Giveaways and Reviews

Hoover FloorMate

Oh what a change it has been moving into a house with predominantly hard flooring throughout. Our old house had a lot of carpet so this is definitely new to me. Our entire upstairs is all hard flooring and the only carpet in this household is on the stairs and in our basement. It’s taken some time to get used to hard flooring (walking in bare feet can get annoying, for example) but overall I love it and can’t see us going back to carpet in our next house (yes, I have to think of the next house as we move on average every 5 years or so with my husband’s job).

Hard flooring requires a different approach to cleaning with specific products needed. Sure, I could probably use a vacuum to suck up the dust and crumbs but then I’d also need to get on my hands and needs and actually wash the floors afterwards as well. I am a stay at home mom but contrary to popular belief, I don’t spend my days washing floors and doing laundry. Besides, I have a blog to write! Who has time to wash floors?!

I was sent the Hoover FloorMate to check out and couldn’t wait for this puppy to arrive. The morning after I received it, I headed out to take my son to school and when I returned my husband had already taken it out of the box, quickly read the instructions, and was already cleaning the hardwood floors in our living room! At 9am!! A part of me was annoyed that he took out my new “toy” to play with first but then my sanity kicked in and I realized that anything that could get a man to clean the floors, without being asked, at 9am, is a pretty amazing.

Check out the features of the Hoover FloorMate:

With the Hoover FloorMate, you can vacuum, wash (with scrubbing brushes!) and then dry (with a squeegee!) your floors. So, in an average cleaning day I start by using the Hoover FloorMate to vacuum and get the little dust bunnies hiding under my couch and against the baseboards. The 13″ wide cleaning path is a huge difference from the handheld mini vacuum I was using before – I can cover more space in less time this way.

Once the floors are free from dust, dirt, and crumbs I then begin the scrubbing/cleaning process.

One of the best features about the Hoover FloorMate is that it has 2 water tanks – one for clean water and cleaning solution, and the other where the dirty water ends up.

That’s right, no more cleaning your floors with the dirty water in a mop pail (love love love).

Though I do love the simplicity and chemical-free design of my steam mop, I also really like the smell of ‘clean’. You know, the bottles of fresh cleaner that make your house smell like it’s been cleaned from top to bottom? I don’t get that smell after using my steam mop and wondered if it was counter-productive to use a cleaner and my steam mop just to have that result. The Hoover FloorMate comes with a 16oz bottle of hard-surface cleaner. Just a cap full is enough for a tank of water.

As I clean the floors, I’m also drying them as I go with the squeegee on the bottom. Basically as you’re cleaning you’re leaving behind an almost-dry floor
in your path which is super for a household with kids. Before, I had to plan to mop my floors when the kids were either already in bed or outside playing, to ensure they wouldn’t slip on the wet floor or make footprints in the drying floor (as cute as they are, little footprints drive me crazy when I can see them on my just-cleaned floors!)

My steam mop has not been used since I received my Hoover FloorMate. I thought I might, considering it’s a more slim design than the Hoover, but then I discovered that the Hoover FloorMate is actually quite compact, with a handle that folds all the way down, and therefore can fit in my linen closet within reach for cleaning when needed.

There really is nothing that I don’t like about the Hoover FloorMate – it exceeded my expectations and is a fabulous product for households with hard flooring. I’ve suggested it to friends myself already.

1 of my readers is going to win a Hoover FloorMate of their very own (ARV $179.99)! To enter, visit Hoover and then leave me a comment here telling me which of the Hoover FloorMate features like most.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on June 30th at 9PM CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.
