My Fabulous Life

How to Get (Sesame) Street Cred With Your Kids

Yesterday, we all slept in after a very late night (due to a late flight coming back from BlogHer).  The kids were super excited to check out all my BlogHer swag and it felt like Christmas morning after they had gone through it all.  Then, as I was editing photos I showed my 3 year old and 7 year old a few pictures with a few furry and reptilian characters.  Their reactions were priceless!  Nevaeh, at 3, could not stop talking about “mommy with Cookie Monster and Elmo” and Elijah thought Buddy from Dinosaur Train was much shorter “in real life”.

I will have to print both these pictures for the kids to keep in their rooms.  It’s adorable to know that after all the swag and treats, what made the biggest impact to them were a couple of characters at the BlogHer Expo Hall that mom was lucky enough to snap a photo with.


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