My Fabulous Life

I Need Healthy Bed Side Snack Ideas

You know that image of the very-pregnant woman, standing in the kitchen in the middle of the night with the light from the fridge casting a glow on her belly as she looks in the fridge for a snack?  Yeah, that was never me.  I somehow avoided most of the typical-pregnancy afflictions – no morning sickness, stretch marks (hey there’s still time for those, just wait) and no huge weight gain (but not for lack of trying, I have a very close relationship with McDonalds these days).

Lately, though, I’ve been waking up sometime around 2am with the absolute need to eat.  This isn’t a “hey maybe I should have a snack” kind of feeling – no, no, this is a sore tummy, growling sometimes.  It’s essential that I eat but the problem is finding something I can eat in bed.  Why?  Because it’s winter in Canada and it’s cold and dark in the house so sitting at the table will wake me up completely!

My snack of choice for the past (gulp) few weeks has been chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk (ok ok I do grab the milk quickly from the kitchen but the cookies are already waiting for me by the bed).

Not the most nutritious snack and…well…it’s caused another problem altogether. My facebook status the other day:

I can’t even blame the crumbs on my 3 year old who likes to watch movies in our bed (ok, maybe I did once).  I need something obviously more healthy (though the glass of milk works in my favor, right?) that doesn’t make the baby party for the next 30 mins afterwards either (oops).  I tried a banana the past 2 nights, and that was ok.  My sister though asked, “But what about the fruit sugars in that?”  I countered, “As opposed to the sugar in the cookies?!”

So, preggo or not, what are some good healthy bed side snack ideas for my middle of the night cravings??


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