My Fabulous Life

Hot hot hot!

I can’t even tell you how excited I am for the weather this week.  When I was in Detroit with Ford in June, I was envious of the hot sticky weather my Texas friends were describing.  I’d move there in a heartbeat just to enjoy some of that delicious summer heat.  With temps hovering around 22 Celsius so far this summer (about 71 Fahrenheit) I have been (impatiently) waiting for summer weather here.  Finally, finally, it looks like it may be crazy hot this week (about 98 Fahrenheit) and I can’t wait to get to the splash park, beach and pool to enjoy it!

The long-range forecast is notorious for being off here, however, so if it’s raining and 20 degrees later this week I’m going to be a pretty cranky mama.


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  • I hear you on waiting for summer to arrive, but heat like that is a little too much for me! Today is was mid 20s here (Vancouver) and just perfect if you ask me!

  • It’s beach weather here in Ottawa. I’m glad I don’t live downtown though. I love my 3 acres of Maple trees. It never gets too hot on my hill 🙂

  • The grass is always greener 🙂 We’ve been suffering with hot weather since May (around 34 C as a general rule) and it’s so sticky out that it is painful to try to get anything done outside! Enjoy the warm temps!

  • The temp already went down 5 degrees in the forecast for the “feels like” value. By Wednesday it will be 20 I’m sure, lol! Ok not lol bc it ticks me off…:p

  • You are crazy! I love me some 22, today is way too hot, so was yesterday and the day before! With no AC in house, car and on and off working AC at work, I feel like a snowman melting!