Looking for some new Christmas music this year? Sure, we all have our favorites but it’s great to hear something *new* along with some of the classics (as much as a Christmas tune can be called a classic!) I remember when I worked retail, and we’d be listening to Christmas music for over 2 months straight – it was so refreshing to hear a new Christmas album.
Now, one of my favorite groups from my high school years (did I totally just date myself here?) is releasing their first Christmas album. Wilson Phillips brings me right back to my 14 year old self and oh how I loved them then. When I had the opportunity to check out their new Christmas release of course I jumped at it! Fortunately, I received it in the mail the day after Remembrance Day here in Canada so I was able to pop it in the CD player right away (hey, we have rules in our household, no Christmas music or decorations until after Remembrance Day).
Curious what Wilson Phillips is singing this holiday season? Here’s the track listing!
- I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day
- Little Drummer Boy
- Warm Lovin’ Christmastime
- When A Child Is Born
- Christmastime
- Silent Night
- Santa Clause Is Coming to Town
- Silver Bells
- Sleigh Ride
- Joy
- Winter Wonderland
- The Christmas Song
- Our Prayer
Pick up Wilson Phillips ~ Christmas In Harmony
this holiday season for yourself or as a gift for someone special. The music is light, harmonious and makes you feel good – just like the Wilson Phillips I remember.
2 of my readers are going to win Christmas in Harmony on CD! To enter, simply leave me a comment here telling me what your favorite Wilson Phillips song is.
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This giveaway will end on November 23rd at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.