Giveaways and Reviews

Keeping Up With the Household Cleaning in the Summer

The summer months when the kids are off school are an entity all their own, don’t you think?  Life continues as normal (husband still works, I still work frantically from home) and meals still need to be made as usual, kids need bedtime routines (somewhat) yet there are certain things that slide in the summer.  No school lunches to make, laundry isn’t as big of a deal, and some household cleaning just doesn’t seem as important.

I know I have days when I look around my house and think, “What just happened here, I really need to get on that!”  Today, for example, we have storms rolling through the province so I think I’ll take that indoor-time to catch up on laundry (sorry about you having to use a Hello Kitty towel this morning, hunny!)

Other summer projects that I hope to get done before the kids go back to school – finally finishing off my new basement office (photos need to be framed and hung up, curtains, finishing touches like that), cleaning out our store everything that has no place laundry room, and getting prepared for the Fall OutGROW OutPLAY sale in Saskatoon this September.

If I can tackle the big projects this summer I know I’ll be better prepared once the craziness of back to school hits in September.  Of course, it’s a matter of getting to those projects and that’s hard to do when the weather’s beautiful and the kids are happy in the backyard.  On a day like today when storms and tornadoes are possible in the province?  I think it’s time to head down to that basement and start my cleaning list!

Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group.  The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.


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  • Tenille,
    Any chance that I had during the summer while our son was at our in-laws, I would try to do a little cleaning here and there after I got home from work in the mornings! Then, on weekends off with my husband, we would go through stuff that we’d been meaning to go through for years, and box up things to sell at the church rummage sale in the fall.