My Fabulous Life

Oh Kirk Cameron

You were so pretty back then.  Just sayin’.


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  • He was also much ‘prettier’ on the inside before spouting horrific homophobic comments on national television..That really took my perspective of him down MANY notches.

    And before anyone comments on everyone being entitled to their own opinions (which I believe) he went above what was appropriate in my mind..

    • Agreed! That’s why I posted it in a tongue and cheek kind of way. I don’t think he realizes that he was likely the admiration of not only teenage girls, but teenage boys as well back in the 80’s. 😉

  • I was never big into Kirk – always through River Phoenix was the cutie.

    As for his comments – not exactly the way to reach out to others, is it? *shakes head*

    Those magazine covers make me laugh – brought me back about 25 years… that long? eeps!!

  • ((Copied and pasted from his facebook page))

    I recently was asked to join Piers Morgan on CNN for an interview about my new film “Monumental.” During that discussion, I was asked to express my views about homosexuality, gay marriage, and abortion. While that was not the agreed-upon purpose of the interview, I was pleased to answer Piers’ questions as honestly as I could.

    In some people’s eyes, my responses were not sufficiently “loving” toward those in the gay community. I can only say that it is my life’s mission to love all people, and that I expressed the same views that are expressed clearly and emphatically throughout the Judeo-Christian scriptures. As a Bible believing Christian, I could not have answered any other way.

    I’ve been encouraged by the support of many friends (including gay friends, incidentally) in the wake of condemnation by some political advocacy groups. In the case of one of my gay friends, we regularly talk and have healthy and respectful debate. We learn from each other, and serve others alongside one another. I thank God for all of my friends…even when they hold very different views on issues of faith and morality. I do not, however, believe that the right way to advance our views is to resort to name-calling and personal attacks, as some have done to me.

    I also believe that freedom of speech and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand in America. I should be able to express moral views on social issues–especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years–without being slandered, accused of hate speech, and told from those who preach “tolerance” that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square.

    I hope more than a few people could see the large volume of secularist morality being imposed on me. In any society that is governed by the rule of law, some form of morality is always imposed. It’s inescapable. But it is also a complicated subject, and that is why I believe we need to learn how to debate these things with greater love and respect.

    To the thousands of you who have written me letters of encouragement… thank you! And to those who would like know how to further your support, please gather your friends and family, and join me as I seek to show you our true “National Treasure,” at the live, nationwide viewing of “Monumental” on Tuesday, March 27th (
