Fabulous Frugal Finds

Buh-bye Insane Shipping Charges + Fees, Hello SHOP.CA!

Last week I shared my excitement with you all about a Shopping revolution coming to Canada with the launch of SHOP.CA.  I can’t tell you how eager I am to dive in and Shop for all my favorite brands all in one spot, and of course bring you more information as I receive it as one of 4 Super Shoppers with SHOP.CA here in Canada!

I’ve been so frustrated in the past with less-than-stellar Shopping experiences when trying to purchase items from US websites.  My most recent experience was so frustrating that I have since decided I’m done with US Shopping because it’s honestly such a gamble!

I found a great children’s wear store, only in the US, when Shopping in Idaho in the fall.  I was thrilled when I returned home and discovered they shipped to Canada!  None of my friends had heard about this company or their great prices so I was telling them all on Facebook what a great deal Shopping there was.  I ordered $100 in clothes for my 3 kids, excited at the deals I got.  Sure the US/Canadian dollar had a variance from day to day but I still came out relatively ok even with the $15 shipping (which compared to most US companies was a pretty decent shipping price.)

So, imagine my frustration when my good deal sunk the day the courier arrived at my door and informed me that, in order to actually receive the box he was holding, I had to write a cheque for an additional $30 in customs/fees!  I was stuck – say no and watch him walk away with my purchase (then attempt to get my money back, probably without the shipping I paid, from a US company) or pay the $30 and take the loss on my not-so-great deal?  I paid the $30.

While some of the clothes were fabulous, some of the company’s 12-18 items fit more like 6-12 and I was stuck with them anyway because forget about trying to return something to the US once purchased!  AHHHH!

So.  Great prices + shipping + customs + clothes I couldn’t return = bad shopping experience.  I’m done.

Hello SHOP.CA!

SHOP.CA Offers:

– 26 PRODUCT CATEGORIES filled with millions of the world’s leading brands
– clear pricing with NO HIDDEN FEES
– FREE SHIPPING when you spend $40 or more
LOYALTY PROGRAM that can save you 2.5% on every purchase starting right now
REWARDS for being social and sharing, posting reviews, and building your profile

Plus, when you sign up now you receive:

$10 SHOP.CA Rewards on your first purchase of $100 or more when the site launches
– 5x the Rewards for all your purchases until the end of 2012!  The regular rewards amount is 0.5% but by signing up now, you will receive 2.5% Rewards until the end of the year!

In additional to signing up, make sure you follow SHOP.CA on Facebook and Twitter so you’ll get news of the latest deals and products added to the site when it launches!

What about you, do you have any horror stories from Shopping over the border?  Have you ever been hit with a ridiculous customs fee at your doorstep?  Are you curious to see how SHOP.CA is going to be a Shopping revolution for Canadians?  I can’t wait!

Disclosure:  I am part of the SHOP.CA Super Shopper program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.


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  • Can’t wait to check ou the site. I learned my lesson when I rodered a toy from the US and Purolator delivered it. THe fees aren’t customs fees however, they are broker fees. The delivery company says they are customs fees in that it is a fee that the company charges for taking it through customs for you. Customs itself isn’t charging the fee.
    Customs collects the taxes, but the exorbitant fee is all the delivery company.

  • Woah! Is this a new thing? I’m definitely signing up. I HATE shipping from the US, but sometimes it has to be done. Ugh. I hope they have some fabric stores……

    • Yup, it’s brand new to Canada! The site isn’t even live for shopping yet, just sign-ups right now, it’s THAT new! 😉

  • Thanks for letting us know. I can definitely use Canada-friendly shipping…especially if that means Vera Bradley bags are easier to come by. 🙂