Looking for a great gift for under the tree that is educational and fun for preschoolers? Leapfrog has you all set! All Leapfrog toys are learning toys of course, but their DVD collection is a real winner in my opinion. We’ve been fans of Leapfrog DVD’s in our household since Elijah was 2 himself (so 4 years ago or so!) He was a very early reader, reading basic words before he turned 3, and Leapfrog DVD’s were his favorite!
This Christmas, Leapfrog has released the Leapfrog Learning DVD + CD Set Volume 2 just in time for the holidays (release date was November 2nd). Volume 2 features Math to the Moon, Word Caper, and Math Circus DVD’s as well as a CD with 13 fun songs for kids that focus on ABC’s, counting, learning days of the week and more. We’ve never heard the Leapfrog CD before so that was a fun addition to our collection. Elijah really likes the Math to the Moon DVD the best but they are all beneficial and capture both kid’s attention. Now that Elijah is getting older, Nevaeh is the one thriving on the DVD’s. I’ve been a clever mama and have been mixing these DVD’s into the collection in our van for roadtrips – you can’t top having a quiet kid in the backseat not only watching a DVD but learning while we whisk down the road!
All three DVD’s in this set are recommended for ages 3-6 and the CD is recommended for ages 2-6. The Leapfrog Learning DVD + CD Set can be purchased at places online like Amazon.ca
, or your favorite toy store or department store.
1 of my readers is going to win Leapfrog Learning DVD + CD Set, Volume 2, this holiday season! To enter, simply tell me who you would like to win this for.
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This giveaway will end on December 16th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.