands that are new to Canada!

Yup, just 3 brands that were previously unavailable in Canada are all that’s needed to start an amazing exclusive website here in Canada.  Karla has stocked the online store full of three top European brands that I know moms are going to be excited to finally get their hands on.

Yoomi products have the potential to change how Canadian moms bottle feed their babies!  Yoomi’s signature product, the Yoomi Bottle Warmer, warms bottles from the inside out and no, you don’t have to heat anything up in the middle of the night (hooray!)

In basic terms, here’s how it works – the warmer itself is charged by boiling or microwaving it and once charged the warmer can be stored at room temperature until needed.  The warmer fits at the top of the Yoomi bottle and with the push of a button, it releases warmth as the milk passes through.  Genius, especially in the middle of the night, on road trips or at the park!

Elodie Details is a brand featuring unique and funky pacifiers, clips and matching bottles, sippy cups, caps, booties, mittens, stroller bags, stroller shoppers and diaper bags!

Items include the Elodie Details Gold, Silver, Black and White Exclusive Edition pacifiers and clips!

When I went through the products (all 144 Elodie Details products available currently at queraboo!) I stopped in my tracks when I saw this gorgeous Rockabilly Dot Stroller Bag!  It’s so hard to find baby items in classic black and this one is gorgeous!

Of course the stroller bags come in a variety of other awesome trendy colors and patterns and are only one of the many items available from Elodie Details here in Canada (finally!) thanks to queraboo Canada!

Wallaboo brings you super soft and high quality items including the truly unique and versatile baby wrappers and winter overalls perfect for our Canadian winters.

When I saw the Wallaboo Wraps available on the site I wondered why we didn’t have anything nearly as creative in Canada before.  These wraps come in a variety of colors and fabric types to suit a variety of climates.  Love that they can be used at home or in car seats too!

While looking through the products from Wallaboo also check out the Overalls which again are perfect for our Canadian weather!  They also happen to be on sale at half price right now for $45 (get it before the cool weather comes!)

Interested in finding more of what queraboo Canada has to offer?  Jump on over to the website right now and also make sure you LIKE queraboo Canada on Facebook because very soon, they’re going to be giving away a Yoomi Bottle Warming System to one lucky fan as well as giving away a variety of products from their site weekly through the month of July! All you have to do to be entered is like the page and you never know, you could  get a surprise message that you won!

And finally, all Feisty, Frugal & Fabulous followers will receive a 15% discount on online orders until the end of July by using the promo code: FeistyFrugalFabulous when purchasing through the online store!


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