
Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery?

What would happen if one magazine were stealing content from another in an obvious way? What if images were blatantly stolen, articles swiped and printed and passed off belonging to the editor of a brand new magazine? Clearly this would result in a lawsuit in ‘the big world’. Heck, even in high school plagarism can get you in serious trouble.

Why is it that in blogging, mommy blogging, things that would never fly in the workforce routinely occur? A recent post by Amanda at Natural Mommie makes me shake my head and wonder – if someone in the workforce pulled the same plagarism that happened to this blogger, the scenerio that would unfold would be quite remarkable. People would get fired, or severely reprimanded.

In mom blogging, ideas are stolen all the time. Bloggers sometimes get very protective over contact information, competition to gain the ‘best’ review or giveaway and of course the almighty stats. STATS!! STAAAAATTTTTSSS! This claw and kick method of getting to the top of the mommy blogger mountian is ridiculous and most of us are able to shake it off and keep on writing because we love what we do, and we ignore the people that tick us off.

Take a moment to read Amanda’s post: Defending Your Brand {when other bloggers try to steal it} and give some thought to what goes down in the blogosphere every single day. Spiteful emails, blatant plagarism, and in some cases that I’ve read about, outright threats of physical harm between bloggers. Mom bloggers.

Blogging can mean big business, and because of this things can get quite nasty. If we let it. Check out this great article from Passion for business: Someone Stole My Site! for fabulous tips on what to do should this happen to you too.

Create your brand, pay for a good web designer instead of stealing images (honestly, you want something original to represent who you are) and be nice. That’s what your mommy taught you.


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