On a recent weekend morning, Nevaeh and I snuggled in my bed and checked out the latest DVD release from Ni-Hao Kai-Lan. Princess Kai-Lan had Nevaeh captivated from beginning to end. Princess Kai-Lan takes Kai-Lan and her friends to a magical kingdom where foxes and bears live together but don’t get along.
The foxes and bears are separated by a great wall. Though a tiny hole in the wall, a baby bear and baby fox meet each other and realize they would like to be friends. This isn’t allowed, and Kai-Lan and her friends visit both palaces to speak to the Fox King and Bear Queen to find out why the groups do not like each other.
Ni-Hao Kai-Lan focuses strongly on what it takes to be a good friend. The show encourages children to recognize how others are feeling (“Do the foxes look happy or sad?”) and teaches children how to resolve conflict and be a good friend. Kai-Lan is successful in helping the foxes and bears become friends, and as a reward she is made the princess of the new kingdom this unification has created “The Friendship Kingdom” (or “The Kingdom of Friendship”…bad mommy, I couldn’t remember for sure!)
The DVD also includes two more Kai-Lan episodes – Lulu’s Cloud and The Moon Festival – for 96 minutes of viewing time.
I have 3 copies of Ni Hao Kai-Lan Princess Kai-Lan
set aside for my readers! To enter, simply leave me a comment here telling me who you would like to win this for.
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This giveaway will end on October 26th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.