My Fabulous Life

Things that annoy me at 38 weeks preggo.

1. Bad drivers – and not necessarily old people drivers.  I’m talking about the 17 year old punk who went flying past me yesterday, then as I followed him proceeded to drive his (father’s most likely) truck through every puddle in the street, swearving to make sure he hit them all.  You know, like my 3 year old goes right for the puddles when walking.  Same intellect?  Likely.

2. Ok this one is more directed at older people. Older people who pay their bills in person.  By cheque.  I realize many don’t have computers and know how to make an online bill payment (my parents included) but for the love of all things holy, why oh why are they so slow with the cheque writing??  I cringe when I’m in line behind Miss Daisy and she pulls out the ‘ol chequebook to pay because I know that an infinity is going to pass by before she gets that last t crossed and i dotted.

3. The Fed Ex delivery “dudes” who are too cool for customer service and run to the door and leave the parcel without ringing the doorbell at all!  We have a few different delivery couriers and the recent ones taking this route make me crazy.  I realize you may not be up for chit-chat (believe me, chatting with a twenty-two year old guy with Beiber hair isn’t on my list of favorite things to do either) but at least ring the doorbell to let me know there’s a package there.  Blah.

Vicki Iovine in what’s probably my favorite pregnancy book, “The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy” describes this period before labor as “General Pissedoffness” and I couldn’t agree more.  At least I know there’s a true girlfriend’s diagnosis for it!


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  • Hmmm..does “general pissedoffedness” count all through pregnancy or just right at the end? I fear I may be suffering some of these same symptoms as of late…:)

  • 1) Yes, that would be the same mentality. You need to remember boys mature much slower than girls.

    2)This is why I NEVER go to the bank. Only way a bank will see me is if we need a money order and even then I will send Tobei and I will stay home.

    3)Consider yourself lucky. I HATE one of our delivery guy. He pounds on the door like he is the police (like the do in the movies) and then when I mad dash for the door and open it he shoves the box at me and storms off. Not cool when the kid is at school and I am napping.

  • About #3, I also see the Fed Ex & UPS men often due to product reviews and I am the opposite. Please DON’T ring my doorbell and pound on my door to wake up my son from his nap, only to walk right back to your truck. In fact, I’m writing a note on my door that says “Please don’t knock for deliveries unless signature is required” from now on!

  • At least he leaves you your packages. I had the best one yet. Front door was wide open, my dad was downstairs, siblings running outside. FedEx left a note that no one was home, LOL

  • LMAO Haven’t you had “General Pissedoffness” for the past 38 weeks?

    Personally, I prefer when they don’t ring my doorbell. I have one guy who does it and it is always at the worst time. Our door bell is super loud and wakes up Gavin when it rings at 1:30 (middle of nap) BUT all my FedEx dudes rock! I actually hook them up with my Wilton Treats if they come when I’m making them lol

    • SO true Jennifer so true! (all 38 weeks)

      When DH is working nights and sleeping during the day I’ll leave a note on the door not to ring the doorbell so I can totally relate to that. BUT, these two guys had never delivered for me until this past week so they wouldn’t have been doing the drop + run out of courtesy! (grr.) (grr again.)

  • Ok, 61, obviously not pregnant, still hate those things, too. But my Fed-Ex guy (the regular) rings the bell. It just sets the dogs off.

  • I’m fully programmed to hear the truck from a block away. LOL I can sense the delivery trucks now. Its weird sucks when I get up and its for my neighbour though.

    • LOL LOL Thanks, appreciated! I do realize the blessing that it is….but yeah, some days it’s just hard to be in a good mood, ya know?