My Fabulous Life

Head Cold + Very Pregnant = Miserable

Anyone have any advice for how to deal with a head cold when you’re pregnant?  I’ve been trying to google safe medications to take for sinus pain, pressure and all that fun stuff but most of the drugs mentioned are available in the US only (thanks Canada.)

I’ve tried a humidifier (which, truthfully, made last night better than the previous 4 or so), warm showers, warm baths with essential oils and a facecloth on my face (which briefly made me feel like I was suffocating!), lots of liquids and Tylenol when I need it (like first thing this morning because it felt like my nose was going to explode…yay.)

I’m sending hubby to the drugstore while he’s working today, hoping that the pharmacist has some options that I can safely take.  I don’t need cough syrup because it’s not in my chest (yet) but OMG get out of my sinuses!!!!!

Seriously, how much snot can one body produce??

/This weekend’s preggo rant over.


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    • Terrified of the neti pot, lol, I’m pretty sure I’d drown myself (my husband uses one though and I watch in mock horror!)

  • I’m so sorrrrry! Not fun at all. I have no idea what medications in Canada you can take… I guess calling a nurse would be the best option. You could drink honey-lemon tea (just add lemon and honey to hot water or chamomile tea).

    I’ve never used a Neti pot either and don’t want to! lol

  • You could try calling Motherisk-it is a help line based from The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. They research medications etc. and determine if they are safe during pregnancy.
    Here’s the info from their website:

    Motherisk’s Home Line – (416) 813-6780
    for information about the risk or safety of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, herbal products, chemicals, x-rays, chronic disease and infections during pregnancy. [This is a toll call to our Toronto call centre. Callers may have to wait up to 10 minutes to speak to a counsellor.]

    There is also a toll free number: 1-877-439-2744.

  • You should try the neti pot. My 15 year old was terrified of it and she can do it. Whenever I get a cold, I always end up with a sinus infection. Since I started using a Neti Pot…I havent had any sinus infections and the length of the cold seems to be shorter. If you really can’t do the neti pot, use saline solution. It’s safe…and it helps.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  • The Nasal Med line also has different types of their saline nasal rinse containers, the neti pot being the most have to realize that the saline (the salt) will help your sinuses to shrink and the saline will rinse out your sinuses and rid of congestion…mentholatum is also awesome to use, using nasal spray is another good way to help you short term..hope you get to feeling better 🙂

  • So sorry you are sick. I spent a good part of my first pregnancy sick, particularly the last month. I finally gave in to the Neti Pot – it saved me! Gross, I know but really worked. Felt better instantly. Good luck!

  • I used the netipot burned my nostril/inside my nose and started choking on salt water the taste of that stuff running down ur nose to ur throat is gross. I would use it again though if I was that congested and make sure I let the water cool off a tad more its amazing how sensitive the inside ur nose is haha.

  • Eat hot food (spicy) to get your nose to run. Use a nasal saline spray. Run hot water in your sink and put your head over it. Use a big bath towel over your head to build yourself a cocoon. More effective than a bath because the steam stays in your little tent (well until your sink gets full… but you can drain the water and start again).

    There are no meds that are safe during pregnancy other than the saline spray.

    Drink lots and lots and lots of fluids.

  • What a sin, my go to was vicks vapo rub…..I was and still am freaked out with the neti pot things, I can’t do it. Hope you feel better soon. xo