My Fabulous Life

“Stuff” My Buddy Tim Says

I’ve mentioned before the genius that I think my friend Tim possesses.  His Facebook status updates always crack me up and I often read them out loud to my husband or friends.  Here is a sampling of some of my favorites, posted with his permission (his name is backwards because he’s job hunting – I think he’s just hiding from zombies).


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  • The burnt pizza/ frozen beer/ pregnant girl one wasn’t an original- I got that one from somewhere else, and I can’t remember where.

  • oh my word – love them…the bull testicles is my favorite and I’m dying to tell my husband so we can share a good laugh! Fun post – thanks for sharing 🙂

  • I think my favourite is “WE ARE DONE HERE”. I’ve already told my husband that I’m going to phone his cell today just so we can test it out.

    If your friend isn’t working as a writer, he should be.

  • I had the pleasure of working with Tim at a job that I didnt overly like, Tim, a guy named Donny and I made it a really fun job just by having fun while at work.
    We also worked with 2 people who hardly showed up at work so he had the idea to take bets on how many days in the week that they would show up to work, if there was a tie it would be broken by us picking which days that they would miss, this seems somewhat normal but withone of the people we bet on they gave horrible reasons of why they could not come into work. (they wouldn’t just say that they were sick) so he had the idea to make a top 10 list of reason that this person could not come into work. the ones that I remember were: a spider was maing a web on my car and I didnt think i should ruin their home. my tires froze to the ice on the road.
    lastly at work I put a an item that I needed to make something at work inside of a drowl, Tim found this out and accused me of stealing company belongings.