My Fabulous Life

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam, Anyone?

Do you have a rhubarb plant in your yard?  In Canada, it’s one of the few robust plants that nearly anyone can grow in their yards every year.  In fact, you can pretty much ignore your rhubarb and it will still grow, just like the one in our yard by our shed.  I ignored it last year, but this year I’m ready again to make one of my favorite summer treats – strawberry rhubarb jam!

My mom always made it when we went camping (why only when we went camping, I have no idea) and when we moved to a house with several rhubarb plants in the yard, she gave me her recipe, assuring me it was easy to make.

She was right!  It’s simple to make delicious strawberry rhubarb jam, and if you can find a few pretty jars to keep it in – you can feel like Martha Stewart, just like I did the first time I made it.  It’s pretty enough to give away, but after making it I guarantee you’ll want to keep it all for yourself.

It’s worth noting that rhubarb freezes really well, so you can make strawberry rhubarb jam any time of the year but making it in the winter months, with the price of strawberries then, isn’t very frugal.  Now, though, when strawberries are in season and often on sale – it’s time!

5 cups rhubarb, cut up
1 cup sugar
Combine, cover, and refrigerate overnight.

The following day, pour the contents into a pot and add:
1 cup sugar (yes that much sugar, take a look at your regular jam, it’s kind of shocking but let’s just ignore the shock for now…)
Add in whatever fruit you wish – in this case sliced up strawberries. I add in about 2 cups, sliced.

Cook on low for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and add 1 pkg of Jello powder. You can use the same flavor as the fruit you added, or you can mix it up and experiment with other flavors.

Once mixed, pour into jars, seal and refrigerate. You’re done!

Now you can sit back, cross your arms, and marvel at the Martha Stewart in you. You just made jam!

The photo above is from my first batch – I was so proud I took a photo to show my mom!  I used old Epicure jars which were perfect.

If you’re looking for more strawberry/rhubarb combinations, you can find a great recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb Angel Cake and other easy recipes at!

Disclosure: I am part of the Life Made Delicious Blogger program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


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