Giveaways and Reviews

Evenflo Symphony Car Seat Giveaway

According to Transport Canada over the past two decades, the average size of children has increased, but the safety standards for child seats in motor vehicles have not kept pace. The changes to the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations will update these standards to better align with Canadian requirements and testing procedures with those recently adopted in the United States. Regulation changes include the following:

  • New testing requirement using 3-point seat belt to secure car seats in vehicles
  • Changes to child seats’ dynamic testing to adopt most of the U.S. testing parameters, including using the U.S. acceleration corridor and their performance criteria
  • Increase in the maximum allowable weight limit of an occupant in an infant seat (CMVSS 213.1) from 9 kg to 10 kg and adding the developmental guideline of walking unassisted
  • Increase in the maximum allowable weight limit of an occupant in a child seat from 22 kg to 30 kg
  • Introduction of dynamic testing requirements for booster seats
  • Allowance of harnesses to be used on school buses for special needs children

Parents should be aware of the new guidelines for child seats, and ensure that their child’s seat is not only appropriate for his or her size, but that it is installed and used properly. As confirmed by Transport Canada, there is no need for parents to replace a child seat as a result of the new standards. However, a child seat should be replaced if it was installed in a vehicle involved in a collision; if the shell or material on the seat has been ripped or damaged; and if the seat has reached its expiration date. To learn more about the update to the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations, visit the Transport Canada’s Keep Kids Safe Web page at:

Evenflo makes safety so simple with innovative and easy-to-use safety features, including the exclusive SureLATCH® technology and Infinite Slide Harness™. These, along with other safety features, align with the new Canadian regulations to ensure maximum safety and an accurate, secure fit for children riding in motor vehicles. SureLATCH – an exclusive Evenflo innovation consisting of two connectors for use with a vehicle’s LATCH system – allows parents to simply “click, click, push” for a super-fast, super-snug installation in less than 60 seconds. The Infinite Slide Harness allows parents to easily slide the straps and chest clip for an accurate fit, every time; no rethreading necessary. In Canada, SureLATCH is available on Momentum 65 DLX, Symphony LX and Symphony e3 models. The Infinite Slide Harness can be found on Momentum 65 LX, Momentum 65 DLX, Symphony LX, Symphony e3 and Triumph 65 car seats.

“Evenflo is committed to delivering the highest level of safety to all of our customers,” says Rob Conley, President of Evenflo. “We are proud to announce that all of our car and booster seats are in compliance with Canada’s newest regulations and meet the deadline. Parents can be assured that Evenflo car seats, including those purchased prior to the change in regulations, are safe.”

We were sent the Evenflo Symphony e3 car seat to review a few months ago but I was not ready to switch my light-weight baby into her next step up car seat even though she was getting close to her 1st birthday.  I wrote a post about the debate on rear vs. forward facing car seats and reader’s shared their thoughts on it with me which I immensely appreciated.

I was happy to learn that the Evenflo Symphony e3 car seat can be installed both rear facing or forward facing, and decided that we would install it rear facing for just a little while longer.  That is, until we were about 20 minutes outside the city on an Easter trip to visit the grandparents and Everleigh lost it!  I think it was a combination of a new car seat in a different vehicle (we had to borrow a friend’s that weekend, long story).  Anyway, it turns out that not only is this car seat easy to install rear facing but if you need to switch it to forward facing on the highway, it’s not too difficult to do.  Of course, this is just my opinion since you all likely realize there was no way *I* was the one doing that highway switch! 😉

I am 100% impressed with the safety of this car seat and while the rear vs. forward car seat debate continues, I am confident having my 1 year old forward facing in this car seat. For reference, infants 5-30 lbs can ride rear facing in this seat, and then children 22 to 65 lbs can ride forward facing with the 5-point harness and THEN it can be used as a booster seat with a seat belt from 40-100lbs!  This car seat has also been tested for impact from accidents involving side crashes (I really like the protection around a child’s head as seen in the photos!)

Canadians, you can find the Evenflo Symphony 65 All-in-One Car Seat at places like Canadian Tire, Walmart, and Sears.

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