My Fabulous Life

Do you text while driving? If yes…why?

Do you text while driving?  Still?  I am continually shocked when I see people still texting while driving, despite the reports and studies showing how detrimental this practice can be to your own life!  People die because of texting while driving, yet those who continue this method of distracted driving feel they are not that person.  You know, the usual, “It can’t happen to me,” syndrome.

In our province, we not only have safe driver insurance rewards but texting while driving is actually illegal – so, not only do you get a ticket if caught texting and driving, you also lose points on your insurance on top of that.

You would think that would do a lot to eliminate this practice but sadly, it’s not the case.  People get tickets all the time, and those same people also try to argue their way out of them either at the time or in court later.  Sad.

It scares me to my core knowing my kids are out on their bikes, even on the sidewalks, with drivers in the streets that are texting while driving and simply not paying attention.  I wish there were a vehicle tracking device to alert me to when a driver has an active-in-use cell phone in the car with them (either because they are talking on it, also illegal here while driving, or texting).  Until that time, I have to be that mommy-tracker, watching out for the drivers who simply don’t care about their own lives to even bother to care about my children’s.

If you do text while driving, why on earth do you think you are capable?


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  • I admit I used to text and drive a lot before I had Demi. I guess it just never “bothered” me before. I now don’t text anyone, I still talk but I use a head set OR have the phone on Speaker in my lap.

    If I’m with someone and I get a text I ask them to read/reply for me. I have an app on my phone though that texts what you say. It’s from Talk to Text which is a good app to get if you are THAT busy!

    • I have absolutely no texting talent, even when I’m not driving (I have a BlackBerry Storm and it’s awful, all touch screen) so I guess I can’t see how people can do it that easily!

      I use my speaker on my phone when I need to as well, most times I make a call in the parking lot before I leave somewhere, and continue on my way. Just takes an extra two minutes to do (meanwhile I’m probably ticking off the person waiting for my spot, whoops!!)

  • If I absolutely have to text while mobile I will wait until I stop or call the person.

    Wouldnt it be nice to somehow turn these people in? Especially when they are talking on the phone, reading, and doing makeup. There was a lady 20 min from us that killed a person on their motorcycle because she was painting her nails while driving. How horrible. And my husband and I almost got run off a bridge because a girl was changing her pants. He was so pissed he followed her and she was in such a hurry to get to the laundromat. I mean, when will people realize things aren’t as important as lives.

  • There are so many shows on this warning people but I still see it too. We were going down the highway and I noticed the driver in the next lane was texting while driving at highway speed. My son in law was shocked when I pointed it out and he stayed a safe distance behind her. We watched her car keep going out of the lane into ours and then back.
    When I first got my car I had a phone in it that worked through the radio. When someone called it the radio cut out and then I could hit the phone button and talk handsfree. I even found this distracting and discontinued it.
    There are enough challenges on roads with potholes, speeders, tailgaters, and those that cut you off. You need all your wits about you without distractions just for normal driving.

  • It’s easy for me to not text & drive because I don’t even have a cell phone! I’ve never sent a text in my life. I don’t even think people should be using hands-free cell phones while driving. Most people can’t even change the radio station without swerving on the road, and yet they think they can carry on a conversation with someone and pay attention to the road at the same time. Who are they kidding? Either you aren’t paying 100% attention to the person you’re talking to on the phone (which is rude), or you’re not paying 100% attention to your driving (which is dangerous).

    Most drivers are bad drivers under the best circumstances… they are cocky and arrogant and think that they are invincible. That’s *without* cell phone/texting distractions!

    I wish that the law would change so that if you are caught texting/phoning while driving, you lose your cell phone for 6 months (or longer!) And not just the phone itself… the whole cell phone plan, so that you are completely unable to use a cell phone until you realize that a) you could have killed someone while texting & driving, and b) no phone call is that important – it can *always* wait until you have pulled over safely.